Why does Yas Forums hate muscular women in games?
Why does Yas Forums hate muscular women in games?
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A decent lot of Yas Forums comprises of men with some sort of issues with their own masculinity and self-worth. Me? I cum.
>A decent lot of Yas Forums comprises of men with some sort of issues with their own masculinity and self-worth.
This is why Blacked posting has become a meme lmao
i just want a fucking hug
Ask your mom
Liking muscular girls is degenerate and the gateway to liking more self-destructive stupid shit fetishes like femdom, cuckoldry, fat fetishism, /ss/, feet and scat.
Go back to your first thread
oh my god u cant be serious lmao. i like girls like and i find all of those fetishes you listed to be utterly gross. speak for yourself lol
Thic women are ok women with excess muscles are not ok
but your a gay tranny anyway
because not enough of them are given shota sidekicks to protect
Wrong. Are you projecting or something? If by excess of muscle you mean like bodybuilder-tier, yeah, but good muscle definition is "degenerate"?
I like girls:)
>bless offline
does anyone actually play this game
i only like chubby chicks too
no but the girls are cute
show me her feet
Are you thirsty for patreon bugs again?
All I want is a cute muscular girl with plump tits and wide hips to squeeze me between her trunk-like thighs and squeeze me dry of semen, like one of those tube yogurt things; then cuddle me and whisper lovingly in my ear
It's never about muscular women and always turns into futa and shemale dumps
nice cope but currently there are zero men on Yas Forums who hate muscular women.
>muscular thic girl with tomboy hair, maybe one side shaved
does this exist?
this is the actual truth
Lose the sidecut
i need one in my life desu
Muscular girls with big tits are literally and biologically impossible you idiots. The breasts are like 80% fat and those disappear if she works out
that's just Yas Forums though, even women in the peak of femininity like nintendo princesses get futafag fans. It's not just an issue with buff chicks
I want to hug her like big Siberian bear.
>It's not just an issue with buff chicks
>99.9% of threads turn into tranny spamming and women on steroids and HGH
What if they just bulk?
>Muscular girls with big tits are literally and biologically impossible you idiots.
duh it's why fiction > reality
Most of Yas Forums is gay, remember 2012-14?
and 99% of waifu threads turn into futa, dickgirl, and "I want to suck the farts out of her ass", what's your moral, Aesop
Nobody cares about the realism of the 2d world. That's why things like mecha and virgin women past the age of 14 exist there.
Yikes. That form.
Here's her voice
Well #1, it automatically defaults to off topic discussion so suck my nuts faggot
How do the implants fall?
Nothing worse than implants that just look like bolt ons.
probably feminist undertones
*hugs you*
>mfw there are no debt-free virgin without tattoos because women all get destroyed and men don't go and cave in the face the people responsible which a perfectly reasonable reaction since they destroyed someone's daughter and a future family which is worth more than a single sinful life.
Jesus, and here I actually thought that the guy complaining about the shilling in the other thread was just another Yas Forums schizo
???speak english please
Fit and toned > bulky
If you want defined you automatically got man voice
post more roidmonster
It's the jannies getting pissy about tomboy-posting, don't read too much into it.
I know it won't happen, but I'll post anyways
Same thing goes for 2D user
i only posted 3d because that one faggot was literally saying it wasn't possible for a muscular woman to have big breasts that looked decent
I just think 3D muscular gross
Is this just a meme, everyone here despising and being sickened by real life things? Or are you people really this broken and unfixable?
Please God
I had a stroke I guess
go back
I sure hope so.
No we don't. Muscle girls are the shit
yes please
I've got nothing to lose.
Whelp, guess I'll see you in a day or three.
Don't give me hope.
damn it
Are there other amazons or is there just 1 in dragon's crowns lore?
I'm not going to go out of my way to try to get one so I hope this magical post makes one appear outside and she will accept me for my many flaws
Dwarf male on human female is the best
Maybe someday
For me, it's invisible fat-muscles.
why would you give me false hope, user?