Can esports be salvaged?

Can esports be salvaged?

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>we want women to have more freedom!
>let's force them to do things they aren't interested in!

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didn't a all womens team get disbanded recently in esports because they had a sub IQ tier win loss ratio


Oh I cant wait.

>corporations start dumping millions into a female only vidya league
>in under 5 years the actual females gamers get pushed out by trannies because even in vidya wahmen cant compete against males

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>Women being bad at sports is sexist
>Women getting handicaps to compete with men isn't sexist

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what an idiot lol

this dude sets off primitive alarm bells in my head
in the ancestral environment I can see myself casting stones at him and yelling to chase him away from the women and children

it's happened in league 4 or 5 times now. some sponsors will throw money together getting gurl gamers for an esports team and they'll get absolutely fucking dumpstered and disbanded within a few months of their creation
the most recent team was something like 0-38

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Didn't some egirl meme team get a respectable LoL team warned because they banned 5 supports and it hurt their feelings?

Women don't need to play video games to make money on the internet, they just need to jiggle around in their underwear while pretending to play video games

Because they suck just like you, you Eurofag.


Esports seems largely alright. It's (((journalism))) that needs to be ended.

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Isn't that what happened with that all female speed running event?
It ended up having like two actual women and the rest were all trannies.

that's because women are indeed fucking bad at most video games and a small minority of them being half decent is unicorn tier rare.

They are either really bad or need to have the rules adjusted so they can have a chance. Most women in vidya are not even actual real women, they are mostly women(male) and their only use is to promote shit to make money off them,. just like the gays, but at least faggots can be good at vidya.

i would like to know more.

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that was the most recent girl team that shit the bed

>Esports seems largely alright.

>win loss ratio
It's not a ratio if you lose every match

Imagine showing this headline to a 1920s nigger

Yep. They wanted to give them a handicap and the retarded roasties got upset and demanded the win should be handed them because they are offended.

Man, 'Stuart' is such a woman's last name.

Even from the front you can see how bad his posture is.

I refuse to watch esports, but why not have separate male and female leagues instead of bitching about how women can't win when playing against men? Men's focus and reaction times are in general just too much of an advantage for thots to overcome.

i have no idea what the words in this article mean

Yep. It was pure comedy gold. Thats where the dilation station meme came from.

Women are worse than men at every single thing possible
If men could give birth they would do that better, too

There's legitimately not enough females in most games to form their own league.

they'll just "manufacture" a woman from a man.

because it's not a phisical sport so it'd be admitting women are dumber as well as weaker

then just do female only tournaments, every other sport does it, why isn't it a thing in e-sports

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Don't pro female counter strike players earn more money than their male counterparts despite not being anywhere near top tier or competing at big events?

That guy was their games editor and got fucked out of his job by someone who writes articles like this and makes him write them too.

>Not so white, male and straight: the video games industry is changing
BAME and LGBTQ+ representation is above the average for the UK’s creative industries, while the number of women in the games industry is creeping upwards

The dilation station meme was around long before Frame Fatales started.


Imagine being an 8/pol/ refugee having to read the fucking Guardian to bring b8 back to Yas Forums.

Not enough competent female players and nobody would actually watch it so there's no money in it

99% of a pro's money comes from advertising
women get more advertising money because slapping an ad on tits or an ass is more profitable than slapping it on a dude's shoulder because nobody looks at him except for a brief second to look at their face to see who they are

Only you imagine yourself in a primitive environment, passing dung from one inbred relative to the next.

This was no surprise. They had a spotted hyena for their mascot.

So we're just waiting for this guy to be convicted as a pedophile or attempted rapist then?

Fuck you mean not enough?
there has to be at least a thousand of them worldwide

bEcAuSe ThAtS sExIsT wOmEn ArE jUsT aS gOoD aS mEn

>best female starcraft 2 player is a male
esports saved

In the ancestral environment you just earned a tree limb between the eyes buddy. Consider yourself lucky.

>They had a spotted hyena for their mascot.
I don't get it


But all for the same games?

>The esports industry must attract female pro players to avoid replicating the sexism that blights other sports
But other sports are require actual physical abilities, women get excluded not because sexism, but because its a well known fact that they can't keep up with men. Having a woman on the would just cripple the team.

Is that some kind of joke? Are "dilation stations" an actual thing?

Female hyenas have cocks

>"Although it is not technically against the rules"
>punished anyways
>another team crushes them with literally 26 times as many kills
>punished for making the match go on too long
This is like faggots who whine about sports teams "running up the score". You know how you keep them from doing that? Get fucking good.

female hyena's have penises

>not using a rock from Rockstop
Do you even unga bunga bro?
>female hyenas give birth through their penis

Simba was right.

>"Top ranked" Overwatch female player was just a guy pretending to be a girl.
>Constant redos and technicalities on League tournaments and DOTA 2 tournaments.
>Male players have to reach new levels of discipline because refs and overseers are trying to find any reason to disqualify them if they're facing women.
>Biggest stink about "No girls in a league" because people don't understand how competition works.
>Constant #believewomen when the shittiest of them are making the biggest stink and causing the most problem, making it harder for other women to be taken seriously.
I don't even trust other men, why the fuck would I just blindly trust women when they're constantly proving themselves untrustworthy?

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>has another first name instead of a last name
is there a bigger sign that someone is a loser

I'm just going to warn you now, nothing you learn about this will enrich your life. Nay, you will be unable to forget it. The horrors of the world cannot be easily dismissed.

>why are no women pro gamers
Because girls aren’t good at video games.

This. Some autist translate please.

>After giving birth, the pseudo-penis is stretched, and loses many of its original aspects; it becomes a slack-walled and reduced prepuce with an enlarged orifice with split lips

Me unga bunga brain sez beat up

No. Its a meme that came due to GDQ's growing tranny infestation and it stuck around because it rhymes.

make it a lingerie league then

Males have faster reflexes and vision better suited to tracking fast-moving objects. Women have vision better suited to identifying and differentiating static objects.

Women are at a physiological disadvantage in shooters, the same as most real sports.

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>Males have faster reflexes and vision better suited to tracking fast-moving objects. Women have vision better suited to identifying and differentiating static objects.
>Women are at a physiological disadvantage in shooters, the same as most real sports.

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For your own sake I’ll ask you to stop pursuing this line of investigation.

So shouldn't they be amazing at RTS and mobas then?

Then you get articles about how sexist it is and it will be hard to find sponsors for it

>Can esports be salvaged?
Worry not!
Just turn established characters gay to deflect from any issues! What happens when everyone ends up gay I hear you say, my scrumptious heteronormative fellow. Well I gotcha covered! For only 9.99, buy the battlepass that unlocks the exclusive transexual skins!

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what did he mean by this

>industry must adapt
what did they mean by this?


all the girl players mained support characters. the guys used all their bans on support characters and riot gave them a warning for being sexist and toxic

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The girls who are good enough to compete don't want to have to deal with ridiculous amount of harassment they'd get when going pro


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I'd love to talk to one of these retards who write shit like this

Fortnite is terrible and for 8 year olds. Of course women prefer anything else to it.

The girls who are good enough to compete are also good enough to exploit men for far more money than they could ever win in esports

But the article says specifically that there are no rules to what you can ban?
Why the fuck would you NOT ban the characters that the other team is known to main?
Is an entire team of support even viable at that level?

Basically in LoL one of the five players of a team plays Support which is a role focused on healing/crowd control/taking (not damage), roaming the map and helping teammates kill other players and do objectives. It was associated with women as it's like a secondary role of players who get carried.
the other team in the match excluded 5 support champions from being picked before the match, which cause Riot to reee at them over sexism

it isn't against the rules, riot started pretending it was

Guess they don't have the interest in it? Or maybe their upbringings never incentivate them to follow such path?


They're significantly better represented in rts/moba than shooters/fighters, though with fighters that's likely a community thing.

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sounds like harmless bants desu

No user, the esports teams are sexist and need to add three female players into all of their teams

Did nobody explain to these gamer girls that at the professional level of play you can't really expect to get carried?
This article is over a year old and still irritates me.
I assume the male team absolutely decimated them in the match regardless.

Is it really exploiting men if they give women money? I can't feel sorry for simps, women aren't doing anything wrong

unironically these

Just look at this pathetic faggot. This is the type of person who's pushing this kind of garbage onto the mainstream.
You can tell he hasn't ever seen a pussy in forever and he's willing to do anything to get it.

it is, but riot and women can't take a joke and automatically assume anything aimed at them is sexism and the patriarchy and yada blah blah blah blah

It's up to your morals if you think they are or aren't doing anything wrong

That'd be like watching the 50 yard dash get turned into a three-legged race
Not gonna lie, I'd watch it just for the schadenfreude

>top ranked sc2 "female" was a tranny
just thought I would add

>though with fighters that's likely a community thing.
Trannies are infesting fighting games same as any other genre. LTG is about the only based person left.

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They're better at MMOs and I've met quite a bunch of competent female raiders. Most MMOs are tab-target static combat so maybe that proves that user's point

>didn't break any rules but still get threatened with a ban
There is nothing worse than an enabler. Fuck Riot.

this faggot has literally not played a tournament for like 4 years and he is still sponsored and getting dick surgery and all sorts of shit. utterly bizarre.

Why would a chick devote thousands of hours getting good at a single game that might make her decent cash, if she can just stream and milk betas?

that isnt it at all, its the TOP level of players where there are no women, being half decent there are tons that can beat many men at games, but facing vs the top 100 people they wouldn't stand a chance in hell.

If it's a grown man who's throwing away his money, then sure, we can laugh at the retard all we want.
But when you're on a site like twitch that has a large amount of kids and teens who don't understand that stealing dad's wallet to give some faggot eceleb a wad of cash is a bad idea since they're not aware of the potential repercussions then it's a totally different story.

wasn't based on a real female starcraft player though

>retarded cunt likes LTG
checks out