Stopped using Yas Forums in 2012

>stopped using Yas Forums in 2012
>come back 8 years later
>2 months in, mfw
Why the hell is Yas Forums so filled to the brim with normalfags now? All this talk about their gfs or daughters or wives and all this Yas Forums crap

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this board is just r/gaming now

Yas Forums is basically a battleground between ideologies now. There's the "stop playing vidya and have kids" pricks. There's the "troll Yas Forums by posting a trans flag in the OP" pricks. Then there's everyone else who revolted against both by posting anime titty non-stop.

Pro Yas Forums or anti Yas Forums
I see more of the latter

"stop playing vidya and have kids"
based chads trying to save people from a degenerative lifestyle

Those 'normalfags' are just the same anons you used to talk to, only they've grown up.

Because of gamergate shining a light on this cespool.

It's like that old saying about dont act like a retard and be surprised you attract other retards thinking they're in good company.

Now everyone tries too hard to be edgy and needs to discuss how playing as a chick is emasculating or some shit.

I hardly ever come to this site anymore besides to collect porn.

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Here you can see one of them now. This endless pointless war over an user's sex lives baffles me to no end.

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We just want to save some people
Mostly those that hardly post in the 1st place

These filthy normalfags are ruining this site for everybody. It's the "weirdo" un-normals, the kissless virgins in their late 20s (who were the majority in this site) that made funny and insightful discussion of anime, vidya, etc
Now it's a normalfags who can't give anything interesting and just parrot shit they read or watch.

Nobody needs your salvation you narcissistic cunt.

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Preaching to the choir mate, I hate modern Yas Forums culture.
I think the largest amount of demographic damage was done in the post-2011 years when GoT fags invaded Yas Forums and then started to spread out.

Every board on Yas Forums is basically the same it's Yas Forums or Yas Forums shit wrapped in it's board's subject

Don't forget when they complain about in-depth games or proper discussion because they don't have timen for it.

I'm just putting the thought that "maybe screens that supplement achievements in real life" isn't so good for a person to be playing 6-8 hours a day. Personally I realized it was bad when I realized it replaced any time I could use for any skills and that I lacked any talents or skills.

I don't care. Yas Forums isn't place for you to evangelize your favorite lifestyle, if you want to help people who are actually looking for help go to /adv/. People here do not want your help in the first place.

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again just putting thoughts in peoples heads
I used to be an ignorent fuck
ignorant people don't try to find new information
New ideas came from what other people have said.

You're not just putting thoughts in people heads, you're annoying, invasive, and off topic. Go the fuck away if you don't want to enjoy vidya like the rest of us.


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Then the battle continues I guess. Nobody is going to change because you tell them to though, if anything you just engender resentment and stubbornness.

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I'm gonna make a Yas Forums but only for cool people who participated in Oregon trail threads and Yas Forumsingo

Arguing about degeneracy on Yas Forums is even more of a waste of time.

resentment come more from a response to aggression bigotry and ignorance

The 2016 election really changed things for the worse

>Yas Forums - video games
>this is the place I should go to preach about how bad video games are!

Yeah that's why I'm going to do a dope fast tomorrow.
Persides arguing is a good mental exercise, and can be great for refining your idealogy


Even with Yas Forums being shit i'm unable to leave because every other place is dogshit
Yas Forums truly is Yas Forums 2.0 with occasional good vidya discussion

My personal lifestyle choices are none of your business. You do not know me and you cannot judge whether or not the way I live is good. This is true for everyone here and not just me. Get off your high horse, you aren't some superhero, you're just a faggot.

I cant wait to play vidya with my kid,so i shitpost endlessly on v until i can do just that. It beats the misery of raising a child

Can you really not see how "you're a shitty person and the way you live your life is wrong, stop being you." would resentment? Because that's what most normalfag posts amount to when you get down to it.

You're a waste of a human.

I see you're finally showing your true colors. Tired of playing the hero already?

i resent you. get the fuck off this subreddit. i mean board.

>games filled to the brim with social justice, niggerism, feminism
>bUt WhAt AbOuT Yas Forums???
You're not fooling anyone you piece of shit.

It wasn't only Yas Forums
Yas Forums had the fappening
Yas Forums and the election
/mlp/ being /mlp/

Maybe you're such a huge normalfag that you don't even realise it but you don't wish to help anyone, you only want to feel superior.


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Do you also go to brothels and talk to people about family values?

>nooo there is a minority in my videogame this is literally white genocide wtf *posts 16773562 threads every day about it"*
A pig will always find mud, as they say

2011 is just the first big event that very clearly changed the way a board acted, for me at least.
I only started posting in 08.

Useless mods

NEET threads are always derailed by election universityredditors and corporate wageslaves

>bUt WhAt AbOuT
Nice twitter meme faggot.

The only games that have that shit are AAA, which was garbage from the start regardless.

Welcome back.

Yeah, because it's perfectly normal for white countries to keep making games about you niggers even though nobody wants to see you in media. Also it's perfectly normal for you shitskins to be portrayed in ancient greece, middle age europe, ww2, etc :)

Triggered much?

Indieshit is full of it too.

So who is the best eggman?

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Some of it sure, but there's so much indie stuff that it's not hard to get away from.

Because people wouldn't shut up about the chan and how edgy it was so normal fags came here and never left.

The PINGAS one.

stfu and go back to Yas Forums nigger

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>Yas Forums is basically a battleground between ideologies now.

All the political fighting makes me feel very out of place on Yas Forums these days. I'm not really political either way myself, and I remember when shitposting on Yas Forums was mainly just stuff like "Rustled Jimmies", instead of political fighting.

I know how you feel. For some reason everyone needs to control what everyone else thinks these days. I really don't understand why it's like that.

Hi nigger

His golden nipples phase made me uncomfortable.

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This, Yas Forums used to be awesome, now it's been co-opted by retards same as the rest of the internet.

Tomoko is Yas Forums approved.

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I remember when Yas Forums hated tomoko because she reminded them of themselves and Yas Forums loved her for exactly the same reason.

>been here for 2 years
what a dumbass

>Tomoko is now making the others around her spill their spaghetti
I would never have guessed Watamote would have gone on for this long back then.

I have to imagine because Yas Forums wasn't generally predisposed to a certain way of watching schoolgirl slice of life and Yas Forums was.

I just want to jack off to pics from a girl from Yas Forums in cute clothes or just naked
Am I asking too much bros?

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