Megaman Zero/ZX Legacy Collection

You know what to do

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Will I ever get the spinning aerial attack from MMZ1 back?

What the FUCK was his problem? Did he really have to resort to global terrorism and giant skull fortresses?

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Post your favourite models anons, saying model Ox is cheating.
For me it’s Hx

Yes, in Z2 its the active form that gives you rolling aerial and dash attacks. Its in Z3 and 4 as well, but i have no idea if it was locked to the ultimate form or mode

In the end he saved the world.

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Model FX, I like to punch things

No, not Model A, Model a the 8-bit one, you dingus.

Should I use the permanent cyber elves?

>You know what to do
Happy women's day, Harpuia!

what does he actually say, i've seen many different versions of this on Yas Forums

The threads don't stop coming
and they don't stop coming
and they don't stop coming
and they don't stop coming

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Yes. Yes he did. Though he is infamous, the world now knows Wily is a top tier robotics creator

Bros where's area J?

In ZX and Z2 has a form that has it.

Depends on how much you care about rank. They are meant to be used, and are happy to sacrifice themselves for the cause, those brave little guys and gals

Every game has that attack.
MMZ1: Do a bunch of Jump Slashes to earn it.
MMZ2: Use Active Form. Problem with this is that it limits your combo to a single slash.
MMZ3: Equip the Cyber Elf Malthas. He's a Satellite Elf so you don't need to sacrifice it and it doesn't affect your rank.
MMZ4: Equip the Rolling Chip.

According to the complete works
"I am the Messiah! Hahaha!"

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His autism was so strong it allowed him to survive his physical death

Omega is pretty full of himself, huh?

Omega is also very much insane and full-on brainwashed

Do they stop me from getting trophies?

Yes, I'm that shameful.

He was literally programmed that way.

Z5 game with ZX graphics when?

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It's really amazing how each one of the mega man subseries shares the strong as fuck action platforming base but changes it up in a way to make it feel diferent.
I'm pretty tempted to say battle network is my favorite though, its hard to go back to traditional rpgs when you see how fun they can be with actual gameplay

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Well, considering he was the main one responsible for the destruction of the world and just about all of it's population, I'd say he has earned the right to say that. Not to mention that he is also referred to as the god of destruction

Shame about all that goddamn padding and back and forth....

What other Biometals could we use for ZX3?

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I wouldn't know, I haven't picked up the collection. I have the Ds collection, both Ds games , and the original gba carts. I would assume so though

There aren’t enough characters to do so and next to zero romance stuff for that. Even if you have a tasteful here and there, it isn’t nearly enough to derail like, I dunno, Code Vein or Resident Evil

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Never because Zero is dead, FOR GOOD, user. ZX3 is a better choice then Zero 5.
There wasn't even enough of Zero left to hide himself while he repaired himself.

Hmm, not many to go by that would have a real change from the others really.

Model C

>Z5 game with ZX graphics when?
2006, and it's called Mega Man ZX

Model S, also known as Model Sigma.

As a pleb:
>Model Blues/Proto: Proto Man, with a shield that's far better than rolling shield and charge-recoil-rod style charging attacks
>Model Auto: Chain rod, improves item drop rates
>Model Forte/Bass: Aiming, upgraded overdrive allows brief flight
>Model Roll: Has cute dresses

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Have you seen megaman threads before the collection? It's basically a dump of roll softcore porn

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this is the best quality I've figured out so far in a run I did just to grab a recording. I'm not sure how using the gba resolution is since this is from the collection

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If all of the Guardians were to get in a brawl, who would win?

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I don't really want ZX3.
>But Zero is dead
Just make a game about Cyber Space. Then we can have cool shits like playable Elpizo.

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ZX makes my pc really hot for some reason

Well you're using the GBA resolution, but your video is letterboxed so the actual gameplay is lower resolution than the GBA

I thought that said, ZX makes my peepee really hot for some reason, and I was like damn dude, is Aile that hot
>I don't want ZX3
Go to your room

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next protagonist should use X series villain transformations primarily
Model S (Sigma)
Model B (Berkana)
Model V (Vile/VAVA)
Model D (Dynamo)
Model HM (High Max)
Model G (Gate)
Model CX (Copy-X)
Model LU (Lumine)
probably a few I missed

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>Harpuria was a girl all along

They didn't even make X playable in the Zero series, I rather doubt they'd make other characters like him playable

>hey remember that asshole that literally doomed our entire civilization?
>yeah let’s make him immortal no way that will backfire
What the fuck were they thinking

Never reply to me again pedophile.

ah shit you're right. I tried using OBS for recording but I guess I don't know how to set it for shit.

why is he wearing a green diaper?

OX, fuck y'all, getting to properly play as Omega is great and it's got decent implementations of Rekuhouha/Rekkoha in a Zero/ZX format

>we need a strong draw for the last boss
>I came up with something, but it doesn't make any sense
>Is it a strong concept?
>I'll take twenty

No. Game is very doable without them. Let those elves live and play with Ciel

>ake other characters like him playable
>Anonymous 03/08/20(Sun)20:10:43 No.498706814▶
> >hey remember that asshole that literally doomed our entire civilization?
> >yeah let’s make him immortal no way that will backfire
> What the fuck were they thinking

That death is too good for him?

>>yeah let’s make him immortal no way that will backfire
I don't think you realize how gruesome immortality really is. Imagine if Model W was just parts of Weil's brain that literally never die, and his consciousness is still alive

It's a shame the implemented the Elves so bad, because the idea that you need to sacrifice them everytime you use them is a really interesting concept. I'd have even made it lock you out of a true ending, like how every boss has a final form at the end like Copy X did, if you used too many Elves you only fight Copy X's 1st form and get a meh ending.

If there was a man who wiped out over half my species and 90% of my buddy's, and I had a choice between executing him via lethal injection or trapping him inside a coffin for eternity, I'd go with the latter.

But they should've stripped Weil down to a head on life support or something, giving him a full body was risky.

Model V (Vile)
Model S (Sigma)
Model D (Double)
Model R (Red)

It's still giving him room to do what he wants, fuck shit up. They could have punished him without going full retard then disposing of him after enough time elapsed to be suitable punishment. But that wouldn't be a "pretty cool concept that doesn't hold up on further inspection" so it is what it is.

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What did Weil get banished for again? Pimping out reploids at strip clubs in Neo Arcadia?

>when you finally get Model Ox and go to town
this shit is nuts

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He called Layer a nigger

Turning the antivirus that was supposed to finally save the world from constant maverick attacks into malware and causing an even bigger war that did more damage than all the previous maverick wars combined.

>Unlimited Overdrive

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>Beating Omega
Those fucking combos give me a brain tumor

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Just bring a bunch of subtanks

Here's some advance tech in at least the Zero games (can't test it out in ZX just yet). If you hold down either before or after you do an aerial z-saber slash then you'll stay in the attacking pose until you land. This is useful because it rapidly hits enemies and doesn't require precise timing.

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Weil felt reploids deserved to be punished for their crimes and waanted to strip them of their free will by using the Mother Elf to control reploids. X was against it due to his pacifism but Weil gave X the finger, corrupted the Dark Elf, and started the Elf Wars which is like the Coronavirus, but with reploids. 90% of reploid population and 60% of human population was wiped out. Death was too good for Weil so the humans decided to torture him for eternity by turning him onto a cyborg/android and throwing his ass into space in total isolation.

>Copy X's fighting form resembles a seraph
>Final form even further pushes the angel symbolism, and gives him a halo
>Revived by Weil who calls himself the Devil in Z4
>True X has messiah robes, and sacrifices himself to stop Omega, who calls himself the Messiah
Man, very deep

for the purposes of demonstration it does the job

He created the Mother Elf in order to stop Mavericks from popping out, except it wasn’t and it turned everyone into a Maverick under his control and things got even worse after he got control over Zero’s original body.
At least that’s what i remember, it’s been a while since i played the games.

X is literally a cross

>Make a man immortal
>Throw him in space in total isolation for centuries
>More than likely further provoked his anger, and might have even caused him to develop mental disorders
What the fuck were they thinking? This man is an absolute genius. Did they think he wouldn't return one day?

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Eventually, Weil stopped thinking.

>Throw him in space in total isolation for centuries
They didn't, they threw Omega into space and let Weil wander the Earth.