Okay enough time has passed, what did you think of it

Okay enough time has passed, what did you think of it

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It's vanilla WoW. I got mostly bored after a while, but my brother is really into WoW and plays it every day. I'm happy that he is able to enjoy it again.

Are you me?

First time WoW player. I enjoyed the world and group dungeons and stuff but ditched the game immediately once I tried raiding. Not for me.

It's alright at first but gets boring real fast, just like pretty much anyone with common sense predicted

The min/max mentality ruined PVP in general.

played it for a month
got bored of playing WoW, as it was ultimately just retail without flying mounts and the other crap. Got to the point where I could have double standards and talk shit about blizzard games when I was giving them a months sub money. So I stopped my sub and left.

Unsubbed after a month as a boomer, simply because of the community

excited to play again once I have a job

Community ruined it and I unsubbed after 3 months.

I'm at the point that I'm raidlogging, but I'm the best healer in my guild so I feel obligated to keep up my subscription

Retail wow is already bad
This is worse than retail
Only nostalgiafags will defend this unfinished game

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Literally made Asmongold quit streaming all together and reevaluate his life.

why is the first thing you zoomies post about relating to games is what the e-celeb streamer did?

I had an absolute blast leveling and getting me pre-raid bis, the game really has some amazing design choices with itemization and how a multiplayer RPGs should flow.

It's still 15+ years old so it's going to struggle with ultra min/max mentality of 2020. But nothing feels better than when you had a task in front of you to get you out in the world and start playing eg. Epic Mount Farm, Getting pre-raid bis.

Hopefully we can see something in the classic+ or non-blizzard devs pick up on classic sensibilities, I'd much prefer that to BC.

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I'm not a fan of vanilla. I know the content in exhaustive detail so you're not going to find me struggling at leveling for more than some 5-6 days /played, even when I don't optimize solely for leveling speed (playing for the longer term working on attunements/gear/professions/whatever, finishing quest chains because my autism compels me, that sort of thing) and this makes leveling not very not a major part of the game, and vanilla the premier raidlogging expansion only second to Wrath. However, vanilla endgame is worthlessly trivial and the mechanics aren't sophisticated enough to make it compelling even with custom tuning (but at least you should make bosses feel like bosses by buffing them so they don't die in 15 seconds or being tankable by dual wielding fury warrior popping recklessness and death wish).

That being said, I kinda like leveling in the old world leveling and probably would have played Classic to do leveling content that Actually Works just for a change (as opposed to private server standard of all quests being completable but RP details and such like being largely absent), if it wasn't for several disastrous decisions Blizzard chose to implement. For example, layering probably was the worst of all worlds option: you still got megaserver (megalayer) populations the game simply wasn't designed to work with and the server some of my friends played on had 10 hour queues. That was enough to persuade me to not even touch Classic, but pretty much every other decision Blizzard made was also terrible: lack of custom tuning if only to the extent of compensating for final patch talents, BFA server architecture optimized for sharding being unable to cope with lots of players in the same place, poorly thought-out artificial progression timeline (buffed R14 gear at this stage for example is just patently absurd), completely ignoring server balance issues, outrageous exploits unheard of even on private servers, batch processing that's not even blizzlike...

Giant ass trees do not block line of sight
Absolute cancer

Raided for three months, burned myself out grinding honor for 16 hours a day, quit shortly after BGs were released, now I'm back playing XIV and destiny for my MMO dopamine hits
the community on my server was fucking horrendous
still salty that Nostalrius died for this

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I'm glad it did just well enough to justify BC servers where the game finally gets fun.

they were so fuckin greedy that they didint allow people to have retail and classic launched at once unless you had 2 accounts

and because of that i didint resub and everyone who still plays is a fuckin addict, grinding in another mmo like he did a couple years back

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>flying mounts
>daily islands
>shared capital city
>blood elves
TBC was the beginning of the end

draenei were probably the worst retcon tbqh

It got boring after the first couple months so I quit.

Still playing it. It was awesome in the early phase but the community is pretty bad and all the raid content is faceroll.

BC and WotLK were where I had the most fun so I look forward to them since they never got much private server attention and even now their private servers are busted shit.

Way more fun than retail though. Fucking blizzard killed that game with all the chores they added.

>draenei are ally
>bloodelf are hord
for wat purpose?

>classic +
>done by modern blizzard

That's a hell of a monkey paw you're shaking there.

Hitting Grand Marshal next week, met some nice people and i'm in a fun guild that plays other games on the side

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Because Draenei were literally added near last second and they planned for Pandarians but decided to push that off to an expansion because of idea fairies.

That and they needed to make Horde popular because of server balance.

Game is still really fun but the modern community is complete and utter trash.

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I didn't start AV until after the rush and after the premade nerf

I haven't even seen the Frostwolf base. Literally every alliance game starts with "rush drek", then they get wiped in the mid field because you can't beat horde advantage on speed.

Then literally like half the time throws in the towel and goes afk.

Like why even hop on AV if you want to lose that bad?

Current player mentality / everything about the game being researchable with ease ruined it.

I got to 56. I plan to resub after I finish this semester of school, but I'm worried it will be impossible to get groups. I don't want to be part of a big raiding guild, I just want to fuck around.

I only do AV to pad my honor cap when im 2-5k away, don't expect easy exalted now that blizzard ruined the fun of fun premades shitstomping horde

It works against russians (eu) and it also works really well when you have a 5 man team veer off and make 20 hordies recall to the keep, since most of the alliance queuing are either playing hearthstone/doingtheirlaundry/watchingstreams while playing, then you just simply become accustomed to that meta

I dropped my desire for don Julio and storm strike hammer after loss 30. My guild is 8/8 in BWL and three of the dps still show up in greens. I'll probably get upgrades before I get exalted.

>he doesn't like being locked in his chair for 4+ hours at a time just to not get the piece of gear he needed because the worse player contesting for the piece is a female


Is there a pvp server that isn't insanely skewed in one factions favor?

Around the time Naxx came out there was a revamp to dungeons that got more people into then. I dont know about now since bis has been pretty determined, but you may find groups then.

Played an orc to lvl 52 had fun doing dungeons with people
After i reached 100 gold and seeing that an epic mount costs like 800 or 900 gold i just didnt want to bother anymore i still had fun with it but i respect my time too much and theres way more interesting vidyas to play

Benediction on the US.

Stelagg is a good meme server though.

Imagine needing 4 hours to clear any of the raid content currently available in Classic. Even casual raids are clearing in like 2 hours, you're shit.

>implying I play classic
Unwise of you to assume, autist :^)

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Then don't talk about shit you know nothing about, dipshit.

it was fun until it wasn't

You seem angry, kiddo. Perhaps you should sit out a few rounds to, ya know, let the big kids talk.

Still playing
Can’t wait for tbc but that will turn all servers 10/90 in favor of horde

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting, faggot

Uhh, my guild takes 3 hours to clear MC with pugs and has yet to clear Razorgore

Fun until you get to 60, raiding and pvp is shit and theres nothing else to do

Who said anything about irony? I think you're confusing yourself.

Your guild is shit then, find a better one.

Me and my mates burned out after level 40.
We kept talking about our goals, then we thought about how much time it would take. Then I realised I wasn't programming as much and I missed working on my projects.
Then we realised we lived through all this once before and we're different people now.
Also, the game is just fucking boring. There's no skill, there's no improving at the game, and everyone is min/maxing which is completely sucking the fun out of it.

Mostly true. Personal problems also affected his decision to quit for now.

You're a faggot and this discussion isn't productive. Don't come into threads pretending to know what you're talking about because you'll be outed like the faggot you are.

The community is the worst part of this game. Quickly devolved from nostalgia to pure elitist faggotry in a matter of days.

All of the shit in this game just takes so long because blizzard gets monthly checks by their players
Its literally just a skinner box

Burned out after getting all the gear I needed from MC/Ony
Guild fell apart shortly after I left, so it all worked out

>Personal problems
Meaning he's realized that he's rapidly approaching middle age and has done nothing with his life except sit in his moldy room playing a dying game. Making phat stacks while doing so is nice but money cant enhance a life that has nothing to it, aside from trivial aspects like having a nicer PC or affording wendys every day.

Not even that, I've raided in other MMOs and was my guild's MT for years in a different game. Didn't enjoy the atmosphere and feel of raiding in classic wow and was dreading the amount of consumable farming and shit I was gonna have to do to be competitive in parses so I noped out.

What's it like being a neet?

>You're a faggot and this discussion isn't productive. Don't come into threads pretending to know what you're talking about because you'll be outed like the faggot you are.

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Bad because it supports China.

Literally me
Except im 23 and feel that way about all videogames lately

Having your entire endgame devolve around raids is retarded as fuck wow couldve been a masterpiece if blizzard didnt listen to the autistic everquest devs and the raid meme they pushed

Get out in the world. Do something. Set and aim and work towards it, and when you fail, meditate on what went wrong and try again.

Basically how I remembered it.
It was good at the time since it was new, the community was decent, and I could stay up all night with friends pvping, raiding, or just bullshitting.
Now there is nothing new to do, the community is shit, and all my friends have long since stopped playing.

Repetitive and the character gear looks like ass because none of the pieces fit together

He's right though, why come in and post about fantasy scenarios that don't happen? Any raid with more than a single functioning brain cell between them can clear ALL the current content in the game in less than 4 hours, and any raid capable of that'll be smart enough to not give loot to some underperforming e-thot.

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