Animal crossing

>animal crossing
>xenoblade (port)

wow...they're really pulling out all the stops against ps5/xsex

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>Portable BFBB rehydrated
They won

>doom eternal, portable

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How many exclusives do those consoles have again? Oh, right.

well sony has dreams, TLoU2, Ghost of Tsushima on top of all the major multiplatform titles (as does xbox) which the switch lacks

>doom eternal, 30fps

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fuck you emet-selch stable 30fps for a game like that on hardware like that is great

>30fps for a game like that on hardware like that is great
that's the problem, nintendo's trash hardware

the last time nintendo was strictly superior to all other hardware available was the nes

yes but the hardware was still decent until the wii


I don't even want another Direct. I genuinely wanna see how long Nintendo can go without another "general Direct" until Nintendo fans start picketing outside their NYC store (or their offices in Redmond, Washington).

this is your brain on Nintendo Direct deprivation.

Remind me what are Sony and Microsoft even putting out?

But PS5/seXbox dont release until holiday season 2019
Which means the only time period that Nintendo actually needs to have huge releases available is around thanksgiving/Christmas time

What's the release date again? Oh yeah...
Doom has always and will always be a pc game, playing it on something else means you're not an actual fan.

This. That’s the only upcoming game on Switch I’m really looking forward to

>selectively not remembering all the console ports of doom, doom 2, quake, etc

Remake. Big difference.

Lol ohhhkay. I’ll keep playing it on my Switch and just be a “fake fan” I guess. Not like it matters

So basically fucking nothing? At least mention Bloodborne, dipshit.

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does the PS5 have ANY games yet? The xsex has halo I think but I honestly can't recall any ps5 announcements.

oh I don't know, entirely new consoles that'll render the switch obsolete for third party developers?

xenoblade is clearly a ground up remake

multiplats don't count. everyone on this planet owns a pc

I was obviously talking about 2020 retard

>multiplats don't count.
they certainly do when they sell the most on PS with third parties focusing development on sony's platforms as a result

>render the switch obsolete for third party developers
they're making cheap-to-develop-for handhelds that can easily support a large community of smaller developing studios?

Oh wait, you mean theyre pushing out ultra high definition 4k whatever so that devs like capcom and squeenix are incentivized to put even less gameplay in their cinematic experience flagships

Animal crossing is going to outsell your favorite IPs.

there certainly isn't a huge middle ground between these two subsets of companies that won't abandon the switch due to the power gap, not at all

Animal Crossing will unironically sell more than every PS5 and XBOX SERIES X launch title combined.

There are no middle studios anymore. You're either Compile Heart or you're EA.

now list the ps5/xsx games

Doesn't mean that was the best way to play doom.
Yeah, why do you think when people associate doom, they associate it with PC. Doomguy literally has a 3 monitor pc setup in his fortress.

fuck off nintendo scum

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>compile heart
so a company that develops for playstation over the switch? what are you trying to prove?

>the best way to play
doom on keyboard is absolute trash, though

Your acting like PS5 and Series X are going to come out this year

Corona really fucked them up

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>TFW we are safe from the meme virus

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>how many exclusives do those consoles have
>well sony has dreams, TLoU2, Ghost of Tsushima on top of all the major multiplatform titles (as does xbox) which the switch lacks

They obviously weren't talking about just 2020, idiot. It doesn't matter that you didn't understand that.

>implying it’s an alliance

Nintendo exclusives are more valuable, everybody on this planet buys PS4 and Xbone for shit already on PC

>BotW 2
>Bayo 3
>Metroid Prime 4
>Bravely Default II
Nintendo won.

well my thread is about this year and the upcoming consoles so that faggot can suck my cock

no you fuck off console waring faggot

>T. Toaster owner

They have all of 10 PS4 titles in the entire library, compared to some 40 titles between their DS and Vita eras. They have two new titles in the past two years with a third on its way in july. Their option for this generation has been to stop making new games.

They are doing a lot of switch ports though.

holy shit

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>uncharted 4: 16+ million
>God of War: 10+ million
>Horizon Zero Dawn: 10+ million
>TLoU: 17+ million
>Days gone: 7.5+ million
>Spiderman: 10+ million
don't think so

none of those games are coming this year except for bravely default II which will probably get delayed anyway

It's not like the xbox sex or ps5 are getting anything this year.

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xsex has multiple games announced, I'm sure whenever sony reveals ps5 we'll see some shit too. That aside, the prospect of new consoles alone is huge especially when the power gap will render the switch obsolete in terms of multiplats, and it's not doing so hot in terms of third party exclusives either

>xsex has multiple games announced
That will also be on Xbox One/PC.

>had to resort to using a PS3 title

most of the sales are on ps4, Not like you can really give it shit for that when people bought the switch for botw

The point stands, on it own, the switch is literal trash.
Without PC you are nothing.
What console do i have?

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It would be super cool if the Nintendo Direct was on March 10

Keyboard and MOUSE, though...

>nintendo direct's on march 10
>over half the direct dedicated to mario shit because of it

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I'm not sure if either of you have played doom with its unmodded controls before, but its a trip. You turn with the AD keys and you walk by dragging your mouse up or down, with walk speed determined by mouse sensitivity.

Would be my favorite direct

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And it was still the best way to experience doom
Jesus Christ, what is wrong with console fags

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BotW at least released on both systems simultaneously.

>And it was still the best way to experience doom
it is not that hard to emulate simple Dpad controls on a fucking keyboard, and they had years of first person shooters and a full decade of flight sims to take example from. the mouse shit was pants on head retarded.