It's soooooo boooooooooring

It's soooooo boooooooooring

Attached: Shadow-of-the-Colossus.png (1600x900, 2.04M)

the remake is so soulless

Can someone who has the remake show me what the underwater in this area looks like? I want to see if they did the water right.

Take a bath first, chill out and try to enjoy it. What boss are you on?

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What is the point of the overworld in this game? No enemies, no secrets besides fruits and lizards that barely do anything, the horse controls like shit, etc. The game is also really easy and tedious. No wonder game journalists loved it.

Pacing, world building and atmosphere you ADHD riddled mong.

yeah its totally missing that big fat far cry checklist and some collectables right bro?

it's the original walking simulator

Its not that type of game. youre thjinking about as modern open world ubisoft game. This is more chill, take in the scenery type of vibe.

Zoom Zoom Zoom forgot his ADHD pills befor playing

>do scripted thing
wow amazing game

If you need shit blowing up every 30 seconds and meme elemental weapons going off you probably should kill yourself.
No other game provides the experience this does.
Maybe Dragon's Dogma but only if you don't know this exists.

gone home is 90% the same thing

it would have been at least decent if the controls weren't so fucking awful

This is thr exact same thread as
>waah RD2 u just ride a horse
>waah death stranding is walking sim
These games are not for brainlets, please go back to your COD shell

Quite possibly the most overrated and overhyped game of all time. Not even Zelda comes close to this game's shittiness, it's a wonder how it kept any legacy at all.

The entire point of the overworld is that it's desolate and lonely. Nobody has been there in probably hundreds of years, whatever nations were there died out ages ago, as shown by the ruins and temples left behind.
The fruits and lizards aren't supposed to be a main focus but something that you might catch. And dude, c'mon. The horse is fine. It just takes a little getting used to.

>desolate and lonely
when you have no talent to make anything you go with this always works

ok nerd

Maybe some squirrel semen is more up your alley

>I don't understand how atmosphere design in a game works
Look, I know you get all your social interaction from NPCs, but this isn't the FO76 type of NPC-less.

>can't even comprehend a video game
>talks about talent
seething brainlet spotted

go play fortnite kid

it is a shit game that you have to be very autistic to enjoy at all

t. autist who can't appreciate a 10/10 game

Nope, it is the best game in the world or at least I'm going to DMX overdose on it soon.

Was I the only one who could never figure out where to go or what to do when playing this game as a kid? Should I try it again on an emulator?

>journalist say its 10/10 that is my opinion now you can't argue it

About the same, but more wet. First thing I did was duck the camera under.

>gets told to go play fortnite
>when I enjoyed SoTC for the lack of screaming zoomers and actual gamplay and story
What did he mean by this?

Given the game shows you where your objectives are I would say yes.

Emulator is a good way to go, the remake is good but the original has something thatwasn't quite recpatured.
Use the sword for the beam of light, that'll guide you most of the way.

Except RDR2 and Death Stranding unironically have more gameplay elements than SotC. SotC is for those who are both pretentious and braindead.

To properly run this game at 1080p, you would need to have around 500GB/s of memory bandwidth, to get the same raw performance as the 512x448 at 48GB/s of the PS2.

And the PS4 don't have it.

Attached: smoke versus smoke.webm (1292x346, 2.8M)

played during era where shit games like SoTC,SH,MGS,RE or whatever sold you only for the graphics without any decent game inside kiddo

What is the point of hiking? No enemies, no secrets besides fruits and animals that barely do anything, my feet control like shit, etc. This hike is also really easy and tedious. No wonder explorers love it.

>more gameplay elements means better gameplay
This is a retarded argument.

I love that SotC threads are one of the few threads where you can tell exactly who is underage, who is shitposting, and who is an actual retard, sometimes all three.

I genuinely have no idea what you're trying to say here.

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fucking monkeys brainwashed by corporations you should probably kys

user, you know that guy doesn't go outside.

Hows the remake

Overall, very faithful to the original. If you don't want to emulate, give the remake a go. They've added a secret that's a nice touch and a nod to some of the more autismo fans too.

Can you ESLs learn how to properly write English before trying to remove punctuation from your sentences? Tired of having to read stupid posts like this ten times over to even begin to understand them

Worse in most ways. Best to emulate.

>no secrets

Just release this shit for PC already.

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it's a 10/10 soundtrack stuck in a 5/10 game

You're in a Sony thread, what did you expect?
ESLs are like their largest userbase.

Because when you get it you get the intended experience but better.

I love the game but I don't really like the OST. The songs stick in my head though so I guess it's well done.

I don't know how to video edit but here

Attached: sotc bridge.webm (1144x640, 2.83M)

How important is upgrading health and stamina


The smoke on the PS4 version is crippled because the PS2 is just fucking good at raw transparency.
To remake the effect properly on the PS4, you would have to use actual volumetric fog etc to rely less on the fill rate of the PS4, but they tried to do the same way, but shittier.

get pussy

I really wanted them to add the unused colossi in the remake...
>tfw no worm

get pussy.

Alright lol.

I used to spend hours hunting lizards and finding turtles. It's a game that encompasses a feeling of isolation and exploration, it's not for everyone but recognise if you've commonly heard people enjoy it then we aren't all the problem.

You need to smoke weed or do any other psychedelic, it says so in the game "use drugs before playing".

What were you expecting?

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