Hello, Yas Forums, it's me, Dracula

Hello, Yas Forums, it's me, Dracula.

What's all the commotion about, especially with what's going with...my son?

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Should we explain it to him, Yas Forums?

Somebody has to.

There is literally nothing wrong with being a bottom, you tops need to stop being so gosh darn rude.

Who's a bottom, now?

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>Implying dracula ain't gay
Read the fucking book

Your son got his ass full of asian twink jizz.

>submitting to sexual domination from the same sex
>not bad
I wish for a homopurge.

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You remember that old struggle snuggle you had with the esteemed Sultan? By chance, the same fate has fallen upon your son as the stars and fate would have it. However there is a single quite extraordinary circumstance in the matter. It seems that your sons was the prime instigator in the matter.

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Nothing brah, just keep chilling

Ignorance can be bliss, let the nigga be. He dont need to know nothing. It aint gonna do him any good.


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Captain N, season 3, episode 3. You'll find all your answers there.

It's not about sex, it's about power.

What was in his mind at that moment?

I already get dominated in everything I do, so this isn't any different

In sorry Dracula, but your son has the big gay.

Fuck you queer, when I see queers, I see weakness in their lispey ways.

>maybe I can beat the gay out of him?

Someone impaled your kid, Vlad.

Why is there still no definitive port of SOTN? with everything on it. You'd think someone would have done it already at konami. That shit would make them another few cool stacks of cash.

Incels, my lord

Someone looked into it, apparently he is the stepdad. So probably wishing he would not dated a single mom.

Buggery, Vlad. It's that funny.

>is this what kids are into these days?

What is a son?

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Why is it bad? It's just how people get their rocks off. If you like getting off by rubbing peanut butter on your neck, who gives a shit? It's not hurting anyone

I'm still alive, you fucker.
Your other kids are faggots though lol

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they feebly attack our game characters
we literally destroy their multi-generational socialist political parties

who really wins, libcucks?

He should have just raised him tougher and remove any inkling of faggot behaviour. The damage is now done and his son is gone.


Look at what they did to your boy

I didn't think anybody would be stupid enough to fall for the ez "reddit" bait but here you are user.
Thanks for the chuckle

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Fuck you, it's a slippery slope and deviants go out of their way to normalize it.

>Biden a shoe-in for President now as Trump's campaign will tank with his awful management of COVID-19
>Bernie BTFO

Sorry, but neoliberal establishment wins yet again. The SJW machine marches on.

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>Give a Japanese property to company run by white people
>They immediately shove gay shit in it
Every time.

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>we literally destroy their multi-generational socialist political parties
There's a long way to go yet but it has been a good start.

What? It was a joke.

Konami likely doesn't have the code for the saturn version or the jap greatest hit version to port from. Which is why they keep using the DxC version with absolutely no adjustments from that version outside of borders.

>tfw the only son of Dracula who's never had a dick in his ass also hates vampire fucking shits and kills them at most opportunities
Being Dracula is suffering.

>you tops need to stop being so gosh darn rude.
Shut up Isaac.


He's not your son.


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He kills a lot of people, not just vampires at most opportunities. Some motherfuckers just need a good killing. It just turns out that vampires have more time to acquire reasons for needing a good killing

He is perfection, thus gay

Yeah, D kills whatever the fuck gets in his way or gets him his money. Still, he's called a vampire hunter specifically because he specializes in killing vampires.


WHERE ARE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

beloved series: *exists*


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I noticed it too, i really dont know whats up with people and queer stuff.

WHERE IS MY SON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Like father like son, right guys?

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Gosh, western animators sure do love to shit on poor Alucard.
Captain N Simon seems pretty based though

you better respect her pronouns you monster

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too bad he's weak af tho

Very goddamned far from it, especially in the books. His powers are pretty much godlike. You can only ever slow him down at best.

White guys all suffer from WAW syndrome.
White women really like yaoi.
As such, all modern media made by or for whites has to include at least 2 obligatory gay sex scenes.

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>dracula himself is moral fagging you
Weird position to be in.

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Gets raped as a child by a grown man something that actually happened to Vlad the Impaler IRL before becoming a vampire.
Willingly submits to get fucked in the ass by a regular human when he's already a vampire.

You're son is perfectly straight and not gay. Unfortunately Netflix depicted him as a massive faggot.

>So much for Genya's shotacock, am I right Shanoa?

It's like some kind of divine punishment. Dracula is cursed to an eternal damnation even worse than hell.

This isn't "my" son we're talking about.

>Grabs Sword

This is my "son" we're talking about.

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Name one time a sex scene was necessary in a story
You can’t

I remember Dave Chapelle joking about how he wouldn't fall sleep around white men because they would always start doing gay stuff and playing it off as a joke. Stuff like putting their dick on your face and thinking its funny, why would you do that?

Twin Peaks the Return.

Glad I wasn't in this mess, then.

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Mulholland Drive

around whites never relax

Based and Lynchpilled

Antichrist, A Clockwork Orange, Eyes Wide Shut.

L DaNasty you're the worst thing to come out of Judgement. Right next to Lightmon Belmont.

Pic related

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ACO's sex scene wasn't necessary to the story. Which is why they could make a massive change to its portrayal in the movie adaptation and have it pan out completely differently.

American Beauty counts though

Too bad you're a lazy pussy

Yet, we ALL do realize that this (Netflix) takes place in a different universe. Same as how I, a werewolf, was changed into being a semi-werewolf in that Guillermo Del Toro spinoff and all of a sudden, I'm glistened in armor in Judgment.

Sorry, that kid doesn't ring a bell. Speaking of lost children, though...