Father-daughter game

>father-daughter game
>the daughter dresses like this
What was Ken Levine thinking?

Attached: liz.jpg (1200x889, 283.35K)

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You’re supposed to want to fuck Elizabeth


Attached: i think.jpg (1280x720, 196.8K)


show bobs

>bird necklace
literally a faggot drew this

>don't sexualise my daughteru!!
>more porn gets made

Attached: mission.jpg (300x168, 7.72K)

>incest = good
wtf I love infinite now

he was thinking about sex, obviously

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>90% of her art is sucking or fucking cock

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Well I think Fred is the worst member of the Mystery Gang

What's wrong with that?

Weren't the initial plan to go full Oldboy?

>its somehow "ok" to cut off your dick and say you are a woman nowadays
>but a father can't have a hot and healthy relationship with his daughter

Pure cringe

Every woman is someone's daughter, user.

truth in logic

t. Ken Levine

handrubbing intensifies

>but a father can't have a hot and healthy relationship with his daughter
don't have sex.

Actually great opinion.

>Bird necklace
>It's not a cock
Wasted opportunity, desu.

Attached: love cocks.webm (240x360, 462.82K)

Let's see

She's not my daughter in all timelines.
In one timeline, you're my child, and I'm going to fuck you for being a little bitch.

it's pretty shit.


I'll fuck it all, doesn't matter what it is. I exist to fuck all.

Holy cock.

Aww, that's a cute little baby T-Rex.

seriously what is this?

That is one magnificent cock.

what exactly am I looking at here user
whatever it is, it warms my soul


It was kind of a red herring. Levine wanted the player to think Liz was a love interest so you wouldn't think you were her father

seemingly 20% of it is dog


>mfw the only stuff of her i look at is her sucking another elizabeth's cock

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>90% of her art is sucking
Much like 90% of her game sucks

Ya but the only good stuff is either her with a dog or futa!Liz fucking a bigger titted version of herself

The original idea was supposed to be that she was Lady Comstock
"Muh big daddy connection"
The scene in the airship after she kills that girl was supposed to be a hint towards that

Best part of the game was going to the future and watching her be a psycho dictator with fucked up followers. With that said, post more Elizabeth.

he was thinking "i have boner"

he was thinking about it logically

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I love watching that bitch get fucked by dog knots

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Why did Elizabeth kill Bookerinstead of the twins when they are the ones who caused the whole issue?

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everyone with a brain had the same verdict.

Honestly? Booker probably wasn't her father early on, just like he was voiced by Stephen Russell or Comstock looked completely different.

the twins are immortal/outside of time, literally impossible to kill them

God the sfm was so fresh and pure at the time I loved every second of it fuck disgusting futa niggers tho

>BaS brings the series full circle
>Combat actually fun
>Story is solid even with timey wimey shit

Why does /v? hate this game so much? Is it really only because muh underwater game in da sky? Or do you people actually have an argument for once?

Attached: Bioshock Infinite by Patrick Brown.jpg (1024x1483, 406.86K)

>BaS brings the series full circle
Still funny BaS literally retcons Infinite ending even if it can only happen if it comes from it

For me it begins to lose focus with the race war that is going on behind the scenes that comes and goes in what feels like a flash, while many plot beats and the society has a whole aren't really built upon or explained, and rather just dumped on you for exposition moments at the worst times, while on top of that, not focusing enough on the actual timelines that could be spread about and how to make areas and the world a more interesting facet (whereas only near the ending and the DLC actually do this), and we're also proceeded by a magic ghost lady. This on top of the general feel of the guns and especially plasmids, despite being ok, are far removed from their predecessors. It's a game that had a lot of promise, but it fails to actually meet the promises. It's like being promised sex and your virginity lost, only to be kissed through the day on the cheek at various opportunities before the day ends and you've accomplished ultimately nothing, expect once where you got a kiss on the lips, and then you paid to see some tits.

That is why I don't like the game. Elizabeth is very hot though.

>The story is solid
>We need guns lets jump dimension
>We need tools let jump dimension
>Lets just jump dimension to when they have guns already
BaS ruins the big daddy lore too and now little sisters arent slugs but elizabeth clones?

>BaS brings the series full circle
By shoe horning Elizabeth into kickstarting BioShock 1, sure.
>Combat actually fun
lmao no it's Infinite's combat but now with a shitty coat of stealth paint
>(((((Story is solid even with timey wimey shit)))))
Jesus Christ user

Male sexuality was still allowed in 2013

>Can kill all Bookers magically over all timelines
>Can't kill two people
Uh hu

>BaS brings the series full circle
By invalidating Infinite's ending.

Personally I only prefer the SFM of her fucking Coach.

What game?

>Can kill all Bookers magically over all timelines
>actually nvm I need to kill Rapture Booker myself

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I love fucking her

why are you guys so fucking horny all the time

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>Is a time goddes
>Get killed by a fucking iron pipe to the head

I have an over active libido and don't get laid, ever. Mix in the fact that I lift a lot and am so full of testosterone and cum that it's practically dripping out of my eyes and you get a shit storm of wanting to fuck anything that moves.

>You’re supposed to want to fuck Elizabeth

Attached: iu[1].jpg (500x340, 62.22K)

>Is a time goddess
>can't stop the Big Daddy from the end of the first DLC from killing her
>and she was killed a floor and a half above where Rapture Booker died
>so somehow both her and the Big Daddy walked upstairs then he proceeded to drill her h-haha without her doing anything

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Wait a minute, that card...


It's hard to call it a father/daughter game when that's only revealed in the end. Up until then you're both just kind of reluctant allies. There's nothing fatherly about Booker.

if you go back and watch the original game trailers, it was advertised with Elizabeth as the enemy. They were trying to fucking hang her in the one scene. Then the game comes out and she's the sheep to be protected at all costs, the chosen one. Shit changes like this and garbage like is what happens when a dev team fires several of its lead writers 2 months until launch.

>Columbia is a floating city in the very early 20 century with technology from the future
>Wants to purgue the surface for being heretics
>But they sit and wait to do it in 1982 when the surface should have the technology to just nuke them out of existence
>They also do it with zeppelins, in 1982

>bullshit puzzles devs put in to force you to buy the strategy guide
It's just not fair bros