What are your three (3) most-played games, for better or worse?

What are your three (3) most-played games, for better or worse?

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1) Team Fortress 2
2) Return to Castle Wolfenstein
3) Quake 3 Arena

I miss being a kid

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SimCity 4
SimCity 3000

You now remember that Kids Next Door is never coming back

Dark Souls

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>he got Cree
damn its not fair

Smash Bros (series)
Pokemon (handheld series)
Zelda OoT

based and simpilled

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you sir, have a god taste

League of Legends
CS:GO or Animal Crossing

delete this

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3. Dota 2 (3000)
2. TF2 (6000)
1. FFXI (14,000)

Rainbow Six Siege
Smash Bros 3-5

>nintendies showed up

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>1. FFXI (14,000)

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League of legends
Borderlands 2
Mass effect 1 or 3 it's pretty close

How the hell do you guys play a game over and over for thousands of hours in some cases, and not get bored of it?

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Godlike choice

Sonic in Smash Bros

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And I accomplished very little. I've met people who only played 2000 hours and did more.

i have 2000 hours in stellaris
its not very good, to be honest. but i wish it was.

3) Team Fortress 2 ~1200 hours
2) Fate Grand Order ~somewhere between
1) Final Fantasy XIV ~4000 hours

It's depressing because aside from TF2 I fucking hated most of the time I spent playing FFXIV and FGO. They're more addictions than anything, and in that time I could have learned another language or an instrument or to play the stockmarket or something useful.

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I feel Numbuh 4's misery there.

I'll play TF2 until the servers go down.

Mods make Stellaris infinitely better. Planet Modifiers, More Events, Expanded Traits, Expanded Traditions, More Ascensions, Gigastructural Engineering. Game opens up a lot when you've got mods at your disposal in ways PDX will never make happen.

1. EU4
2. Bloodborne
3. Stellaris

Though Dark Souls 1/3 and Hearts of Iron 4 are high up on that list too. I'm sure I'll get there with Sekiro as well.
That said if I had proper hours tracked for older games something like Master of Orion 2 Kingdom Hearts 1 or Diablo 2 is probably up there.

I'm glad you can enjoy it still, but my interest in the game died back around the Solder/Demoman update.
Overwatch is the methadone that cured me of that particular craving. Now I'm just bitter and empty.

I tried Overwatch, but I always find myself coming back to TF2.

Animal Crossing: New Leaf (300+)
Stardew Valley (100+)
Skyrim (???+)

1b. League of Legends
1a. Jedi Knight 3: Jedi Academy
3. either Civilization(across 4/5/6) or CoD W@W

Wally x Kuki OTP

>CoD W@W
The last CoD I enjoyed

Dark Souls 2
Resident Evil 5

God tier taste, I know.

>Apex Legends
>Team Fortress 2
>Pokemon Platinum
honorable mention

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Diablo 2
Dota 2
Team Fortress 2

I still remember that tune after all these years

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I don't really enjoy multiplayer stuff.

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I press both

Does almost yearly play throughs as count?

I played DK64 a lot

The other 2 would probably be Gravity Rush 2 and Skyrim

1. osrs
2. league
3. terraria

Tough choice, but erase red

It’s fine

The last episode was a good finale

Pokemon Blue
Vice City

Probably. I rarely replay stuff and I never play online games but those are things I just put on and played for a few hours every day for years in my early teens.

Green easily

only one I watched on green is samurai jack so taht one

the only one on red i'd give a shit about as an adult is ed edd n eddy and everything on green is based

Since there's so many TF2 responses here, how do we fix TF2?

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1. Terraria
2. Dark Souls
3. Darkest Hour

makes milennials butthurt
makes zoomers butthurt

It’s such a meme faggot move to make a post like this

Why do you want to erase anything at all?

It doesn't have to because it ended very well and given the garbage direction CN is taken over the last decade, it's for the best to keep KND retired

Let b4nny call the shots and lead us into a new golden age of multiplayer FPS

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this, it's the ultimate boomer/zoomer filter

TF2: ~3900
MHW (PC): ~1200
UMvC3: ~900 across a few consoles/PC
If a series as a whole could be counted it'd easily be Monster Hunter, Pokemon, then TF2.

You don't. Community servers gradually dying off was just one sign of the apocalypse that was matchmaking.

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Make TF3 instead.
And don't make it free to play.

Dota 2

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It's beyond saving unless the devs suddenly remember it fucking exists.

Ill never understand XIV, it feels like such a shallow MMO compared to the other shit on the market

desu tf2 being f2p is probably the only thing keeping it alive rn.

Team Fortress 2
Vampire Savior
Unreal Tournament 99

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Its more of a life support system imo

1.)Smash Bros. (Series)
2.)Pokemon (Series)

I'd hate to do B&M and Jack like this, but EE&E and Courage are national treasures, plus you can't have TTG if Teen Titans never existed

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Team Fortress 2
Garry's Mod
GTA Online

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It's a refuge for old-school Final Fantasy fans.
Square Enix doesn't make games like they used to, and the only thing they've produced recently (ie. in the last two decades) that matches the tone and style of older FF titles is XIV.

It also has an ongoing plotline that's still developing, which gives it an appeal like Game of Thrones in being an incredibly long-running serial that's fun to follow along with. I think recently it won the Guiness record for longest credits sequence.
You definitely don't play FFXIV because it's an MMO; if you're an MMO player you probably -wouldn't- see the appeal. Rather, you play XIV -in spite- of it being an MMO.

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