The best 2D Sonic game

The best 2D Sonic game.
You just got filtered.

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Not with that shitty level design it ain't. Graphics and zone themes are still nice to look at though

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>shitty level design
Like I said, filtered.

That's not 3&K

>2D Sonic game
>Focus on exploring wide open levels instead of just getting to the end quickly
No. And don't tell me you can just ignore the time travel garbage, that's the main gimmick of the entire game and the levels were clearly designed with it in mind.

Compared to Sonic 1 or 2, maybe. But it doesn't hold a candle to Sonic 3 and Knuckles. Toei Animations can only get you so far.

cool, good to know OP, I just got the game recently

>Let me backtrack and explore for a sign post to go back in time to do awkward climbing platforming to find one specific capsule to destroy just to go back to the present and finish the level for a perfect ending.

Honestly CDis prety good if you ignore the time travel.

Music still great though

Go back, zoomer.

whiter than you


What is the point of going to the future in Acts 1 and 2? It seems just like a beginner's trap which you quickly learn to avoid. They could have taken the effort they put into those stages and made 2 more Zones easily.

this game literally takes less than an hour to beat. calm down, zoomer

which soundtrack do you like more?

is knuckles chaotix a hidden gem too or something now

You're looking for 3D Blast


>just to go back to the present and finish the level for a perfect ending.
You don't have to go back to the future once you destroyed the MS projector and robot generator, it's completely optional. Also the RG is completely locatable in the present and not the only specific thing to destroy, it's just only active in the past. Everything else you said is correct though, don't forget the retarded design choices like flinging you up into electrical circuits for touching the ground in Wacky Workbench or that shitty pinball boss at the end of Collision Chaos
It's shafted by most, and for a good reason too

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Or the robot generator in Wacky Workbench that requires you to get hit by "crushers" to get to.

The fucking boss music in the US/EU version still gives me nightmares.

It coupled well with my Windows 97 PC that loved to crash / blue screen mid game with the sound effects still running in the background, sometimes glitching, sometimes not.


the best 2d sonic is 3&knuckles. there is no debate.

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>Like I said, filtered.
>20 springs in a row is a great idea!
Jesus it's like some idiot with a level editor started spamming random shit like a 5 year old.

it's the easiest classic sonic game

Better question, is it fair to rate Mania as better than the classic games when it owes a lot of it's success to stuff that it steals from those games?

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>What is the point of going to the future in Acts 1 and 2?
>It seems just like a beginner's trap which you quickly learn to avoid.
You answered your own question, retard.

Is it fair to rate Sonic 2 as better than Sonic 1 when it owes a lot of it's success to stuff from that game?

It very clearly is not better than the classics in terms of level design flow, it's clearly a 6/10 game at best.


Sonic 2 didn't steal entire levels from 1 you mong

no, because mania does have flaws and while in general it's better than the earlier entries it's not perfect

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>Sonic 2 didn't steal entire levels from 1 you mong
First of all Emerald Hill Zone is literally Green Hill Zone, I won't even say "with a fresh coat of paint" because it barely has that. Second of all, Sonic Mania uses levels that originally appeared in the classics but it has brand new level layouts, although yes there are a few setpieces in the Act 1's lifted directly from the original layouts it's as an homage, they're sufficiently remixed that only a fucking moron would say they're "the same level" in terms of actual gameplay design.

definitely one of the best Sonic soundtracks imo, i'd rate the OSTs:
Sonic 2 > Sonic CD > Sonic 1 > Sonic 3 > Sonic 3D Blast (Saturn) > Sonic 3D Blast (Genesis) >>>>>>> the rest

Considering that the rehashed bits are generally the most disliked parts of the game, and the new levels and mechanics are the parts generally praised the most, I'd sat it's fair.

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Emerald hill has a completely different layout from Green hill, do you think they're the same because they're both hills?

So just like Sonic Mania?

Sonic 3&K > CD > 1 > Mania > 2

Sonic Advance > All

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The thing about the Mania stages is that they start off as the original zones before rapidly dissolving into entirely different levels, Emerald Hill on the other hand is just it's own thing

Its level design is so crap that using the main gimmick doesn't really feel all that fun.

has the most soul I'll say

So what you're saying is, the levels are completely different?

one of my favorite vidya soundtracks

fuck off communist sonic

>Naofumi Hataya doesn't compose much for Sonic anymore
>Masafumi Ogata MIA
>we will never get a soundtrack as groovy as CD's again

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Now for the true pleb filter.
The US soundtrack.

The time travel stuff was the only thing I hated. The levels have too many stopping points and just fucks me up every time.

or the fact that ALL time traveling is literally not required if you just get all the time stones. instant good ending. the entire mechanic skipped. what a retarded design choice

>filter culture

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Level design is admittedly trash when you compare it to other Sonic games, but the presentation and the amount of pizzazz it has is what made it stick with me.
I grew up with the US soundtrack which I found to be really unique and atmospheric for a Sonic game, I don’t think I would have appreciated the game in the same way if I played the Japanese/Europe soundtrack first.
It’s a shame that zoomers automatically disassociate themselves with the US ost and dismiss it altogether because the default option in all the remastered ports use the Japan/Europe ost.

Most people just get filtered by the mechanics in the stages. Its a better Sonic 1 than Sonic 1, but unfortunately most 2D sonic fans are S3Ktards who hate thinking and just want to go fast around the spinny loops.

Post 'em

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What's the difference between the 2 sonic 2's? Is there a Sonic 2 gamegear?

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>Avoid Sonic Advance 3

hold up there padre

>1 over Mania
>2 that low
3&K > Mania > 2 Advance 1 = Advance 2 > CD > Advance 3 > 1

>1 above anything

1's better than CD, fight me.

2 = 3 > CD > Advance 2 > Mania > 3&K > Advance 1 = S1 >>>>> Advance 3

Yeah, but you should play it on Master System instead.

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They start out identical, and then change by combining shit with other shit, like Chemical Plant gets the bouncy floor from Wacky Workbench, and Flying Battery gets stuff from Wing Fortress and the lightning from Wacky Workbench.

Rush Adventure is great