What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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Capicoli has't killed himself yet

People keep mistaking "person playing the video game discussion" for "video game discussion". It's the same problem /vg/ has where people keep talking about some nigga eatin' beans in the movie theater.

Vinny Joel and Jerma are basically the same person. None of this helps as they are all so incredibly boring unless you are under the age of 23 and in need a friend simulator.

Who's going to be absorbed into their hivemind next?

Nothing, go back to watching your makeup tutorials.


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Jerma mogs those two fags

>vinny: wow this new thing was really good
>*reads a comment saying it wasn't
>vinny: actually it did have some problems haha

Nothing he's the best streamer

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They're old and boneless and not named jschlatt or carson

How would he react if he watched the ninth episode of Netflix Castlevania and saw what they did to Alucard?

he's pretend to like it as to not piss of his rabid tumblr fanbase

>another eceleb thread
fuck off OP

nu-Yas Forums happened and gradually stopped liking good streamers and started watching exclusively ninja.

Too many furries, trannies, and Vincent’s failure to form his own opinions

>stopped liking good streamers
He's literally one of the biggest streamers on Twitch and is THE streamer to pander furries and trannies.

Hed probably not mention it at all. Ive noticed hes scared to bring up politics from either side

typical nu-Yas Forums response.
Stay paranoid.

>expect Vinny to get bored an hour into Rimworld
>he spends 3 hours on it and then streamed it for another 3 hours the next day during the day

Vinny really isn't that good at playing video games. I can never enjoy watching him play a game seriously unless he's already beaten it multiple times and has an encyclopedic knowledge of it. So I just watch him play the weird stuff. His corruption segments are still the best. Other than that he should have his chat in permanent submode.

Rimworld is great
wish the stupid degenerate flag spammers would off themselves though

The older you get the less you enjoy video games


What about Rimworld makes them spam flags?

Middle/High School furries and trans kids.
Youtubers are too mainstream for them, and vinesauce is the first big "alternative" video game stream that they're likely to come across.

The only criticism I have is that he let's his weird fanbase own him a little too much.
I prefer Joel because Joel out of the two because he just does whatever he feels like.

Something can be good and still have issues, and admitting to that despite your enjoyment of said thing can lead to quality discussion. What's the issue?

sup vin

This desu. Watching Vinny fumble and get frustrated with the most obvious babby tier puzzles for a straight hour, or 3 hours of the stream dedicated to him pausing every few minutes and thumbing through the settings going “hmmm something not right chat, hold on” before settling on changing nothing just to repeat the cycle over and over.

I thought Joel streamed it?

Toad odyssey

rimworld has characters that are asexual, gay and such.

Vinny streamed it last night and then again about an hour ago

don't be dishonest, he does complete 180s on topics all the time after general internet consensus has been achieved


He gets real mad when you say banjo wasn't a perfect game, it's hilarious.

Oh, cool. I only watch his streams on Youtube, so I didn't know.

explains the thread here

someone with holes in their brain

More like RIMJOB world haha got em

Vinny is still ok but I really wish I was around for his early 10s stuff him and joel had so much energy and passion

4cheddit hates that things aren't black and white and thinks everyone who likes something but can point out issues is a furry/tranny.
Refer to as evidence.

>good streamer
I'm not a furry or a tranny tho.

What makes jerma better than vinny or joel
He just seems boring
Vinny and joel can actually be funny

I enjoy things less than I used to in general

wasnt jerma like a side character on star_s tf2 channel

you can also have cannibals that doesn't mean the dev supports them

You’re being disingenuous to think that’s why furries and trannies get brought up whenever vinesauce threads happen. Take a look at his chat.

Joel has fire left in him. He still beats games and comes up with fun ideas.
But he doesn't push it beyond that like say Jerma does.
You could argue Jerma almost cares too much for his audience and ups the ante on any clowning around. He's constantly meta-clowning.

So when are we getting the /incel/ board? A place for people to discuss pewdipie saying nigger, streamers that are totally based and ourguys, and all this recent virtual youtuber trash.
Pretty fucking warranted by now.

As someone who rarely watches him live, and ignores chat when I do, that doesn't effect me at all.
I'd be willing to say a majority of his fans don't give a fuck about his chat.


If you haven't noticed the chats, Vinnyfags has literal trannies and furries in his fanbase.

I wish. E-celebs are a pretty huge subculture nowadays and it's bizarre that we don't have a board for it.

No you dilate! You fucker!

i havent watched him in a while but did he comment on alucard's assfucking

>mfw that awful Soul Calibur 3 stream

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You made an eceleb thread.

And bronies can like Warhammer, what's your point?

>joel plays demon's crest never

not a response using the typical have sex retort, why are you here newfag?

also, not that user, just a rando

Jerma does way more interesting shit with his streams and actually puts effort into special events/experiments.

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how often do you think vinny has sex?

Like when RLM decided for him just how bad The Last Jedi was even though he was really positive about it the night he saw it.

What happened?


dunno but i bet he jacks off to slime girls every now and then

I still cringe to this day

>not that user
You're the 4th user in this reply chain now. /incel/ stands for Internet Celebrities so this was all fucking pointless.

He quit sex for good once Gal Gun 2 came out.

he started off the stream with an awful joke where he jokingly commentates over his Phantasmagoria playthrough, and then he does it for a whole hour, he even uploaded it top youtube

Yea, this is a “what went wrong” thread, that’s the whole point of the chat being brought up


>a whole hour

to be clear, he's talking about Joel not Vinny.

Yeah I know, I googled Soul Calibur III Vinesauce

What went right?

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A salty as fuck failed streamer who keeps making these threads.
Vinny has moved on from this site for over a decade now and this faggot is still wallowing in his own filth spamming these threads.

This is the /incel/ board

>watch Joel play FOTNS: Lost Paradise
>game tells you multiple times at the start that you've got different combos depending on how many times you use a light attack before using your heavy move, so you get four basic combos
>Joel manages to both only use one combo and never actually hit a proper one, where he just does disjointed light attacks into a basic heavy the whole run
>get to the charge attack tutorial, there's a huge fucking banner on the screen telling you to do charge attacks to continue with a simple command
>Joel runs around like a fucking retard mashing out his garbage combo for legit five minutes before reading the huge notification on the fucking screen and exclaims "i thought this was a regular fight!!"

Between this, Vinny getting sandbagged by fucking Wario World and more I'm starting to realize most streamers are fucking retards

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