You destroy every xeno artifact you come across, right adept?

You destroy every xeno artifact you come across, right adept?

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Yeah, sure.

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i always investigate them because i want to become a necron

Quick, post favorite Adeptas or Ordor

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How much flesh does a guy like this have? Or are they basically a brain in a jar?

Haha, yeah. Me too user. Hey, can you say that again, but into this small microphone I have installed on my chestplate?

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Adepts usually have most of their body excised and replaced with machinery, so it's hard to tell. That guy is most likely mostly robot.

Mostly a brain in a jar. The higher the rank the more they replace with technology. But I'm pretty sure that guy is dark mechanicus given what looks like Necron tech on him.


I just think the Deathwatch are cool as hell.

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Correct, after i study them to find their weakness and construction. Log the schematics and fully reverse engineer them to provide an edge in defeat of the xenos.

May the emperor protect.

Hey guys maybe the Eldar and the Fallen Angels aren't so bad

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I'm just saying, they helped me a bunch of times.

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>Movement canticle right up Ubjao's ass before he buffs
>Ignore armor canticle firing squad Neftusk
>Call Reinforcements a Kastelan right on top of Mhelob
Should have stayed in bed fuckbois.

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Oh yeah? You know who helps you ALL the time? The Emperor.
T-though their form fitting armor is stimulating something within my emotional vaults...

the awkward relationship between the empire and the mechanicus of mars is one of the most interesting bits of fluff in all nerd fiction.

Think about this for a second: every person you've ever met in your entire life has never seen a xeno artifact they didn't destroy.

This guy slaps your gf's ass with a mechadendrite, what do you do?

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The boss fight for the last Necron boss opened up for me recently. Is the game over after I do that fight?

>chaos emblem thingy around his waist
definitely dark mechanicus

Magunus did nothing wrong!

What's with the massive round metal belly?
It makes him look like he's pregnant

Are dark mechanicus adepts brains in jars or are they just abominable intelligences? Come to think of it, does chaos use robits?


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inquistion are such narcs. tech is tech mate, stop being such a massive fleshy vagina.

>TFW you trick them into thinking you're worshipping the virgin emperor instead of the chad void dragon at the centre of mars.

>Yas Forums favorite universe has nigger as one of God-Emperor's sons

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Why is the combat in mechanicus so incredibly slow

more time to enjoy the music.

Why the fuck is so cute, Mechanicus brothers?

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I mean, one of his brains is a woman's.

but vulkan isnt black
hes literally black
like jet black #000000 black

Why would anyone become a follower of Nurgle?
>can become an beast warrior to defeat my enemies if I follow Korne.
>can experience the best orgasms if I follow Slaneesh
>can become a wizard and play 4d Yu-Gi-Oh if I follow Tzeentche
>can... be filled with pus and snort if I follow Nurgle?

>Titty mole

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To get relief from what ever pain or disease you suffer from.

So dark mechanicus are literally mechanicus but with no ethics

How are they not straight up better than mechanicus?

No ethics?

Because they only care about adding deamons to machines.
They are religious cultists just like the loyal ones.


Khorne, Slaanesh, and Tzeentch worship basically overrides your personality. Nurgle loves you and likes you just as you are, he just wants you full of coronavirus. And you don't even feel it or particularly suffer ill-effects from it too. Nurgle's a chill dude.

Vulkan left his chapter like a black father leaves his child. He is 200% black.

do you live under a rock?

Literally what is Inquisitor: Martyr

It's the cowards choice then

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>tfw no qt sororitas gf

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No pain, ever.
Super big happy family to be with forever.
Lots of friends to make.
Become a walking avatar of decay, a virtual juggernaut capable of wading through small arms fire to give everyone papa Nurgle's personal blessing.
Get to laugh at the Eldar's skank mom in her cuck cage.

>all Salamanders art now is just black guys instead of just guys with jet black skin

that's the problem with tourists; the irony of Yas Forums is lost on them

Geneseed corruption/weakening

qt sororitas are non canon.
Enjoy your angry scarred up helgas

Cain made qt high school sororitas in power armor canon. He also made russian space lesbians canon.


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imagine being an obese moribund fuck up N33T who hasn't showered in weeks, lives in a pile of old cum rags, MTN Dew cans and pizza boxes and is generally considered plague scum by all civilised society.

then imagine there's a god out there who will love you and every plague sore on your body. he'll love you for exactly what you are and you'll spend every day feeling incredible as your open sores and sense of self loathing transform into a state of religious euphoria.

nurgle is your friend.

I really like mechanicus. But sometimes I start a round where 2 super destroyers one shot a priest. Finally decided to no longer play with permadeath, starting a new run tomorrow.

>He also made russian space lesbians canon

Pain immunity
Disease immunity kinda
Your body basicly functions via magic depending on what you are hosting
Also Nurgle is apparently pretty lenient and chill compared to the other gods and enjoys a good joke.
That said I'd still end up following Khorne

I'd go with Slaanesh, though probably not willingly. I'm a coomer through and through.

One of the minor guardswomen in the Valhallan regiment is referenced as being a lesbian. Not major points or a character of note, though she made it into at least two of the books.

For the record, space marines are the worst part of the 40k setting by a wide margin, and don't think I've forgotten the Dark Eldar.

>40k books
>read one about my favorite faction
>first 2 chapters are just about how big that chapter's dicks are and how cool and big and strong they are
>realize this is the entirety of 40k and only follow the games from then on
All 40k lore is Imperial propaganda. The games are best when they treat established canon as a joke.

>Implying 40k books are actually canon either
You foolish fool

Only because they make up 90% of the content for 40k. Space marines are boring and that is coming from a Chaos____ Space Marine player

Canon or not, its fucking awful. The books are terrible, the game is terrible, the models are terrible. The video games are a lot looser and are better for it.

>only like Tau
>consistently treated as black sheep at FLGS and in online discussion
>get told to fuck off to Infinity
>what's Infinity
and then I never looked back. Much better game and universe.

Well you'd probably hate what they're doing to the Tau now.

i like the tau and the imperial guard quite a bit, and if you mentally erase just a few bits of stupid canon the imperium shit is incredibly fascinating, as this user noted if you view the imperium as the late roman empire in civil war and the other civilizations as like huns and franks, the whole thing is sufficiently compelling.

Tau has a pretty bad stigma attached to them and because of that everyone hates Tau players. The shield drone Triptide lists definitely haven't been helping.

>wanting anything to do with those lunatics

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Mechanicus is tempting me to look into the cult of Mars. Any books about it?

I never played the Blood Ravens or the IG campaing for Dark Crusade, but how do they justify both sides coming in conflict? Has there everbeen any instance like this in the lore?

Youre looking at a picture of a stubby man wielding 2 wolverine claws on an alien planet and you're worried about lore?

how do I get the graphics to be...good, I guess? In-game they're super blurry and there's fuck-all detail.

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I submitted them to the Inquisition as well as the Ecclesiarchy as per protocol

Yeah. Are the claws also not in the lore?

Conflicting orders from the Chain of Command, both receiving orders from their highest commanding offices. Both tell the other to stand down and both refuse. Notably, Thule has the renegades from the IG stronghold executed for being traitors, and honors the Lord General after his death.
It should also be said that Thule's commanding officer, Chapter Master Kyras, was secretly a Chaos Worshipper at the time, and likely pushed the conflict for his own gain.

Surely you meant Stubbsy.

>if you view the imperium as the late roman empire in civil war and the other civilizations as like huns and franks
Great, now I have an urge to watch someone play Total War Attila again.

In Dark Crusade
>IG: We reclaim this planet for the Imperium (and kill some Eldar for what happened in Winter Assault)
>Magpies: We have orders to purge this planet for the Chapter and look some relics.
>IG: Fuck you, we got here first.
>Magpies: Fuck you, we want those relics.

>tfw the recruit forgets we have a chaplain

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I dunno what's wrong with me but I always get a full negative outcome in literally every single room encounter.

I was pondering the question, and I think there's exactly one thing everyone can agree on: thank fuck they didn't give orks dicks.

Why did Tiresius have to die bros? He was my favorite character and I thought it was super charming how Faustinius would cater to his old protege’s whims.

Do not misconstrue my statements, brother.
The chaplain had to approve my request for the transfer of xeno materials, form 1140A-Y.
I even had the tech marine with me that day

Yeah, fuck Leandros

Magpies were under strict orders from their Chief Librarian who also doubles as their Chapter Master.
Kronus hid some dark secrets that the Blood Ravens could not let any one else find out and Thule had to blindly follow those orders and even in their ending the Inquisition stops by to check on things