"Fuck you I liked it" thread

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My nigga

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This game gave me a good time

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Worse than Sonic 06
i can't believe it somehow controls worse

suck my fucking cock rarefags. this game is super fun and there's nothing like it out there. fun fun game

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The campaign was weak but the MP shit all over unmoded 2
PC port when?

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Inferno and AH were perfect casual filters but crybabies cried so loud they ruined this franchise forever.

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I have a shitload of these hot takes with movies but this is Yas Forums

Of course we all hated the ending but that didn't stop me from having a fun time getting there

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The music is fucking great.

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i like it too

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based, loved this game


What character?

This is the only Zelda game I haven't played HW and the CDI games don't count, eat sand

If I didn't like PH can I still get into it?

Playing on my WiiU, christ that's a fucking trip

The midget with the guns. Kinda wish I picked the ninja at times though.

Yes it's no TTYD, but it sure as hell isn't awful. Compared to what came after, it's excellent.

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I honestly still kinda enjoy the game and I don't really know why, considering how brain-dead it is.

Played chick with the robot myself. Tried other characters and got immediately bored to death.

I can see the appeal, but the main issue lies in Rare's poor handling of the banjo-series after fans had been craving a new (collectathon) game for years on end.

I'm sure it's a grand old time, but I can see why it would leave a bad taste in the mouth of banjo-fans

The endgame is so boring but I can't stop playing aaaa

I like it more than TTYD in a lot of ways in fact. It was one of the last unique games from Nintendo, had the same old design philosophy they used, before they switched to "no new stuff. Dont try different things. SPM may have fallen a little flat in difficulty and the "fight" mechanics being easily broken by the pixls but besides that it's really a gem. It oozes charm.
I genuinely believe if it had launched on the gamecube as intended people wouldnt associate it with the Wii and it's casual side and shift in Nintendo, and would see it in a much more positive light.

Segahomos rise up

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best partner in the series

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I didn't finish but it's not nearly as bad as people claim. the story is pretty good so far and the partner isn't autistic like in PSMD. building Paradise is cool too
only issues are early dexit and slow ass text

Not even I could defend this game, the controls were just so bad depending on what controller you used and the 3D looked worse than Sonic Heroes. Had a lot of neat ideas though like making use of the Wii's weather channel and changing the weather in game based on your current weather.

That one time Fromsoftware made an actual JRPG.

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Loved this entry, not sure why some try to throw it in with SS

Yes. I fucking loved that game as a kid and only found out much later everyone online hated it. Fuck them

Whilst I enjoyed the game it had some serious issues.
>All text is slow and unskippable
>Your paradise once built up takes ages to run daily pre-dungeon errands, because you have to visit every installation and do each possible thing one at a time, compounded by the slow text
>Smallest Pokémon roster of any main entry, with nearly everything being Gen V
>Only five Pokémon available for hero/partner
>Strange sections of story dungeons that are not tile-based or generated but still feature battling
>DLC that was way too expensive yet didn't really offer anything meaningful
>Hunger mechanic doesn't exist, except for some of the DLC dungeons

It was still enjoyable though, and whilst I don't intend to replay it, I hope that a patch to fix the slow text issues exists.

Sonic and the Secret Rings was such shit.

Secret Rings was unironically good and the extra missions were actually a fun challenge. Plebs that got filtered by simple motion controls shouldn't be allowed to talk about video games.

Hated the controls

Should I Dolphin these??


I remember trying to replay this years ago and it was astounding just how slow you were at the start.

Have more hours in this piece of shit than any other fallout. And I honestly couldn't tell you why.

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As a Sonic autist who doesn't specifically dislike 2D or 3D games, absolutely not. The only reason anyone would like these is nostalgia. They're not worth the bandwidth.

I liked phantom hourglass better

Absolutely, the gameplay may not be the greatest but the soundtrack and story are great

>far harbor dlc
>build me a cozy little seaside shack with furniture and decorations and stuff
>after a hard day of shootan n" lootan come home to my comfy sofa
>play me some grognak rpg while listening to the acid rain beating on my tin roof
Was alright

that peach does things to me

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honestly this is the only Banjo game I like. Collectathons are a shitty genre and only Mario has done them remotely well.

You probably won't like it too much if you're not a fan of PH.

It’s good, the only reason people hate on it is because it’s not turn based

I consider Phantom Hourglass the worst game in the series but I actually found Spirit Tracks to be enjoyable, it is a much much better game.

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I really liked the PSP version as a kid

>The gameplay may not be the greatest
It's utterly fucking atrocious
>but the story and music are great
Okay so download the literal storybook jpegs and open up the soundtrack on Youtube. These games are fucking garbage.

this desu

now we are stuck with shitty arpgs like PoE where you just mow down everything instead of stuff like inferno D3 lmao

So read the story on wikipedia and listen to the soundtrack on YouTube

pretty sure most people around here agree that this one is the best, because contrarians

I liked this game when I was younger but I'd be curious to go back to it now. I'm not even sure what the criticisms are regarding this game, I just know it isn't fondly looked upon

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I haven't played any souls games, but I def see people talking more about DS3, DS1, and Blood Borne far more than DS2

Jesus what's with the hate boner

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The game on launch was unforgivably shit but ever since Reaper of Souls launched the game is incredibly fun and fast paced.
I honestly think autists who cry about Diablo 2 should go back and play it and see how shitty it really is by modern standards.


Oh dear fucking god, my brother got this for Xbox for some reason and was traumatized by how bad it is
to this day when a game kills us for going out of bounds we say some shit like HEY PRISONER STAY AWAY FROM UNT DEATH FENCE

because its fun

Having to spend exp on better controls was the worst fucking idea and the menu music being inescapable only made it worse. Other than that, it was okay.

Because Secret Rings was the only fuckin' game I had for my wii when I got it. I tried so fucking hard with that game and I fuckin' love Sonic games but it's simply horrendous. The controls are unresponsive and even if they worked it'd still be a horrific control scheme. In short, the game is fundamentally awful.
I genuinely don't get how someone could enjoy or defend it unless they have major nostalgia for it.

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Fuck you I liked it

this is one of the best games i've played in recent years and it got shit on relentlessly, i still don't get why

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Dare i say it....My favorite game of all time?

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DMC2....I know

I got the controls just fine did you have the wii motion plus because that might be why mine was better

I like Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks way more than A Link Between Worlds.


Loads of Sonic fans are too fat to play a game that requires even a tiny amount of moment.

I came here to post this

People would like it if they had released a real banjo game beside it.
As it stands there is literally no reason for banjo-kazooie characters/items to even be in the game though, so complaints are valid.

morrowind and daggerfall fags are the worst, keep on trucking

No, cause Wii Motion Plus wasn't a thing when it came out. I'm not trying to take away from your enjoyment, but I can't imagine anyone you recommend this game to is gonna think it's any good.

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why do i like it? combat is fast paced and it does a great job of mixing melee and shooting, the story is fun/ridiculous and never gets in the way, and the fake-japan level is one of the best levels in any game ever
i played it on cemu last year and enjoyed it way more than any other action game i played, even sekiro

I just think it's fun and I enjoy the aesthetics especially the first level and the floating castle stage even if that particular stage could be a bitch sometimes

It looks way better than the first and has more engaging gameplay with actual level design.

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