ITT: "Villains" that did nothing wrong

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hayden had a hot voice

Yeah just power everything with hell juice I'm sure nothing can go wrong

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he literally saved earth from a energy crisis

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>did nothing wrong
>hey olivia, the board and I are concerned that you might not lead your workers to demonworship for science, but because you truly believe in their seductions
>but we wont limit your ability to cause hellwaves, and I wont remove your authority to activate the kill switch for all my elite guard in case you would want to fuck us all

yeah, he is not a villain, he is just a humongous fool.
he could have tapped the energy of the sun instead and also used his position as the sole provider of said energy to the entire species to educate them on frugality instead of satisfying their boundless excess.
again, no maliciousness there, only tremedous moronism.


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It's still hell juice

i think having an energy crisis is actually better than being bodily absorbed into hell but i GUESS that's a value judgment

Remember that his name is basically a corrupted anagram of Satan. And probably a well-intentioned kind of Satan that ended up cast from Heaven for opposing God.

>he could have tapped the energy of the sun instead
>and also used his position as the sole provider of said energy to the entire species to educate them on frugality
you a faggot

>Have achieved the literal transhumanist ideal of being a brain in a jar that can be implanted into any robotic body of your choice
>Doesn't go for a smoking hot lady bot body
What a faggot.

Being obsessed with the dam was definitely a mistake.

He even says he's not the villain! :^)

You do have a point

a crisis of their own design.
if you can build energy guns that beam enough energy to power a planet from mars to earth you can also plaster the entire solar system with solar collectors, which is not as infinite, but it should suffice the better part of 15 billion years.

>energy of the sun
Gay as fuck
Hell all the way motherfuckers. Let's do it again

>Talks a bunch of shit
>Has a god complex
>Goes into demon realm and gets his ass kicked and body ripped apart

You get what you FUCKING deserve. Like he really thought he was stronger than Doomguy.

Instead of Hayden, it's Haydee.

but he's not the villain


>risking hell
when will you people learn

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Doomslayer, I...

but keep in mind UAC was a corpo that wasn't being run by 1 single person like sam hyde it had a board of directors and who not
what says they didn't all fall under some or total demonic influence as well? there is a posibility sam hyde got under the devil's thumb as well

>not a loli

You can say whT you want about the guy but at least he isn't a fag

Are you talking dyson sphere or faggot ass solar panels?

a dyson sphere can also be a mega structure full of faggot ass solar panels

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Yeah, but solar panels are only not gay when they're dyson spheres or otherwise in space

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>That is pure Argent Energy you've taken into your system. It seems to agree with you. Hmm. I will unlock the remaining Argent cells in the facility for you. Vega, give him what he wants.

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>Watches an Ancient human man tear through an entire armada of Demons through his Facility and Hell, becoming more efficient as he gains weapons and adds on to his own suit.
>"Surely my frail robot frame,no weapons and 10 INT will protect me in hell."
>He then forgets he was only able to subdue Doom Guy because of shit he forcibly installed onto him when they were still working together.

Hayden is trying hard to earn that darwin award.

>Didn't win
>Did nothing wrong
Pick one


By literally making a portal to hell and taking energy from demons. Deals with hell never end well.

He had hell utterly whipped before Olivia caught a brainworm and ruined everything. Seriously his team were able to retreive Doomslayer's tomb prison from the most guarded place in hell, and they had a captured cyberdemon to work on.

Fucking women.

>wants to go into a useless fembot body because he is a repressed tranny and wants to jerk off
>not wanting to become a god damn terminator
fuck outta here with that gay shit

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he's so fucking cool

I thought it was Peter Cullen the entire game, he just sounds like Optimus Prime with the voice modulation.

"Female" terminator models. You haven't dissuaded me, senpai. A machine has no reason to conform to anything beyond your own tastes.

>ywn have a sam hayden fuckbot whispering sweet nothings about xer facility in your ear
why even live bros

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What is the T-X?
What is the T-900?

lame ass models is what they are

He can’t keep getting away with it

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Canonically he worsened it by making Earth dependent on a single source of monopolized energy, causing other energy forms to be neglected and abandoned due to the short-term cheapness of LITERALLY CONSUMING ANOTHER WORLDS
Capitalists and their externalities, fuck!

don't argue with coomers
they only have one thing on their withered mind

>"villain" does nothing wrong
>the heroes have more of a problem with the fallout from their plan than the plan itself

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>causing other energy forms to be neglected
Where does it say that?

Didn't his entire team AND his robot body die in the process of getting Doomguy?
Doomguy is the only person to go to hell and back alive.

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>wants to use demon energy safely
>demon energy
kek for being a super genius, he lacks some decent common sense

The Argent technology, which the energy beamers use, are new though. Maybe he did have grandiose plans in the pipeline?

Can Hell corrupt robut brains?

He even removed his tattoos.

>He had hell utterly whipped
nothing but small expeditions made it to hell and only those small flying robots that recorded shit made it back they didnt kill shit
the big demon wasn't caught from hell he made it into mars and got lured in and after that they made him augmented into a cyberdemon after he was sedated
I don't remember olivia getting some worm she just couldn't resist
>AND his robot body
no he made it out with the sarcophagus and doom marine armor using the teleporter that you see when you visit kadingir sanctum

Marketeers getting clever.

No, it only corrupts f*male and wagie brains.

He got back, but doesn't consider himself "alive" so he said that to Doomslayer. But yeah his team fucking died, you can see that there is less and less of them until only Hayden remains when playign through that level.

His Bio confirms that his brain is still in the robot somewhere, so he's part biological. He's not on a chip like Vega.

most of his brain is still intact so maybe
his robotic body is also powered by hell energy
he just might be the anti christ who knows

It's not stated directly, but you can assume it being implied.
The codex states that "conventional nuclear power" as obsolete, from which the wiki assumes that same applies to other sources of energy, with them naturally being significantly less powerful to begin with.
The codex does also state that the UAC has/had enough of a grip over the balls of the global energy economy, that they could manipulate the markets to fit their own needs by "adjusting" production when needed. From what we know of the UAC's ethics, it isn't too hard to imagine they'd have the interest and ability to disrupt alternatives.


damning everyone's soul into hell forever and turning the solar system part of hell itself in the entire process... was it worth it?

Second biggest jew enabler.