Tes VI leak

Thoughts? Seems like bs.


>buffed magical system
>Buffed AI
>Buffed quests
>Happening in 2 provinces
>plot revolves around political intrigue and stuff
>Non chosen hero protagonist
>2025 release date

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Spellmaking returns, as well as [...] levitation.
The game will be utterly broken, if true.
And I'll love it.

so all thats what, a wish list then?

fuck off to r3ddit

Bump. Jesus this board is fast

>>This one, I REALLY don’t want to spoil too much because man oh man Todd, Ashley, Emil, and even Pete are bursting with excitement about.

>Sword-singing/Hoonding won’t be present, at least for the player character. TESVI is striving to be a bit of a return to roots for RPGs, and making the player character a sword-summoning Jesus only limits their ability to be who they want.

I fucking hate reddit but the leak was posted there.
You should be thankful i went there to find interesting info to post here. You fucking ingrate faggot

>dude trust me

No one leaks shit to reddit. That faggot just wants updoots and gold.

>Non chosen hero protagonist

Attached: your-attempt-to-exploit-my-anger-is-admirable-31082189.png (500x277, 206.02K)

>2025 release date
The fuck?

Obviously BS, what’s more you wrote it.

fake or not this probably isnt far off. I'd say Starfield is 2021 and TESVI will be a few years after that

Yeah seem like bs to me, but I didnt write it. I could sound like that much of a faggot even if I tried my hardest.

If it's confirmed that they are using the same engine, then I refuse to get it. That broken piece of reverse engineering has stopped being entertaining for it's buggyness a long time ago. Also, not touching it if they keep this trend of fucking over fans for seemingly no reason. (cash would seem to be a good incentive, but bethesda's decision making skills is beyond reason at this point)

>dropping easily moddable engine

You should already know reddit and this site are synonymous with each other

I absolutely guarantee you're gonna get it as soon as it comes out and that you're only posting this because you wanna virtue signal.

so im guessing High Rock and Hammerfell again because Bethesda are a bunch of woke we wuz kangz fags now.

modability isn't just limited to the one engine dingus,

this, Their fully focused on Starfield and TES VI is still in pre-production they only really annouced it in 2018 because people were pissed and the SKYRAM todd meme.

Had me going until the 2025 thing. If it really were being released in 2025, it would be at best in pre-production, in which case this list of things is barely more than a list of goals.

I mean, I could argue against that. But there is no proof proving otherwise. All anyone has here is their word.

everyone and their mom knows gamebryo today

I assume you mean you COULDN’T sound like that much of a faggot.
But don’t sell yourself short, user, you’re doing a fine job sounding like a fagot.

On the subject of faggots, this is now an Alucard thread

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man I fucking wish this were true but it probably isn't, it sounds too good to be true

tes has been shit since morrowind.

The only way I'll buy Elder Snores if it's VR.
Skyrim is a piece of fucking overrated shit but in VR it's one of the best titles, it's almost like it was made for it prophetically.

how tight is Alucard's asshole? Any speculations or confirmations?

>Main character isn't a literal messiah
This is Bethesda we're talking about here.

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das rite

starfield is coming out first and don't forget about next-gen skyrim port

le epic arena and daggerfall only good edlar skolls. todd man bad, morrowind bad, skyman bad

by buff they mean dumb down significantly right? as they've done so far in the series. if not then yes, it is bullshit. i do like the idea of it happening in two provinces, though.

Jesus fuck off sperg

reads like the headcanon of an attention deprived autist. the way he talks about "we" as well referring to specific people at bethesda is pure LARP cringe.

Wow very convenient of them to have tons of detailed info on TES6 a game thats not even in full production but has lots of lore and other games to make predictions from but basically nothing on Starfield a setting we have zero knowledge about and making up predictions would be much more difficult but is also actually in full production, yeah if you believe this you're fucking retarded.

man, that's just plain rude. Why don't we all just get along and play some video games!

I hope to hell it’s set in Hammerfell cuz as of last year they had no blacks in the writing group and I fully intend to bitch about Beth’s cultural appropriation on every social media platform available to me

It will be shit. Also it will not have Jeremy Soule.

I actually like the fact that you're messiah in every tes games. Im already a random loser irl, why the fuck would I wanna be one in a game with magic and dragons and shit?

>If it really were being released in 2025, it would be at best in pre-production

With it is?


They'll probably recruit Inon Zur and while he's no Soule it'll probably be pretty good

Because the fun of being a random loser is that you become a God through your own power. No prophecies, no fate, you do it yourself.

But Soule hasn’t been good since Evermore

I believe its bs, but to play devil's advocate, he did say he was involved only in the development of tes and not starfield, so its no so far fetched to think that he wouldn't know much about that game.

Even Bethesda would say enough after three straight games of messiah power fantasies. Considering how Pete Hines is going out on interviews to say how Bethesda want to try new things with their games this wouldn't be far fetched.

>14 years after the last mainline Elder Scrolls
Jesus, talk about that fucking release gap. Is this how Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts fans feel like?

release date

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Starfield could come out this year. And I hope the next TES is set in Hammerfall, it'll make for some funny threads.

FFand KH games release all the time what are you talking about? There was TES:O too.

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My point being that pre-production usually has a lot of prototyping and documentation and not a lot of concrete features.

If I cant become a god thru my own merit irl, why would I be able to become one in a world with dragons and magic and shit?
Also, prophecies are really liked by the 10yo in me.

Fake and gay
Yeah you don't talk as if so many details are confirmed when a game is still 5 years and the few people who would know all of these details won't be leaking them on reddit so early.

E.S.O isn't a mainline Elder Scrolls game

don't really want to click the link but all of that shit is predictable
what does this mean? if it means the AI is less retarded and quests are better then that is no surprise at all, bethesda games are infarmous for being awful at this shit, it's only natural that they'd get better over time.
lots of people were already guessing that the game would either take place in a border region between highrock and hammerfell, or would encompass both at once.
plot revolves around political intrigue? that was very prominent in the other games so that's not farfetched.
noname protag? ok
2025? ok
this is literally the safest "leak" anyone could have posted

It's definitely fake because it's what people on Yas Forums and actual TES fans want. I remember when the FO4 leaks happened (the real ones) people were in disbelief because a voiced protag sounded awful, but it was true. Actual TES 6 leaks would be like that, "holy fuck this sounds too stupid to be true" would be people's response.

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For pete hines, "new stuff" means new ways on casualizing and dumbing things down

It's still on their 50 year old engine
I have no expectations


There's too much detail for a game barely in pre-production.

Who the fuck is Alucard?

I really want it to be in hammerfell so that I can go around genociding niggers

>""leak"" is Yas Forums tier "dude, EVERYTHING you could want will be in it!" bullshit
>source is "dude trust me"
Why do retards fall for this shit each and every single time?

When are you guys estimating Starfield is coming out?

I reckon October/November 2021. They're probably going to delay it for the next generation of consoles.


>I don't know that much about this particular thing but here's a detailed ten sentence paragraph about how much I know
>obviously isn't interested enough in the other game to bother making shit up about it, speaks only about very vague and general things
obviously fake

>Tyrone fucking all female relations in your life
>you cope with it
>game comes out with black people in it
>kill them while seething internally
is there anything more pathetic than racist incels?

which was what blizzard should have done before announcing diablo immortal

>the way that autistic OP is replying to everyone
perfectly demonstration of just how lonely and attention starved people who post fake leaks are.

absolutely pathetic

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Id say as soon as next gen comes out.
Starfield will be a flagship next gen title used by microsoft and sony to shill their shitty consoles

>linking directly to reddit

imagine being this much of a hipster

>Is there anything more pathetic than racist incels
Yes, reddit fags white knighting for niggers on a predominantly racist website

unfathomably based

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>he's a paranoid schizophrenic too

>Hes a simp white knight for the animal races
>Hes neurotypical too