One of the more clever and underappreciated aspects of Splatoon's design as a multiplayer title is its rotation system...

One of the more clever and underappreciated aspects of Splatoon's design as a multiplayer title is its rotation system, where whether it be the casual turf war, or the ranked battles shifting between modes like Tower Control, Rain Maker, in that the absolute limitations, forcing the player to play these maps on this mode, allows a more heavy counter to passive community metas. Stuff like CS 1.6/CS:S having infinite 24/7 dust2 or office, or TF2 perpetually having Dustbowl & 2fort servers(though the latter are arguably just glorified deathmatch maps), or a Call of Duty lobby emptying when people are being sent to an unpopular map(e.g. most of MW2019's roster).

It also encourages more diversity and versatility of weapon types. Yes, you'll see the usual surplus of the Kensa Splattershot family and Custom Dual Squelchers and N-Zaps but there's a good number of maps friendly to rollers, sloshers, splatlings and chargers so you'll see a lot of different stuff in play depending on the map, rather than players just only sticking to whatever's friendly to M4A1s and 725s.

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No, fuck you, the rotation system is a fucking garbage system that limits how the player wants to play the game. It is probably the biggest contributor to burnout because half the time you boot up the game you lose all interest in playing because a garbage rotation with garbage maps is on. It also encourages the developers to ignore maps and modes that have problems because they have less idea of what shit is popular and what isn't.
If Splatoon 3 still has this system in it I won't buy it.

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Are fixed weapon stats also limiting how you play the game? I want a gun that kills everyone in this match in one shot, but I have to make do with domething that takes many hits and aim to kill one person because devs don't want me to have godmode weapons.

That's a false equivalence and you know it. Making it so that a player can't even pick what map or game mode they want to play is a shitty move, and putting it behind a random time based system means oftentimes you'll have to wait and wait to get a map or mode you like. Wanna play Splat Zones but booted up at the wrong time? Sorry fucker, you gotta wait (which can be up to 6 hours) to see it. Oh, but the maps are bad that rotation, so you lose anyway. Oh, you wanna just have fun on MakoMart? Gotta wait for the right rotation to roll around, and you better hope it's not a mode you don't like. And when you don't have all the free time in the world, i.e. you have a job, then you don't really have the luxury of waiting. Instead, you come home at night and hope to god that the rotation lottery that night draws something good instead of something shit. It's taking away too much control from the player. And so, instead of a server emptying out when an unpopular map is picked, all the rotation system ensures that instead people just won't play your game when a rotation is bad.
It's a shit system.

The rotation system is part of the reason I never bothered to play salmon run, since I never knew if it was going to be available during my schedule. And I'm NOT playing fucking Clam Blitz.
It's shit and should be removed.

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I like how you go
>uh they don't see map pick rates they can't see what to fix
and the very next post go
>nobody plays on bad rotations
Like, that's exactly how they see what's wrong, in addition to reading complaints on various media. They fixed a lot of not really broken but annoying maps over the years.

Also, I don't get how people want to play specific map or mode. I can see how people DON'T want to play something, I myself despise Humpback, but I always have turf and sammin to escape it, or if all else fails, I can pick up Goo Tuber and go meme on said Humpback. I'll have my fun either way. You need to open your mind.

>One of the more clever and underappreciated aspects
alright i get yo--
>is its rotation system
restrictions are bad. the way i want to play the game shouldn't be limited by how Nogami and his team want me to play the game.


moray is the best map tho
it wouldn't be back if it wasn't

>>nobody plays on bad rotations
That's not exactly what I said.
>Like, that's exactly how they see what's wrong
Except unlike map pick rates, which directly tells you the problem, player number data is influenced by several other factors, so the data is far less useful and you can't get as much of a definitive conclusion out of it.
>Also, I don't get how people want to play specific map or mode
If you can't see why people wanna play things they like over things they don't like, that's a you problem.

At least it's not Kelp Dome. Fuck that level with a rake

Oh, it was a troll thread all along.

Moray isn't that bad.

My biggest problem with the rotation is that I don't like having to play the same level over and over. Forcing repetition as a way to avoid players choosing repetition is a terrible solution to the problem.

I don't mind the map rotation but at least let me play the game mode I want. Nobody wants to play lamemaker or shitty payload.

>Clam Blitz
Time to log off! Fuck you too, Splatoon!

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The only good thing about Splatoon is the sexy little girls.

Tell me more...

okay coomer

Rotations should only last for a hour. Two hours of shit maps like Sturgeon Shipyard is two hours too much. Sad thing is that's still better than S1's insane 4 hour system.

Splatoon 2 is a direct upgrade to the first game, but fails to remove the annoying systems (stats tied to clothes and the map rotation) that made 1 imperfect in the first place.
If Splatoon 3 doesn't innovate enough, I'm fine with becoming a secondary.

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Slightly off topic here, but how the fuck do you deal with chargers? I got the game recently and whenever there's a charger on the opposing team all the fun seems to be sucked out of that match.

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Either sneak up on them (impossible on several maps) or use specials/bombs to make them move. Competent chargers are just annoying to deal with as you have to pay attention to them more than what's going on around you, but thankfully there's more idiot chargers who don't know how to play competently than the good ones.
You'll end up with the bad ones on your teams 99 percent of the time, of course.

You hope they're too stupid to aim and that you won't fumble your bomb throws in the heat of the moment while they're looking at you.
Oh, and your bomb throw has less range than their charger. Have fun!

>I once had a match against four japanese chargers
>entire match was just dying the moment I stepped out of spawn
You don't.

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You don't. You hope they're a shit shot and not Japanese. If they're Japanese you're basically guaranteed to have half your team dead at any given time.

Fair and balanced weapons remember.

If they have a scope it forces them into first-person view when they're charging, so you might be able to flank them.

Snipers are unfun bullshit in every game they're in and I cannot comprehend why devs keep putting them in games
It's amazing how much more fun games are when you don't have to worry about being sniped from across the map when going from point A to point B

People gravitate towards those maps in CS and TF2 because they're almost perfectly balanced, not because they have a cranial malfunction like you. Multiplayer games are about competition, not about taking in the vistas and looking at the pretty maps.

>Dustbowl and 2Fort
>almost perfectly balanced

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Yeah glad to see Splatown VS Raw finally caught up to chinkshit mobile FPS games.

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>clever and underappreciated
uhh, based?

What's wrong with clam blitz?

The best game modes are simple and easy to understand and play.
Clam Blitz is such a clusterfuck that it took datamining to fully figure out how the game mode worked.


But thats the very thing that made me drop the game. It's a seriously flawed game multiplayer wise. I honestly hope they do more with single player in 3.

Once you understand (from reading the rules they literally give you, also its not that complex) you can easily play from then on

Clam Blitz has too many factors
Tower Control
>everyone moves to the tower, those who arent on it defend it
Splat Zones
>ink your fucking zone
Rain Maker
>defend the one holding the rainmaker
Clam Blitz
>the enemy has a football? kill that guy and defend it so they cant obtain it. but oh shit YOUR teammate decided to create a football despite everyone being scattered so you have to defend him and while you're doing this two other chucklefucks create a football
If there were more shoutout options like left, right, or retreat, I'd be ok with it

Probably going to be the same quality as the last two games.

dabbing is weird. It was hated, then it became popular again because people used it “ironically”

Its the only advanced game mode that involves branching out, rather than concentrating fire in a small area. It filters retards who can't adapt.

Also RNG, but it's not a determining factor.

No, it is a fun game.


Avoid their sightlines.
Also if you struggle to find your way around a weapon, try to learn using it yourself and watch how others deal with you.

Rainmaker also rewards branching out, though not to Clams' extent.

Fuck the rotation system. Learn what maps your players do and don't like and use that as a litmus test for map DLC or a sequel rather than forcing everyone to play all the maps. People will just refuse to play if they hate a map enough.
Also Nintendo, get dedicated servers, pls,

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What's that? You want the tickrate lowered further to 8? Say no more.

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I’m fine with map rotations. Usually with stuff like voting, only a few maps are picked, and others are left to the dust. Which sometimes are maps you personally like. Just have a larger map selection and reduce the rotation rate to one hour

I agree

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>next two idols will likely be octos since that duo hasn’t happen yet.

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I don't think they should introduce too many new characters. Don't want to suffer from sanic syndrome.

At least one more duo.

Fuck off Splatoonfag, they need to get rid of the map rotation and they need to let you skip the introduction. There have been so many occasions where I have a passing interest in playing Splatoon that I can't fucking capitalize on because of the goddamn motherfucking idol intro. I don't care what stupid rationalization you have for it, it's stops being charming and starts being annoying really fucking quickly. Seeing that intro on boot up every single time, especially after not playing for a while and they have to discuss updates and Splatfests, just completely takes the wind out of my sails.

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So far the consesnsus is, rotation is 50-50 but nobody wants the idol news.