Attached: On a Rail.jpg (1920x1080, 392.73K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>a remake that ISN'T shit
Weird times we live in...

it is shit though


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I've yet to play 1.0 but the previous versions were all shit. On top of that, you can't mod it the way HL1 is able to be. You also can't shit out random maps for it that are nothing but empty boxes with rival NPCs, and still have fun, because the AI uses a different system.

Do grunts still have auto aim?
Got tired of getting sniped from across the dam in that one level.

Half Life Echoes is way better anyway.

I thought they were going to put On a Rail Uncut and Surface Tension Uncut in the final version. What happened?

The game still feels like mod ever at 1.0. I had AI turn invisible and just not respond to stuff. Not sure how this game is so highly rated on steam.

>Half Life Echoes

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It is - the level you revisit 3 times and every time Xen structure slowly consumes more and more of your world until the soldiers go full 'nam on it, is crazy good.

They brought in the guy that made them, but they didn't port over the Uncut versions. They instead tweaked and expanded them, though how much I never checked.

They did put Surface Tension Uncut into the final game, and drastically overhauled it, but only because those areas were supposed to be in the game but had to be cut originally, because the original dev responsible for it dropped out.

On a Rail was always intended to be extremely gimped / cut down from the start, against their better judgement, because everyone felt BM's version of it was way too short and basic. As such, OaR uncut wasn't going to be included officially.

>You also can't shit out random maps for it that are nothing but empty boxes with rival NPCs, and still have fun, because the AI uses a different system.
What do you even mean?

Do you not like this mod or what

The assassin's nerf was a bit excesive

here we go

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its happening

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isnt she beautiful?

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I can't look at Black Mesa without thinking about DSP's walkthru of it. And I can't look at anything HL related and not think about FULLY MODELED, BRIDGES, TREES AND SHRUBS

They're only gimped in the first encounter from my experience. For whatever reason, they're completely braindead when you encounter them at the end of Apprehension. They're much more difficult when you encounter them at the end of Forget About Freeman. They never stop moving. It pissed me off.

we did it reddit!

Attached: fly away freebird.jpg (1920x1080, 308.9K)

ferns, not trees and shrubs

I love the beginning parts and the radio messages in Black Mesa, makes it really feel like a "oh shit everything's fucked" situation when you hear those Emergency Alert System screeches and hearing soldiers being walked through applying a tourniquet to their bloody stumps

they've also added army zombies. I don't remember these before 1.0

Attached: army zombie.jpg (1920x1080, 249.85K)

I saw a bunch of old maps got a overhaul. Do they actually play like the original now? I remember playing through sueface tension and the map redesign and new AI meant you were forced to peak corners and snipe enemies, instead of constantly moving and playing agressively.

have you recently played on v1.0? I did a playthrough recently and noticed that those Emergency Alerts were nowhere to be found. I was wondering if that was a glitch or they took it out.

He means creating a custom map with very simple design and having hecus in it is not fun because the ai in black mesa is a downgrade from og hl

so youre upset it isn't 1999 and the game isnt half life 1. nostalgia bitch, stfu and save your "criticism" to yourself.

Last time I played was the Xen betas, and they were there. I'll play again and find out

Thought so too. The assassins were frustrating but rightfully so. They need to reverse that nerf and people need to git gud

I thought it was shit because the AI and the balancing sucked before their overhauls for 1.0.
I haven't played it yet, nor Xen, but I'm about to jump in.

There are people unable to crouch jump.
I highly doubt it.

Nevermind I reloaded Office Complex and heard it. Must've been a glitch.

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they were way too easy. I just crouched in one of the offices during the first encounter because there's a 100% guarantee that they will jump on top of the shipping container in a certain way since that one tiny section is the only part where they can be in view of you.

>HEV Zombies

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Replaying original HL1 before jumping into BM

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I saw the auto crouch jump in the options and instantly thought of phil

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I wouldn't recommend this.

>1.0 release
>didn't absorb the Hazard Course mod
That shit was so well done. Why the fuck didn't they include it?

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I would recommend this and make sure you set the console command:

gl_round_down 0
gl_texturemode gl_nearest
default_fov 120
fps_override 1
fps_max 1000

And in the graphics menu make sure you check the box next to Low detail mode. It turns off the bullshit anti-aliasing vaseline filter they apply to the game nowadays. Do this before entering the console commands because changing graphics settings will reset all that shit.

Uhh bros?

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Also add these to your launch options through Steam if you know how

-noforcemaccel -noforcemparms -noforcemspd

This will turn off the mouse acceleration. Using the console has mixed results for most people.

I wish the kept the 90's military aesthetic of the original HECU, the new ones are too modern and tacticool

Attached: HECU_BMS.png (340x475, 253.93K)

>all this bullshit
just grab the OG game of the year version off the internet archive you dummies.

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Why does Black Mesa's "updated" version of Source looks worse than Dark Messiah?

HL1 grunts were more squat and bulky. They also had a bulkier vest.
Good news is that there are mods for that.

I could have sworn there were hecu zombies already. The HEV zombies in Xen are a neat touch. It's a shame that there are only a couple and they go down so quickly.

What makes you think that?
I'm looking at Dark Messiah right now and I call BS.

Even with all the fancy effects, the Source engine kinda looks fucking ugly without a good art style and presentation to its environments and assets. BM trying to be a detailed sci-fi realism that doesn't actually have an art style until Xen results in all of the Earth content looking really bland in terms of artistic design.

No, with the latest updates it's actually in a really good place on steam. Ideally yeah play the original disc version with EAX and shit but otherwise this is fine.

>go in expecting HD Xen
>get a third Half-Life expansion instead

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jesus christ why is this game so unoptimized
i get like 40 fps sometimes with a gtx 1060 on some of the surface tension levels along with some of the xen ones, like come on this is just the source engine
i still love replaying this game nonestop like a autist though

>have an art style
It's industrial sci-fi with 50s vintage décor.
The art style of the world is actually pretty dang close to HL1 I'd argue. Things diverge on their interpretation of Xen.

>take nearly a decade to fix xen
>has all the same problems but is just prettier now

>fourth Half-Life expansion
You do know about Decay, right? That mod is actually a fan port of an official expansion on the PS2.

Because the homebrew version of source they've cobbled together is a nightmare.
source: the devs.

Am I the only one who thinks most of the music doesn't really fit the game? Except for a couple of tracks like when you suit up in the HEV, the lobbyroom ambush, or XEN, the music doesn't build the same kind of tension.

What mods are you using, I only see shitty reskins on the workshop

It doesn't quit being a contrarian.

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My biggest gripe looking at 1.0 is that they've taken Valve's philosophy of treating every single player like an absolute retard and constructing an on-rails theme park instead of letting players do as they please and have fun.

Most of the music in the original game was literally just stock music layered over each other.

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my framerate tanked in the rocket launch section but then in all of surface tension has been fine... dunno what the fuck is up w/ it

What, did they do some massive level changes in 1.0?

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No, they didn't he's spouting nonsense rhetoric like all schizos that seethe over HL do

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l-l-look at how soulless this looks, g-guys

totally d-dude

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>all these gameplay ideas and genres layered over each other
That's literally what Half-Life is about.
Doesn't matter that the music is simple; most of it was okay.

BM's soundtrack didn't really fit but a couple tracks.

>no bhop and gauss jumping

don't care

>When you realize the emergency alert system getting exponentially worse the more times you've progress through the game

They've proofed what were some scripted sequences and added a bit more gating to keep players from backtracking at any point outside of multi-objective hubs.
Also saw in the patch notes that they'd supposedly simplified some puzzles when all the puzzles were already brain dead simple.

>You do know about Decay, right?

If you assume he did, why the fuck did you then go on to explain what it is?

Both are in