Now that we're allowed to criticize this game again, was the time limit a good idea?

Now that we're allowed to criticize this game again, was the time limit a good idea?

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I'm going to say no. I like to explore and take my time doing it. The time crunch is antithetical to making the most of such a compelling and atmospheric setting.

It wasn't amazing but it wasn't terrible. It was different, which is welcome, and it let the developers refine NPC schedules
You're never really going to be pressed for time if you play the song of slow time and use at least 2 cycles per region- one for unlocking the dungeon and the second for tackling the dungeon

>time limit
You reset time on a whim tho?

It was cool in concept but executed poorly imo

The time limit was good when exploring the world because it let them organically put in a lot of dynamic content into the same space without having to use tired mechanics like "light world/dark world". And it was great for storytelling and worldbuilding as well.

The time limit was lame when doing dungeons because it was like, ok you get ~2 hours to do this dungeon, and if you don't do it all in one sitting then you have to start over from the very beginning including your key progress and stray fairies. You could hit the time limit when hunting stray fairies or if you just didn't understand what to do in the dungeon, like that part with the pillar in snowpeak.

Theres no time limit
Theres a countdown
Nothing is limited because you can reverse time infinitely

It was great. Following characters around and see them live their lives in a set routine, and how they deviate from it when completing their sidequests was compelling as shit. Also getting stuck in Stone Tower and racing to complete it while the moon was like 15 irl minutes from crashing.

What fucking retard thinks there is a time limit? You have all the time in the world. If you can't beat a temple with the inverted song of time fucking kill yourself.

>I never learned it
The game fucking shoves it in your face in the laboratory which YOU HAVE TO GO TO by the scarecrow.

Can't stand retarded criticism. If you are just tense because you have a clock on the screen the whole time
... GOOD JOB MORON, YOU ARE. The game is supposed to have a unsettling and tense atmosphere you brittle faggot.

Yes. Get good if you think otherwise

Yes, this and Dead Rising are kino because of it.

>but muh free exploration
Between the song of time, song of inverted time and the song of wind, I really don't think the three day countdown is much of a limit to taking your time to explore.
It was never really an issue for me, except if I was stupidly trying to do too much in one cycle, or doing the stuff that only happened on the third day.
All of the issues can be remedied simply by planning.

Like in Pathfinder: Kingmaker or FF13-3, the time limit isn't a problem if you have very significantly more time than you need.
Unlike those games, which simply have a time limit, MM has a time limit on dungeons and otherwise does not. Everywhere else, MM has a schedule. And its schedule is fucking fantastic.

>beta bitch faggots will complain and justify their insecure and pathetic mental capacity because a clock is timing them for over 300 post

You people are so fucking dumb, and such a mess of a person. Jesus christ.

Yes. Within the confines of the game world the time limit makes perfect sense, and considering Link is kind of "blessed" by the goddesses and travels through time a lot to begin with it made a ton of sense in the followup to see manifestation of time so directly.

Zoomer here. 21. Never played MM but got it on my N64 and played it for the first time last month.

Except for looking up how to get the couple's mask, the game wasn't difficult at all. the time limit barely came into play and I only had an issue with it figuring out what to do for my first hour or two of playing.

Does anyone know how few cycles you can complete the game in?
Without autistic speedrunner shit, that is.

>go to dungeon
>almost done
>only 10 hours left and on the final day
it can screw some runs.

Never seen so many soi faggots with such shitty taste all in the same thread

Majora's mask will always be remembered fondly for breaking the mold and doing something truly unique.

OoT will be remade a million fucking times with the exact same formula because that is all you faggots want and understand.

Anyone that thinks OoT is a better game is the most smooth brained simple minded faggot.

The time limit retards are people behind the curve.


no its trash

its just annoying having a limit like that on a zelda game

>is it okay to complain
>first few post in thread full of complaints
>people come in and remind the how pathetic they are
>thread slowed to a crawl

I guess it's not okay faggots

the time limit is a surface level mechanic that aids in theming but doesn't really have any impact on the game play. If it's your complaint about the game the only reasonable conclusion is that you literally never played the game.

>have to reset time
>gotta collect ammo again
>gotta collect magic again

>event that takes place on a certain time of a certain day/night
>fuck it up
>cant just reload save and try again
>have to reset ingame time and start over and waste real life time

>get close to the end of a day or night
>game fucks with the camera to tell you YEP its day time now which wastes real life time

I'm not really sure how you could make a game like Majora.
Pikmin, I guess?

>wah I have to play the game
>wah I can't savescum

>Majora's mask will always be remembered fondly for breaking the mold and doing something truly unique.
its literally oot but only 4 temples and a time gimmick
its cool the game has a darker theme but copy pasting every npc over to save dev time means it will never truly be unique

>>gotta collect ammo again
Trivial since ammo is either already present in an area you need specific ammo, or just using the bushes outside the town
>>gotta collect magic again
Magic meter persists across timelines. And pots are equally easy to procure. Doubly so because of the Green Chu's and boxes/jars in dungeons.

>event that takes place on a certain time of a certain day/night
>fuck it up
>cant just reload save and try again
>have to reset ingame time and start over and waste real life time
Either find something else to do that loop or suck it up and reset. Very few events require you to act on a schedule it's just a matter of paying attention.

using the owls would not be too bad but no they only are for temporary saves. what were they thinking?

you want to save? you gotta go back

I will say this. Dumb as shit people Wong like the game. Simple reason really. People need to learn to plan ahead and be smarter with their time.

Dumb as fucking rocks retards get frustrated when a game doesn't hold your hand. This Zelda is the least hand hold Zelda games ever made. Only one less handheld is Zelda 2...which retards hate also.

The ability to think ahead is why these retards have trouble. It's really embarrassing..

Wait there were people that didn't learn those songs? How the fuck?

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Why does Yas Forums hate this game so much? Because they have to actually play it?

>it's central to the game

And yeah its "just" OoT... With 3 more gameplay styles.

>start exploring
>forget to pay attention to the time
>find a dungeon
>start it
>half way through realize there's probably not enough time to finish
>A:say fuck it and try and mabye beat the boss
>B:reset time, go back to the start and waste real life time doing the first half of the dungeon over again. SO MUCH FUN

>what were they thinking?
That players should be forced to move forward every time they pick up the game instead of having a fallback point to correct any mistakes they made. I think it's a good idea.

>People need to learn to plan ahead and be smarter with their time.

literally no other zelda game does this, by the time people learn to plan ahead they have already wasted time in a game with a FUCKING TIME LIMIT

that or they havent played since the time they were 10, so theyre remembering it as "hard"

>>half way through realize there's probably not enough time to finish

Idk if it was a good idea or not, but as a kid it stressed me the fuck out. I felt like I would never be able to beat it. Slowly I was able to figure it out and make progress and eventually when I did beat it, it was absolutely glorious.

>start exploring
>forget to pay attention to the time
>find a dungeon
>start it
>half way through realize there's probably not enough time to finish
>A:say fuck it and try and mabye beat the boss
>B:reset time, go back to the start and waste real life time doing the first half of the dungeon over again. SO MUCH FUN

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>forget to pay attention to the time
It's on the screen.

Damn you are dumb dumb dumb. So it is OoT because it looks like it? Are you a retard?

Fucking windwaker is more like OoT than majoras mask you fucking retard. Fucking link to the past and twilight is more like OoT also. Good god kill yourself.

>every other zelda game
>you can explore at our own pace more or less and advance the main story as you please
>you cant fuck around
>you need to go to the objective and just beat it
>if you want to explore you have to reset time and schedule it in

think about that for a second (but not too much that wastes time), scheduling time in a fucking video game

>play shooter
>forget to pay attention to ammo
>shooting at enemy
>realize I dont have enough ammo left

It's almost like real life.

>tfw reset time
>forget to put money in the bank first which would have wasted time
>lose all money

rarely happens, ammo is integral to every shooter, time is not integral to every zelda game

Yeah, it's a part of the game's identity as much as the Great Sea is apart of WW.

Well, that's all right because I'm sure you also had plenty of money in the bank, seeing as how you know about the bank.

You people really are fucking stupid... This is amazing. Hold on let me tell you what 12 year old Me did....

>rewind time
>back at first day and back at clock town
>invert song of time


Yes, people that bitch about it missed the point of it completely or missed the scarecrow to learn the reverse song of time


nice job wasting time

You got a magic flute that controls the flow of time. If you can't be bothered to play to the game's schedule, just stick to one task at a time and fast forward to each event.

>he doesn't have the blast mask
>he didn't just warp to where he needed and cut up a bush or jar on the way to destination
>"""wasting time"""

game's not bad just because you didn't pay attention to the core mechanic of it

If you're almost done then you have the dungeon item that lets you skip like 3/4th the dungeon when you rewind

how much are you exploring, the map isn't that big

Fuck snowpeak dungeon with a rake.
Fuck the entire icy area actually. There are some parts I still remember fondly like seeing it all nice in the spring, the hot springs goron warrior's grave, getting a new sword from the blacksmiths, the invisible islands that kaepora gaebora guides you to so you can get the lens of truth etc.

But most of it was such a fucking chore. Like slowly climbing up the entrance to the temple and hoping you dont slip off, the strong winds, the verticality of the temple making travelling a nightmare, the FUCKING BABY GORON CRYING

Holy shit play another Zelda game if you can't handle even a little bit of planning ahead or better yet learn to plan irl.
You literally have no business complaining about MM if you can't even into critical thinking.

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Actually losing faith in humanity. I can't believe people exist that are so dumb that don't have the ability to plan or use any basic level of critical thinking.

Its more fun than Oot in a lot of ways because it actually has side quests

Oot has
>Deku tree
>Goron cavern
>Jabu belly
>Forest temple
>Shadow temple
>Spirit temple
>Fire temple
>Water temple
>Ganons castle

MM has

4 less dungeons total. What it loses in those 4 dungeons it makes up for with like 1000x the sidequest content. I love Oot but what bugs me about the game is that rupees do literally nothing. The game is incredibly linear outside of when you first get to be an adult you can kind of chop and change the order of temples. It was much better 20 years ago doing it for the first time because it plays out like a movie you're pushing forward, solving puzzles and you don't know whats gonna happen. But once you know everything its not as satisfying for it to play out. MM on the other hand just has such a compelling story, watching all the characters go about their routines, how the world changes depending on your actions, different dialogue sequences, even little things

Oot feels like its just go to town, complete dungeon, move on, repeat, with some mini games for bigger bomb bags chucked in. But every mask and new item in MM takes you on a brand new short story.

I would be happy if I didn't have to deal with the Goron ramping stuff. I could never get that thing to just go straight, and then you're stuck climbing back up to try again.

>"The world will end in 3 days! Thats all the time you have left to save the world!"
>"I forgot to look at a clock"

Never breed

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nah you are

He used to scare me as a kid.

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It's a pretty good game

And yeah, time limit is a non-issue with slowdown, considering all the time you have in the first run and two scarecrows you probably didn't miss that info.

because Yas Forums is one of the worst boards on this site

>forget to pay attention to the time

You are the reason the clock takes up the bottom half of the screen and the game freezes all movement and flashes the exact time on your screen for 24 hours, and even had a goddamn countdown for the last ten accompanied by a ringing bell.

holy shit fake news

Post Majora jams.