MK11 Spawn Gameplay reveal!

MK11 Spawn Gameplay reveal!

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that was pretty cool.

Heard there's gonna be the next reveal.

Keith David or MJW were the only acceptable choices for his voice and Im glad they went with one of them.

Spawn looks great but the skins that come with him still suck. Hope he has a Redeemer alt.

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I wish Spawn, Ninja Turtles and Hellboy weren't stuck in Netherealm fighters.

suck it up weeb

where would you want them? Aside from MK and KI there's really not a lot of fighters were they would fit with the aesthetic.

Marvel's colorful and cartoony heroes mix well with anime, but DC, Image and all of that doesn't really lend itself well.

The guys behind KI are pretty based.
You don't need to suck cock just to spite the weebs.

keep crying weeb

Unironic soiface when I heard Keith David. Best DLC character bar none and I ain’t even played as him.

>TFW Black Dynamite Guest Character Never Ever

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Keep sucking NR cock.


I need to see his custom shit and intro dialogue. He looks kinda slow but we'll see soon enough.

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yap man everybody can do way better am i right

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>projectile is a boomerang coming in from off screen
>mic boom comes down to hit you/opponents
>loud yelling for every punch he throws
>says his nunchucks are bigger than Liu Kang's

Who the fuck gives a care about Spawn? The last I heard of him was 1993

Unironically my main in SC2. I liked the axe.

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>tfw waiting for that 30 minute Spawn intros upload
A whole half hour of Keith kino

>Fatality is the old pie on the window sill trick

Look damn better than him in sc2

Remind me, did he have a movie in the late 90s? I swear he did.

Hoping for some soul calibur 2 references

Might be a trailer for the new spawn flim, or kombat pack 2?

Yup, gonna rewatch it soon

Finally, a Malebolgia design that actually looks good on screen.

what the fuck, is nothing sacred? the SJWs made fucking SPAWN into a black guy?
why not just make him a black trans woman while they're at it??
so fucking sick of this identity politics nonsense. keep your politics out of our video games. unbelievable

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There's a good Prodigy track in there that plays during the car chase

who cares nobody asked plus you're not evo

Isn't spawn a black guy since... The start?

Please tell me you're memeing, if you're serious then you're not a spawn fan.

His animations look so "stiff"...

get some help retard

Holy fucking shit please tell me you’re pretending to be retarded?

dead meme

Probably to balance out his reach and projectiles, plus cloak. If they made him faster I'm sure they'd have to leave out a bunch of his powers for the sake of balance.

Evo gonna get the C-Virus soon

He actually looks pretty fun to play. I hate the big oversized boot with the tiny baby one, it looks dumb.

name of the song?

Is Ash the only leaked character that wasn't included in the first pass or was there another one?

Definitely looks a lot more faithful than Soul Calibur 2's iteration.

they said it but i forgot

I hate you for posting this. I hate you for how shitty this b8 is, and it's still going to get replies. Hell, I hate me for replying to your shitty b8. I hate Yas Forums for being a bunch of autistic stormfag fuckwits who made posts like this anything beyond a joke. I hate this board for being populated primarily of brain-damaged morons like you, to the point where this isn't even an uncommon response any more. I hate the Internet, for hosting this kind of clueless shit day in and day out. I hate spacetime itself, for occurring in such a fashion that this post ever saw the light of goddamn day.

But mostly, I just hate you for deciding that of all the things you could do today, at this moment, on this board, you made this fucking post. You are a massive fucking faggot of the highest order, and I hope you die in a grease fire.

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Wake me up when they top this kino

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Is Fighter Pack 2 getting revealed tonight?

I'm ready to get Groovy

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what's the music in the background shit actually sounds good

This should have been the only reply

Ash, Sheeva, and Fujin were all leaked along with the others. I'd put my money that they switched Joker and Ash last minute to capitalize on the Joker movie

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

new season never ever

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Is that song from something?

Hope so, and I hope the supposed leaks are wrong. Not interested in any of them. Too many guest characters already.

It fucking sucks because the last two seasons were kind of bland setting-wise but all of a sudden they end it on this tease that could have honestly carried a whole new show and now Campbell won't ever reprise the role again.

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It's physically impossible.

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Doubt it. They say one more reveal, but it's gonna be the animated movie trailer.
They literally used a commercial for the Harley Quinn cartoon as their first reveal, so getting KP2 ad is wishful thinking at this point. :(

It still fucking hurts, the show was so good
>We will never get Ash vs. Evil Dead: Gory Road

Fuck Piratefags and fuck STARZ

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>what the fuck, is nothing sacred? the SJWs made fucking SPAWN into a black guy?
funny because the opposite happens in the comic. the devil turns him into a white guy so his wife would never recognize him

Actually looks cool. I don't really play fighting games though.

Looks. Fucking KINO

is invisibility a good idea in a fighting game?

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i'm just happy i got this response from you, not for having riled you up, but because the utter disdain you have for this wretched place and its complete saturation with dogshit reactionary identity politics is at least somewhat reassuring

Not saying this is real, but someone posted this in a group I'm in and claimed it was a leak

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It's not as world destroying as you think it is, especially if you can be knocked out of it like in MK games

why the fuck did it took them so long to only release 4 toons?


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>tfw your knowledge of scientific biological transmogrification is outmatched only by your zest for kung fu treachery

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but wouldn’t it be annoying to both players?

What if it's poker night 2 Ash?

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