It's 2020

It's 2020.

Why do video game localizers STILL call onigiri "doughnuts" or "dumplings"? Hell, you could even fucking call them riceballs if you don't want to use the term onigiri. People in this era grew up on Japanese games and even those that don't recognizes what these are. Why not call them their proper names?

What other shitty localized terms bothers you?

Attached: shitty_british_food.webm (1920x1080, 2.76M)

Other urls found in this thread:

mmmmm raw egg mixed into lukewarm rice now that's a real breakfast

Achmed seething.

I'm sorry the food isn't still breathing begging to be put out of it's misery, but we're a little humane when it comes to cooking, you ugly fucking jap.

Attached: Wtf21.jpg (750x1231, 52.09K)

This bitch has shit taste.

that's china dummy

No it's not

>this stupid fucking underaged weeb thinks japs don't also eat their food alive
A lot of the things that you attribute to China can also be attributed to Japan. They may not do it as much for obvious reasons, but they do it.

Attached: 1577067761889.webm (640x360, 2.93M)

British food is fine. But oriental girls can replace it all they want if they keep coming to our countries and replacing our awful women

>I prefer mayonnaise with my chicken wings

Attached: aqua mayo.jpg (700x800, 55.8K)

Scottish and Welsh "accents" are extremely terrible.
Localization is cancer and needs to be a abolished. We need to go back to translations but we can't because the people who work in the industry all think Japanese games are problematic and need to be re-written.

This honestly. Asian girls btfo british slags.

>eating food recovers health
>your character can eat hundreds of steaks and not gain any visible weight

Attached: swallowing_sandwiches.webm (640x360, 3M)

Why is all British food so bland? Is it really cause they traded all their spices away?

Give that poor man a sandwich or something, jesus christ

the discovery of north america was mistake

This is literally me
I'm still massively underweight after months of above-maintenance eating

is that a man?
At very low and very high weights the two sexes seem to blend together into a nondescript human shape

the usa needs to be nuked.

shit forgot link

I have heard the term "riceball" used once or twice in the Pokemon anime (early episodes when it was still on UPN).

I can't remember seeing many games that I personally played with riceballs so I cannot comment much.

>British food is blan-

Attached: 13153350-10207494243846772-1961699410-n.jpg (960x719, 60.29K)

What? Who doesn't like the smell of burnt eggs and burnt bread with burnt sausage in the morning?

Attached: Burnt_eggs.jpg (900x599, 127.51K)

can you give an example of this still happening?


Oh it's this thread again

Attached: 1583151039282.webm (540x360, 2.91M)

americans aren't human

seething ahmed

>comparing some gimmicky burger joint to disgusting traditional British food

ayy lmao

Attached: duality of man.webm (900x506, 2.91M)

>kids are eating this shit

How the fuck are you clogging your kid's arteries starting from age 5 and think it's okay?

Attached: haggis.jpg (600x399, 279.38K)

>"w-wuh-whiter than you muhammed..."
I've been to your shithole country, have you ever left it?


Attached: junji ito simulator.jpg (500x500, 46.63K)

>p-please come t-to my sh-shithole!
no thanks, takbir


increased surface area to melt the butter faster

love me some butterburgers

now this I need, easier than splitting it with a fork

To avoid tearing toast, obviously

>this $8 rest-stop breakfast is considered high-tier cuisine in the UK

Attached: english-breakfast.jpg (800x600, 70.98K)



Attached: hamburger.jpg (634x461, 97.39K)

>eats around the crust
honestly the worst part of this
people who don't eat the pizza crust deserve to be fucking eviscerated

Some places have really terrible crust.

Sometimes if it's really excessive amounts of crust I leave it and have it later like it's just breadsticks

>literally eating meant to be discarded garbage
cuck behavior

Yes I've been to London unfortunately.

Attached: 1583680810374.jpg (707x670, 93.15K)

Seething fatty

>being picky over food
lmao enjoy getting raped and murdered by cannibal chads when the chinks nuke the world.

>englard calling anyone fat

>perfectly good bread
>meant to be discarded

It's funny because the only way they can get anyone to look at their chest is by baring it while adorned with deliberately antagonistic politics

>look at my boobies

What the hell is that supposed to accomplish?

>eating bread by itself
cuck behavior

the only thing women want is attention, why else do you think they keep demanding more despite getting everything they want

Do you have no more words of your own?


fuck off faggot

But he called you a c.uck

One of these men just got out of jail for kidnapping children, one of them is an actor doing a bit for a TV show. I'll let you figure out which is which.

You as the child rapist.