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Sad to say this user. But this thread will die very quickly because a lot of people here aren't interested in Dreams.
I'm working on a beach. I'm in bed so I can't show it and its mostly assets I've just pasted in but I eventually want to make a stealth game where you sneak around in the shade and avoid the sun and beach goers.
Also my only real complaint about dreams is you can't make objects transparent. Only paint. So to do water effects you have to paint a layer above the block so it looks like it has depth to it.
Would love to share some stuff but I've already shown off everything im making and I havnt made any progress on any of my creations lately sadly.
>Yas Forums would rather talk about gay vampires and twitter posts than a game like Dreams
I'm not surprised anymore, but I do hope something changes and the game gets some traction. I have no idea what could do that though, Sony really fucked up with the marketing for it and MM probably won't put out another game like Art's Dream for a few ears if ever.
Is there any adult game already made in dreams?
Even if they're were it's not like you could upload them so you'd never get a chance to play it.
Right now I'm making props like idols, statues, and figurines as practice. Figuring out how to make props into weapons already have a hammer I made before.
Is it like a kid's perspective game?
Updates will fix it
The 100% will put out another big game like Arts dream. Just as you say not for another couple of year.
But I think the VR update which is soon and the online multiplayer will be a good opportunity for them to make shorter experiences to highlight those. Like not as big as arts dream but much bigger than the shitty template mini games.
The game has been selling like 10k copies a day since release sonic think it will just keep growing like that.
I hope so. Some water might be nice too, although I imagine fluid physics would be pretty thermo expensive.
What's the name of this? Is it even playable or is the creator keeping it locked down and showing it off stream?
This is cool
Splattys adventure. A few levels are out.
What are some recommended dreams?
Not got a webm yet but I have made a pretty big breakthrough with my Dreams 92 logic.
Sprite creator is now 2x resolution and let's you paint with any colour.
Haus of Bevis
Do robots dream of electric imps?
Super great job, human
Ball world adventure
What kind of dreamer are you Yas Forums? Do you just play shit? Do you make shit? Do you specialize in anything or just dabble in everything?
What controller method do you use?
Still going through tutorials myself but it's been fun learning. I don't know if I'll ever have enough time to make something really worthwhile but I'll try to make a simple game at least once.
make it a nude beach and the objective is to sneakily steal female swimsuits and im in
Looks incredible
I've played a decent amount of stuff but the only level I've published was a joke intended to be one of the simplest games possible where you just move left and right to avoid bullets fired slowly at you.
But then I updated the gameplay slightly as another joke.
And then added a title screen and some music.
And then expanded the gameplay again and created detailed scenery, lighting, and background effects.
And then added some cryptic lore and the beginning of a story mode.
At this point I almost don't want to work on it anymore since the logic is starting to get out of hand and I'm a brainlet but I feel compelled to keep the "joke" going.
I was making a big post and then it all got wiped. Fuck this website. Here's my upgrade system.
I barely play stuff, I'm mostly want to make stuff right now learning everything. Juts use the basic duel shock controller.
Upgrade for what?
I play some stuff and look at sculpts and stuff and collect it all in a collection.
But mostly I create. I would say I excel at game design. I can't sculpt incredibly well and my knowledge of logic is probably slightly higher than average (I know how to use everything and can figure stuff out but I can't/dont do complex maths).
I have an Mm pick, my stuff has been shown on stream few times and they've shown my stuff on stage at expos.
Mark Healey (Founder of Mm) keeps sharing VR footage on his YouTube.
Can't be more then a couple of months away.
I'm amazed how fast the load times are in this.
Yeah because you have the engine/creations tools installed it doesn't actually have to save or load assets (other than audio). It just saves every edit you do whilst creating a thing and then rebuilds it when you load.
Redpill me on thermo. What happens when you go over it? What clogs it up the most? Can you sacrifice some FPS to add in some extra detail to your scenes?
That's awesome user
It's a fucking mystery to me. How you can near endlessly copy a complex structure for next to no therms but slapping a bare cube down can give you a +3% is whack. Like I do understand the principle of using complex "base" blocks for multiple purposes but how it works and how far you can game the system is beyond me.
Graphics is effected by complexity of sculpts and count of unique sculpts. Smart use of sculpting and the sculpture detail tool can keep this down.
Gameplay is mainly effected by object count. You can circumvent this by making more complex sculpts and use less than making simpler sculpts and using more.
E.g. Making a wall out of brick sculpts will be 100s of single objects, making the full wall in 1 sculpt is 1 object.
The biggest hit to fps is usually due to over use of physical paint so just use it sparingly.
If you use test mode you can see a bunch of heat maps for different things which can help understand what's having impact.
For example overlapping sculpture actually has a negative effect on FPS because of something called "Overdraw".
You'll pick stuff up as you go and get used to it all.
Smart use of cloning*
you're not supposed to make anything that's actually good
Kinda creepy. Got eyes like he's high on painkillers.
wtf why does this rule
It's pretty fuckin cool
My robot gladiator gameplay demo
Beat the waves of enemies and fight the boss at the end
>Imperial Arena
how long does shit like this take to make?
All skill dependant I guess. That robot and scene probably took a few hours of actual game time. It actually animates to mic input too.
Dreams makes stuff pretty quick. Takes most people a week or so to do all the tutorials and get comfortable with the controls though.
Not on ps4 but have added to play later so will give feedback later.
Thanks user
This is a new enemy/follower I’m working on. It’s based off the Boston dynamics robot dog. It’s arm thing on top is fully articulated and it has a working run and idle animation. I also just made an attack animation for it
Looks very close other than the paint/material but maybe just the lighting.
Spot mini is a good design for some enemy robots.
Is it possible to create competitive/adjustable AI for board games like chess or Ur? Is it possible to make it at all?
nice. check out black mirror if you want some inspiration for enemy behavior. iirc an ep in s3 or 4.
No chess game with Ai yet but there are connect 4,mancala and abalone with Ai.
Badass adult Kairi?
Ya I think the yellow turned out too light. It needs a bit more orange in it. Right now I’m kinda using snakes and scorpion tails as inspiration for the arm attacks, mixed with dog-like pack behavior for the enemies, or dog follower
Woman from perfect dark I think.
come the fuck on
That or the woman from Dino crisis.
Idk, my brain is covered in a thick smog of drug abuse.