International women's day

Post your favourite female vidya characters
discuss why you like them

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Favorite design but not my favorite character

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damn u can bump here aha thats a cool feature idk i think. yennefer is pretty cool from witcher three and i like 2b from nier. dont have pictues on new phone (bought a new iphone lol ) thanks for the cool thread, im first post after op btw lol.

Samus. She's just perfect

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Please don't post pictures of my wife without my consent.

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catch, pissfag

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This was my shit.

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I guess those whores who shake their titties in Duke Nukem are pretty great.

thanks for sharing bro cool pic i saw it in a thread before aha. saved it. cya, have a good day

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So criminally underrated. And stuck in a dead series.

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i love her so much
i wish she got alot more story

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Her name is Eradica Titan
I like her because she can kill fleets.

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game? mod?

i fucking hate how every game company is pandering to sjw feminist scum these days. you just know that if they remade Chess they'd do some cucked shit like make a woman the most powerful piece.

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its sins of a solar empire rebellion

thank you

Is this game worth the effort for singleplayer?


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For me it is. I sunk hundreds of hours on single player in the default game and mods.

Can you elaborate how long a campaign lasts and what the appeal is?

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and will I like it if I'm into CK2

Fun gore in 2004

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I love Reisen!

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International whore's day

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seethe, sexless insect

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She was fun, capable, her interactions with the children, her uncle and Double H were cute and she was always just a really pleasant character throughout the entire game.

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We have these threads every day, but I guess today is important

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What happened to the discuss part of this thread ?

Too bad we will never see her again

any girls ITT?

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How are people supposed to post what they like, and then discuss why they like them? discussions require multiple people. OP is retarded, so we just avoid that part.

I love how she shows zero hesitation when it comes to getting her happy end. Even if it means doing morally reprehensible things she didn't fuck around and made sure she got it.

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The duration of a campaign depends on how many AI you put into it and how good you are at the game. A 1v1 can last a couple hours. The game is a hybrid of 4x and RTS, you conquer planets and play it in real time. It appeals to me because I like space battles and war & conquest. It's also pretty chill watching trade ships. pic related is a star wars mod.

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She's a legit 10/10 character, everything about her comes together quite well, her dialogue is some of the high marks of Blood & Wine. Especially the dramacore dialogue when Beauclair is under attack and she snaps out at Geralt for not catching Dettlaff. Her sister Syanna was also a great character with interesting depth.

Unironically my top Witcher 3 woman.

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What happened to the discuss part of your post?

A new design in an old series that for a change felt completely at home in the series.

Fun character backstory wich makes her powerful but not mary-sue.
She gets sacrificed to gods as a child, then said gods even more eldritch god decide she is 'to be raised of one of them on ashen milk'
She then proceeds to be such an angry force of nature in combat, to the point of the race she was sacrificed to get nervous. Then the eldritch god decides she is worthy to be his chosen paladin of death.
Instead of an empowering storyarc where she raises above her patriarchal overlords and regains her humanity in revenge, she remains in her role and has no interest in her past.
She now has a position as a religiously zealous missionary of death where she can excorcise her anger and shit is just generally totally fucked now.

It's not just her backstory, but her constantly teethgrinding extremely frustrated facial animations mixed with these biblethumping soccermom oneliners.
Cuteness for me is a way when you can read someone as an open book. Whenever she says her line "... I am starting, TO GET ANGRY" i giggle to myself endearingly.


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>perfect british neo-colonial waifu
>only cares about what she wants
>always gets what she wants
>what she wants ends up in her personnal collection, not in some plebeian museum under the false pretense of cultural preservation
>kills cryptids and endangered species all the time, because fuck your PETA
>can lock you in a freezer and let you die in it without suffering any consequences for it
>have I mentioned that's she's loaded for life?

This is the only objective right answer

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>t. incel beta cuck

I like Ashlynn, she's laidback, headstrong and has no qualms about speaking her mind.

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she's hot
she's no.1 mom in the planet
she fucks shit up
she knows what she's doing
she knows whats up
she knows where she's going
she retires with you once the show is over unlike a certain auburn haired whore

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seethe louder, let me hear your crying

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God. Imagine ger being stretched by black penis

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kill yourself mutt

I love posters like just because they trigger people like I mean, imagine caring about the color of a penis fucking a woman. Imagine how cringe that would be

>written in american
Yeah it checks out.

yeah bro imagine writing a post about the colo(u)r of a penis fucking a woman haha
wait, that's literally you
kill yourself, lowlife samefag.

Anne is the love of my life.

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She cute

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Chell and Glados are very good characters

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