Go out on a date with girl

>Go out on a date with girl
>Try to think of a conversation
>Realize you only have played video games and nothing else

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How did you even managed to convince a girl to go out with you if all you ever talk about is video games?
Serious question please help

She's either got to be interested too or you have to broaden your horizons user. At least be aware of current popular media so you don't seem like a social outcast

Play games girls play

I guess I should update the interests in my feed so I can get more articles other than video games and how microsoft fucked something up again from Forbes.

Like Animal Crossing?

get an mmo/gamer gf and pray she isn't crazy.

just bee yourself

>Go out on a date with girl

out of the fucking question. first thing she'd do if she came over is tell me to dump all my anime figures and j-idol photobooks

i'm not gonna fucking do that. no compromise.

Fucking make some shit up user. She doesn't know you don't jetski or go hiking all the time, if you've done it once talk about it like you do it all the time.

Oh, yeah, I should log into Closers.
Don't know why I still bother with that game, it's not like I ever play it actively.

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would you date a girl with a whole bunch of shonen protag figures / BTS merch?


Just keep talking to her, user. Ask her about things she's mentioned before. Let her lead the conversation if you don't feel like you have anything interesting to bring up. She'll talk to you if she knows you're listening. Just don't be weird and off-putting. If she likes you she'll keep talking.

watch some movies, listen to some albums, do something outside of videogames you fucking weirdo

>go the gym
>do some other hobbies (nothing a bitch is interested in)

Should I start learning how to suck cock and dress like a feminine boy?

You're dating her, not marrying her and having her move in to your parents home dude relax

>Go out on a date with girl
Fuck off, normalfag.

are you ok?

trick question, hope you like living with a huge fatty. where are all the hungry skeleton weeb (biologically female) girls at? not interested in a girl over 75lbs my weight but four or five inches smaller than me

They're always crazy or sluts or both
Third option: they're a single mom or a neet looking for a simp piggy to let them move in

Unless you weigh like 90 lbs this shouldn't be an issue

from my experience, going to the gym only made fat girls who would never stop eating and never be interested in losing weight (but are tired of people asking them to lose weight) only be interested in me, so I stopped going since i would still only attract girls i am not attracted to myself. and for the other hobby, it is kind of weird that girls get bored way more easily than guys

yeah girls love crossdressing actually

Animal Crossing, Pokemon, Spyro, Sims. Those type of games.

Most girls I meet who play games are normally those types. Girls are just not as into hardcore weeb/neckbeard games like we are.

Maybe they should be the ones who start talking about things we care about.

150, sorry still not interested in fatties. yeah its okay if you are somewhat heavier than me but not be a fucking landwhale, which is the issue here

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literally just pretend to be a normie
however you'll soon discover that her not having common interest in your hobbies is the deal breaker

>All that salty bitch text whining about incels
Funny, 95% of what's stated there applies to quite a lot of women as well as incels.
Only difference being that it's totally fine for a woman to demand a man be completely devoted to her happiness, without her improving herself, without thinking about him and so on and so forth.
Maybe you want to take a really big step back and consider that before going
Then projecting IMAX onto the moon.
Not you poster but whoever made this, mind you.

Read Models by Mark Manson, it's a great book with a lot of helpful advice. In summary you're supposed to be honest and make your intentions clear at all times, also don't get turned off by being rejected, if you were being honest and a woman tells you she's not interested outright she's actually doing you a favor.

Worked for me.
>they're always crazy
You're not wrong, but not all crazy is the same.
For example, my gf's craziness is an eating disorder. Now would you rather have that or a cunt with BPD?

This is a videogame forum and you've failed at having a videogame conversation on it.
The 'nothing else' part doesn't matter.
You could have an encyclopedic knowledge about all current and past events and you would still make terrible threads like this because you come across as a vapid human being who wants to be acknowledged by other people without caring what it is they're being acknolwedged for.

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Just tell her shes beautiful if you run out of things to say

>Using a forced meme

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>Cannot provide any of my needs
>He smells and looks like a pile of shit
>Either your chad or nothing
Humans are fucking stupid. I hope one we day society grows up.

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75lbs? holy fuck dude

The thing is, according to Yas Forums, having a job, taking care of your hygiene and being able to hold conversations is being chad and some kind of unrealistic goal.
Millennials are embarassing.

>went on a date today
>girl asks me if I play video games
>say alittle and change the subject

I'm no autismo but I don't bring up video games or anime on dates

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Talk to her about Gnosticism and why the physical world is a prison.


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>>girl asks me if I play video games
>She leaves
>Go back home and play video games
Ok i don't give a fuck LOL

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Or maybe he's handsome


>she looks at you in silence for a few seconds
>"soo user whats your instagram?"


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>Girls don't like feminine looking me-

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looks like that fucking tranny on reddit that said his mother called him a disappointment

bts stands for bang them shotas

You stupid ignorant mother fucker

The only reason I agreed to go out with you was because I wanted someone to pay for my food you simp beta cuck faggot

keep dreaming if you think you're gonna get in my pants. You think you're hot shit since you're 5' 11" but the only boys I let fuck me are 5'6" or shorter. The way I make short boys squirm and worry while I tower over them, my heaving full chest completely blocks them from my line of sight when I get close enough. I love forcing their eyes into my deep, plunging cleavage. The only thing better is squeezing them from behind, the crown of their head making the perfect window to rest my full, heavy cups.

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The girls who listen to kpop are the female equivalent of weebshits, the biggest losers of their gender.

Today is the second time a girl I talk to suddenly shades me without responding to my messages, I haven’t done anything wrong either. Fuck this gay earth

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>date random thot
>realize I could be playing video game
Not even worth the time.

Pick literally any popular male k-pop group and I'll show you lots of girls that want to fuck them. And every single guy in a k-pop group looks feminine as fuck and wears make-up.

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manlet cope


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Happens. Probably found some better looking dude honestly or you weren't interesting enough. its most likely the former.

>incels said the same about N sync and Backstreet boys

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Talk about video games then, shit. Obviously she likes something about you if she agreed to go on a date with you. Own what you're invested in. Games are also normalfaggot shit by and large now anyway. My last girlfriend loved watching me play vidya. I'd play crpgs and read the text out to her while she fell asleep leaning against me on the couch.

Show me how many of them aren't 13 year old landwhales.
This is just Justin Bieber and the Jonas Brothers all over again, dude, you don't want one of those types.

And they were.

I've two degrees in vastly different areas. (one in a medical biology field and one in IT) so I suppose I can talk about those instead of video games. The only time I ever had success with a woman was a pharmacist because we could connect on medical stuff we knew about

I just send them pictures of my dick.
If they block you/dont respond then you move on.
Id they reply in any manner, even a negative reaction, that means you can fuck her. You have to be smart though, if she replies negatively you have to apologize for the dick pic but don't actually admit any wrongdoing.
9/10 times if a girl responds after my dick pic she will invite me over to her place within the next 3-6hrs. Usually under the guise of "just cuddling" or somesuch, but they're full of shit.

They all want the dick, most will pretend they don't though. They want to believe that you're interested in more than sex, all you gotta do is play pretend for a bit.

>and they were

As an ugly guy suicide looks better as I lose more and more of my hair

What the hell does this have to do with the thread?

Let me guess, you were one of them.
Why do you think all these bands are mocked to death?
Their audience is formed entirely by losers.
Even goths and emos are more dignified.

>Obviously she likes something about you if she agreed to go on a date with you
His looks, most likely. And I'm not talking about some hot super model type looks, some girls just go for guys with certain characteristics regardless of how shitty their personality is.

Why?.. I mean have you done everything for yourself that you could possibly do like going to the fucking gym for starters? Because lets face it almost none of you do on this board. By the time you've gotten some gains you stop giving a shit what other people think and just work on yourself.

Justin Timberlake and the Jonas Brothers are doing fine. Not because they're rich, but because they aren't ugly or on Yas Forums.

Seriously, what the hell does that have to do with this thread?
Why did you suddenly start talking about singers?

>putting some effort into your appearance and showering once a day makes you a chad
why didn't anyone tell me it was that easy?

Because women don't care about interests, most are couch potatoes that consume media like anyone else. It's about not being ugly and being outgoing enough. Keep up retard.

read the thread

No, you first started saying that women like feminine men or something because of kpop?
And we all know those who do are fat losers that nobody wants.
Who cares about what the bottom of the barrel of the female gender likes?
I rather stay single than interact with those creatures.

>women like objectively attractive men
>who cares what those creatures think
I'm not saying you shouldn't care what others think, but if you want to pull a woman that's also objectively attractive it's gonna be hard unless you either, on par with their looks or have similar interest/can provide for them

>if you want to pull a woman that's also objectively attractive
But the women who listen to those bands are all fat and ugly as shit.

>are all
the same way all gamers are all fat and ugly? The bitterness and resentment goes both way pal.

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