Fallout 4

For some unexplainable reason I got an itch but I know I'm probably gonna waste 3 hours modding my game only to get bored of it again after 10 minutes of actual play.
Do you know of any mods that kept you hooked user? Or is it the same irredeemable POS as ever? Surely there MUST be a mod out there that makes this vidya worth playing, even if for a couple of hours...

Also general Fagout thread

Attached: fallout 4.jpg (1280x720, 245.69K)

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Why are you getting bored?

Similar situation, except it now crashes after I replaced the RAM. Nothing else crashes, just FO4. No idea why. I'm reinstalling it now to see if that fixes it, but we'll see.

It is a curie waif simulator nothing has topped it in that category

I quite like Fallout 4 as a sandbox even in vanilla.
I should buy the PC version and mod it.

play FROST

that's not how you spell piper


Exact same situation here, I spent hours today tweaking stuff on mods and then played the game for only a few minutes. There's just nothing I want to do in the game, the combat is extremely dull and that's pretty much the entire game.