Have a billionaire game idea

>have a billionaire game idea
>doesn't have the initial investment


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Literally me.
Wish you can send letters to megacorps to do your game or something.

Ideas aren't worth shit. There are tons of indie games with great ideas in them. It's about execution.

I dont only have the idea. I have the options, systems, characthers etc.

Still isn't worth shit. You can go on world-building sites and see tons of people with fully realized worlds, complete with history, maps, character sheets, concept art, etc, and those ideas aren't worth much either until they convalesce into something of worth.

This is the reason why I want to learn to code but I'm too lazy gaming myself all the time to so something as productive as that

>hes the ideas guy
just hire a bunch of starving programmes to make your game

Everybody has ideas. Unless you can actually make something you have no worth. Develop a skill.

You think people with actual skills are just sitting around with no fucking ideas? Just waiting for you to come by with your great idea to put them to work?

Literally yes

You're literally retarded then.

Who is this?

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He was crying cuz Miyamoto was on stage promoting his game.

The guy behind the Mario+Rabbid game.

>Idea guy

>has a cool idea for a game.
>Has no idea how game design works and I'm too lazy to bother researching it
Every single time

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Just watched the video.

Genuinely cute - youtube.com/watch?v=z4tUL2rSYBg

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i know that feel. if i could just get some seed capital i would be a billionaire off minecraft but round.

It's even better when you know the whole story behind it and the lengths the man went to to get the game made

>have a game idea that i would like
>don't have experience programming
>can't into art or music
>even if i managed to make it exactly the way i wanted it would probably sell fuck all because the vast majority of people have dogshit taste in games

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The GBA Windwaker could've been fun. Shame that didn't happen. At least the guy finally got his break.

The truly hilarious fact is if you really had a "billionaire" game idea you'd be able to get investment no issue.

Sooooo guess what? You don't really have a "billionaire" idea.

Rabbids is one of the worst game franchises of all time. I wish I could personally slap the dude who funded that piece a shit annoying game.

So, what is it?

Early Access Survival Crafting games arent billion dollar ideas, user.

Sad Soliani.

Attached: Sad Ubisoft Man Soliani.jpg (1200x900, 154.42K)

I just want a good successor of all my favourite fps games in 1 game/franchise

>Mario crossing over with Rabbids
>Made by Ubisoft
>Is a good game


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What's your idea?

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All the billionaires that had billionaire game ideas didn't have initial investment either. They built it on a hefty dose of getting shit done.
No game idea is worth a billion dollars. Games are worth billions of dollars. Put that nose to the grindstone, learn to code, and get shit done. Notch didn't become a billionaire either by being a genius coder or getting people to make his shit for him. He didn't even have a genius idea. He just programmed an infiniminer clone and made it fun and addictive.

Your ideas are useless, even if they're genius. A genius idea for a book is useless if you never put in the effort to write it.

>Have an idea
>Don't have enough will to make anything
Can't even kill myself

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user all of your great ideas can easily be executed into something very shit without proper guidance and technical skill.

Dreaming up things is a completely different thing than actually implementing them and our minds delude ourselves into thinking it's easier than it will be as life always will throw unpredictable events into the process. This tricks even the best veterans in any industry which is why we're always seeing delays in shit.

Fuck that, im not gonna waste years on learning programming, code, drawing, game design, level design, game engines, marketing, and then waste another couple of years into 1 game that nobody will play

Sam Hyde is looking worse and worse.

Professional programmer here (non vidya dev). We have two primary aphorisms on project estimation.
The 90-90 rule states something like "The first 90% of the project takes the first 90% of the time. The last 10% of the project takes the other 90% of the time." Indicating that clean up and refinement always take a long time and always take longer than programmers estimate.
We also have Hofstadter's Law: "It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter's Law."

which really means advertisement.

The first 90% of the project is making features and the last 90% is fixing the "100% done" features the incomps first programmed.

Tell us your idea so we can judge whether it's worthless or not.

it all sounds great in your head until you put it in a game and realize its nowhere near perfect and might not even be worth releasing. Or way more expensive/hard to do than expected.

>90% + 90% = 100%
Jesus Christ, game devs really are fucking retarded.

I dunno man, I think combining Skannerz with anime girls is a pretty good idea for a gatcha game.

When they showed Miyamoto the Phantom scene, they were really worried that he might not be too happy with them taking the piss out of Mario. Turned out Miyamoto thought it was legitimately one of the funniest things he saw and kept telling them to not be afraid of doing things that might be "Insulting" as long it's funny and coming from a good place. But then he was encouraging and daring Rare to put in more and more masturbation jokes into Grabbed By The Ghoulies to see what they could get by Nintendo of America (While Rare was still with Nintendo) so he has a track record with it.

OP'S billion dollar idea
>first person
>open world
>post-apocaliptic setting
>from the creators or critically acclaimed Anthem
>Directed by Hideo Kojimbo

Could you give an example of a masturbation joke in any of the games? Thanks.

Not even joking I swear I thought this was Sam Hyde.

>When they showed Miyamoto the Phantom scene, they were really worried that he might not be too happy with them taking the piss out of Mario. Turned out Miyamoto thought it was legitimately one of the funniest things he saw and kept telling them to not be afraid of doing things that might be "Insulting" as long it's funny and coming from a good place.

I think I remember that. I saw an interview that mentioned Nintendo (or Miyamoto) surprised them (the Ubisoft team), but in a good way. The initial trailer really surprised a lot of people and even managed to shock them with the whole voice versus rpg text contrast aspect (only fully voiced character in the entire game with full sentences), which got quite a few reactions recorded and most were quite pleased. There were people that even wanted a game just about the character (Vinesauce was one of them) or thought he was the actual final boss.

There are a billion good ideas and it needs to be 1. done well and 2. you have no track record, and you're likely very much overestimating yourself.

>go to bank for loan to make a video game
>get rejected
>banker steals my idea
every time

And you're dense, because you've missed the entire implication about project estimation: en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ninety-ninety_rule

>you make your billionaire game idea
>nobody buys it because it actually sucks

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There's also the reliable idea that you should take any estimate and either triple the time, or double it then double it again.

>plan today to be the day i dig down and start learning unity and c#
>retards make me do all sorts of dumb bullshit for hours and theres hardly any time left today

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No. Good products will always sell. Yes, a product with advertisement might sell more, but good games/books/music will get an audience and it will sell.

>movies women cant understand

Explain both Blade Runner movies then

>>have a billionaire game idea
you keep telling yourself that, champ

You forgot "crafting"

>7 hour pitch
Fucking hell.

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True. This is both for the reality that programmers suck at estimating time and because you look better to management when you come way below estimate now and then (not too often, otherwise they expect it as a rule and are disappointed when you don't deliver at a superhuman speed).

You don't spend 180m on hipster garbage. The movie still profited 100m.

You explain it. The sequel had a monstrous advertising budget and still just made it into the black.
Next time, try something like The Thing it least

Explain The Thing then

Came out just after ET. Incredibly bad timing. Furthermore, if you look at what I wrote, I never said "movie," because that market is early too volatile.

>No. Good products will always sell.
child like thinking

"good" is entirely subjective. developers probably think their product is good, when its actually weak as fuck. happens all the time.

stupid child

Didn't The Thing get a ton of bad reviews when it initially came out?

fun fact: the female brain is half the size of a mans brain

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Yes, because it came out after ET. That being said, over the long run, it became a celebrated classic. Movies are exempt from "good will generate money" because of how the hole box office distribution system works.