Dead or Alive

>Fashion designer
>DOATEC agent
>Rock Climbing enthusiast
>and now an Aikido master who can take down opponents twice her size
I love her so much.

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I was kinda hoping she'd be a complete joke character that just pulls out a deagle or something while everyone else is trying to look tough with hand-to-hand, kinda like indiana jones during that one scene. I don't really care though, I don't play DoA lol

Kanna when?

Lewd and funny

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she needs to have a groping move

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Why this bitch over Misaki?

She is also probably very flexible because she likes youga. Imagine the sex.

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I can't wait until this one turns into another autism shitstorm like the last one once 'that' faggot finds it.

>bar hopping
This is a huge redflag for me.

Misaki is too shy and insecure even by DOA standards, she always blushes. Probably the most innocent one.
Did you want another meme cute-fu like Marie?