This is Tewi

This is Tewi.

Attached: TH09_Tewi.png (256x512, 98.55K)

Other urls found in this thread:

This is Nonko.

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This is Reisen!

Attached: b3b40a793f3649ce80b6cf6270e45953.png (800x769, 643.96K)

Attached: tewi.png (506x1050, 267.43K)

Go back to your containment board.

Touhou is a video game.

Attached: futo.jpg (321x458, 21.81K)

>shading with the dodge and burn tools
>those hands
>that center of gravity
lmao is this official art?
Touhoufags really have no standards.

she cute

Attached: 1409547344436.jpg (720x960, 78.77K)

And MLP is a cartoon, but it still isn't allowed on Yas Forums.

It's called SOUL user.

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>not liking zun's art

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So like I said: no standards.

is it Te-wi or Tei?

Attached: 1581118420731.png (353x308, 58.4K)

What's the discord link?



Attached: Th14Sekibanki.png (228x447, 57.54K)

But mlp is shit, touhou is actually fun.

te-wi sounds cuter though


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Bronies would insist that MLP is fun too.


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friendly reminder that Tew-eee or Tei are both correct pronunciation wise
as the letter that would make the weee sound was made silent during the meiji restoration as a means to make the language more westernized
due to the fact that tewi is a few hundred years old, it would stand to reason that she herself would pronounce her name as tew-eee due to the fact that meiji would not exist for a few hundred years after her birth

It's also designed for little girls. Touhou is just aimed at otaku.

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Mods purging pointless Touhou autism when? I'd rather have no Touhou threads at all rather than this shit.

fuck off retard.

Tewi is 1300 years old, shes a hag.

Dump it

Attached: the call.png (800x690, 427.54K)

Good thing nobody cares about what you think then, faggot.

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How is that better, you autist?

It's the same posters every thread too, it's clear they're in some discord and they're just jerking each other off here too.

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>Touhou is just aimed at otaku.
someone hasnt been in japan before
touhou is extremely popular with elementary aged girls, if you go to reitaisai there is a decently large amount there

Otaku are based. Normalfags are pure cancer that ruin everything they touch, the last 10 years of the internet's decline and centralization should prove that much.

Kill yourself you wapanese faggot.

I wouldn't be surprised if it was some coordinated raid from /2hug/ or something. Can't say it didn't work, I want this shitty threads gone now.

You first you wannabe failed "chad".

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it got all tiresome

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>the sheer size of that thing
God I wish that were me.

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Damn, there's a discord?
I've been making touhou threads by myself this whole time and no one invited me to the secret club.

Take a shower.

Speaking objectively, which touhou is the best one.

Attached: glass.gif (500x279, 329.68K)

So you admit that you're the one that has been spamming them?

I make them too every so often. Never once been in a discord for it.

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ZUN created an international multimedia sensation without ever learning to draw

and here i am jerking off on a mongolian basket weaving bbs

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Don't abuse Futo please.

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> international multimedia sensation
This is what touhoufags actually believe.

its the music and the lore that made it big, the east doesnt really care about muh graphics.

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If only the west were so lucky. Muh grafix fags are cancer.

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What doesn't constitute pointless autism in your opinion?

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There's a big difference between "muh graphics" and putting up with literal elementary school tier art.

Call me when your game gets a biannual convention

That's just an ordinary streetwalker; you don't need their name.

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Call of Doody and other grey-brown space marine shooters that make user feel like a winner in real life.

>it has a convention so that means its a huge success
Loving every laugh.

nobody cares about the art because everything else is great. graphics are one of the least important things in a game.

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anything that isn't ironic shitposting

>Touhou is just aimed at otaku
If that was the case it would be up the ass with over the top, simplistic characters and fanservice. Basically, it would be like Memories of Phantasm, in other words, garbage.

It is in Japan, the place that matters

It's hilarious that you faggots think that anyone that doesn't like the same autistic trash that you do are the same jocks that pushed you into lockers in high school.

I like how mad Touhou makes people, considering they aren't mods and can't do anything about it
they actually have to sit there seethe lmao

Learn the difference between "graphics" and "art style".

It is fun to watch, I agree.

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i was friends with most people in high school, never really got bullied. same thing now, you act like having irl friends is hard or an accomplishment.
acting like a normal person isn't that hard as long as you don't sperg out like you're doing now


sorry but some touhoufags would like to have some real discussion and not dealing with drooling retards, you're not cool for being an ironic shitposter

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>as long as you don't sperg out
Like you do every thread?

Cute Short Stack


Attached: disaster futo.jpg (2000x1500, 234.94K)

Clearly no one fucking cares.

>talking about clearing the games and posting the characters is "sperging out"
Being unable to restrain yourself from talking about things you don't like is a sign of autism. Do you also struggle to look people in the eyes?


Which extra boss is your favorite?

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the forgotten one

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>Being unable to restrain yourself from talking about things
Like how upset you get any time someone points out that the art is shit?

Eh, the art is pretty rough, but he's improving. The games are made by all one guy, and I guess shitty character portraits are a sacrifice made for an amazing soundtrack.

Don't get me wrong, I prefer talking about the games. Peoppe get mad even when the threads are about that though.
What game are you working on? I'm trying to clear Mystic Square on hard.

>everyone is the same person
I've never once said the art is good. It's tolerable while playing the games aince I'm not focused on the art.
I like the PC-98 art better.