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Im gonna put an ancient evil inside her if you catch my drift


>The product of centuries of selective breeding to make the most perfect being ever
>Is white

Absolutely based.

>ywn obtain the powers of a fell dragon god

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>Hug her

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tdw not robinf

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Why live?

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I bet that particular ancient evil is really ticklish!

Does this look like an ancient evil to you?

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Reminder that Chrom took one look at her and said "Imma put my dick in that"

Wise man.

Robin said the same when he looked at baby Lucina.

inb4 "...MY DICK HAHA!"

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That particular ancient evil stolen Robin's body, and proceeded to kill and torture billions of innocent lives with it. It's pure evil and delights in every moment of it. Concepts like love, friendship and, yes, sex are beneath it. And yet, you still want to fuck the evil undead dragon. No shame.

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Don't be jealous you flat bitch.

Funny, she wasn't doing any of that to me.

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Lucina +0

When's Grimilla?

Don't you dare talk about your mother like that young lady.

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Fire Emblem """"""""""Heroes""""""""""

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Actually, this is an alternate universe version that lacks many of its memories.
In this incarnation, Grima sheds light on why it is evil, and it turns out that it is evil because it believes humanity wishes for it to be so. This Grima also reminisces on what life would be like if it was born as an ordinary human being instead of a an abomination made in a laboratory. By the way it's not undead, it's immortal. Learn the difference.
It's still evil and delights in causing death and suffering (and certainly wouldn't fuck you, you'd probably get your torso ripped apart), but there is more to the character and it understands the feeling of desire and longing.

I dropped it when the subscription service hits but that doesn't change the fact that famgrima is based as fuck.

post the one where she bites her tongue

And is cute! CUTE!

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Saya no Uta taught me the depths of my depravity. There's no bottom of things i'm willing to stick my dick into. .

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>Michelis sucks, Gharnef is a gimmick unit, Emperor Hardin is worst armored lance behind Gwendolyn only, and Medeus isn't even in the game yet
>Berkut is noteworthy only for his lance, Rudolf is relegated to seasonal whalebait and Duma is for a niche most of the playerbase don't give a shit about
>Arvis is a one-note ployboy, Manfroy is MIA, and Julius is relgated to stupid gimmick that is actually just a detriment to him
>Everything in Thracia overshadowed by epic brave tome man
>Zephiel sucks, Narcian is pig vomit, Brunnya is generic player phase mage
>Nergal is MIA and the one-note black fangs get special attention for some reason
>Nobody gives a shit about SS villains lol
>Everybody but BK MIA, but at least he had the one good run out of everybody on this list
>Gangrel and Validar MIA, Grimas came way too early to match their power in fe13
>Garon relegated to meme GHB unit, Anankos MIA
>Rhea/Seiros + Nemesis going to either arrive soon and be busted to shill 3h or arrive late and be crap filler heroes for another fallen banner featuring busted alts for popular units

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>no tits

Cute daughter

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I really really really like this image

She shouldn't have said those mean things to me in Smash.

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Evil huh

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Garon's excellent as a unit and mostly invalidates the old Tiki vs Tiki arguments.
Duma's alright for an armor (busts through almost anything due to about 60 atk magic melee BF hits) but is completely counterintuitive to his movetype.

That's no way to talk to your mother Lucina

>Chrom fucked this

I made her into an invincible unit that could solo every map.
I was so proud of my beautiful daughter.

Evil shouldn't be allowed to be this hot.
Its not fair.

Very beautiful!

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Excuuuuuuuuuuuse me princess, but Im gonna hug your mother whether you like it or not

Robin is CUTE

>Didn't know they could get that big.

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Please don't try.

These are fun. Does the flash archive have these?


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She doesn't seem so bad.

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Oh yeah. She's so evil, she'll tell you she hid 4 easter eggs, but she actually only hid 3!


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I want to be her foot slave.

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Well that does sounds pretty evil..


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fuck off devil may underage

you actually listened to the story


>That particular ancient evil stolen Robin's body, and proceeded to kill and torture billions of innocent lives with it. It's pure evil and delights in every moment of it.

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Guess I'll have to put her back to sleep then.

Let's be honest, Naga only wanted her dead because she was jealous.
