Don't you just love unfair RNGs?

Don't you just love unfair RNGs?

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>Play Diablo 3 and gachas
Apparently so. It sucks that more and more games are adding gambling and luck based progression.

Literally get good, no runs are unwinnable at Ascension 0, you're just a shitter.

life itself is RNG

>at Ascension 0
You mean 20?
This isn't a game for shitters

>no runs are unwinnable at Ascension 0
You make it seem like new players (not zoomers that watch YouTube) would automatically pick up on specific builds and strategies.

A20 isn't consistently winnable
If it was the biggest streak wouldn't be 9

so what? new players need to get good

There's nothing "unfair" about requiring players to learn builds and strategies to win

youre right. thats why i play video games

It won't take your long to figure out barricade and demon form builds for the Ironclad that's for sure

If you are not willing to accept rng in a fucking card game why do you play them? The best players attempt to minimize rng and chose options that maximize their chance to win. The game would become extremely boring if you had the same paths and make the same unbeatable deck every run.

Literally everybody was a new player to every game at one time you dumb fucking shit eating god damn piece of garbage.
Grow some adaptability and brain power and learn that sometimes you must fucking fail before you can succeed so that you can learn to avoid failure.
If on your first run you didn't start to pick up what cards were useful and when to build armor vs attack, you're a fucking brainlet and have a lot of failing to do until you get up to speed with the people who actually like video games and using their brains for a challenge

It's called RNG for a reason.

Sometimes it's not fair.

Enjoy your first time playing a Rouglite user.

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I didn’t find it too hard to beat the Heart with 3 original characters, but what the fuck is Watcher supposed to do against it?
>Ironclad can just super cheese with insane Barricade builds
>Watcher can just poison the heart and/or spam caltrops for insane damage
>Defect power ramping with echo form is so silly powerful that it makes no sense
>Watcher ???

So far I've beaten the heart at A5 with everyone BUT the Silent, who I haven't even managed to do A0 with. How the FUCK do I use this character? Where are my healing options? It doesn't matter with Watcher because you just kill everything quickly before you take that much damage anyways, but I feel like I'm constantly taking damage with the Silent because fights take so long even with catalyst

Just block. Silent has the bar none best defensive common with Piercing Wail, or whatever the AOE attack debuff card is.

Good? In what world do you want to live in where you are good at a vidya the second you start playing it. If new players don't have the attention span or the desire to become better at games then we will keep getting more and more games that just repeat themselves so that everyone feels like they are great. And to make sure that people constantly feel like they are doing great we should probably had RPG like meters that don't really mean anything but constantly go up.

Hit it for over 200 damage at a time with Wraith and stance dance into Calm, then coast Like Water

But piercing wail exhausts it and doesn't help when bosses just stack strength and inflict frail and vulnerable on me over and over again while I wait for poison to kill them over the course of 20 turns

I suck dick with Silent myself, so any proper tips would help me out. I've got Watcher down easy, and Defect/Ironclad I understand well too, but I have huge problems scaling up with Silent to survive the giganiggas throwing out 50~ damage attacks. Finding the balance of offensive power and blocking ability just escapes me with Silent.

lmao keep crying bitch nigga

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I've been trying to get past A2 with each character for 2 weeks now and have made 0 progress. Every time I lose it's because of unfair rng nonsense

And if you don't get barricade or demon form you can still win god damn it user. A big part of StS is making the best of what you have and what you're offered, rather than trying to force certain things.

can't get enough


I recommend watching some jorbs overexplained runs

you shouldn't worry so much about cards exhausting, in the vast majority of fights the first cycle of your deck is by far the most important

Is this a Slay the Spire thread?

Whether or not the player understands optimal play isn't a good indicator of whether or not a game is un/fair, or there would be no fair games in existence.

If you can find Footwork(+Dex power), grab as many as you can find.

Grab 0 cost defend cards, Backflip(Block +2 draw). You'll probably want Backflip upgraded.

Predator is a great attack card.

Caltrops is great for damage if they do a lot of multiattacks, and it adds up even if they don't use multis.

You should probably have enough weaken options that an enemy can be weakened basically forever. Upgrade those weaken cards, that starting card to +2Weak at 0 cost is a great upgrade.

>one extra energy each turn but can no longer see enemy intents
how the fuck are you even supposed to use this?

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>unfair rng
literally git gud, there's a fuckton strategies you can use even if you get shitty cards or relics

Probably after you spent so many hours you just know what the enemies are gonna do without even needing to see intent

If you have shittons of energy and don't have any "reactive" cards, you either slaughter everything or block everything they might have regardless

Everything attacks on a pattern so you can just be a faggot and go to a wiki, or memorize the fights you can't steamroll


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when you have a meme build that can output a lot of defense or a lot of burst damage

Okay but what about the bosses where it takes multiple deck cycles to kill and they constant buff themselves and status you. Piercing wail is good once, but then they start pulling out the (37x2) and you die

git gud

They already removed all the frustrating RNG by not giving enemies their own deck and letting you see what move they're going to do.

Hopefully, they should be dead before things get to that point. Which boss?

Then piercing wail helps stall until you get your key powers in play to outscale them.

not even that since a lot of enemies have percentage chances to do certain moves
think about collector or gremlin leader

>godlike impervious/entrench/barricade deck
>reach the heart
>fucked over by draw order
Every. Fucking. Time.

This is my favorite relic. Post yours.

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It's only good in certain decks, but it's great being able to stall fights for a ridiculous Genetic Algorithm or a shitload of gold from Wish.

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How do I beat the heart as Ironclad

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I like to grab demon form as soon as I can. If feed shows up I also like to get it. Other than that heavy blade is really fucking good in my opinion.

How the fuck do you lose with Barricade and two Entrenches?

this is why you're a fatass, OP
you expect life to be easy
git gud or go home faggot
life isn't supposed to be fair

some shit is random though. like those dumb birds

I beat the heart by having 3 Firebreathing+ cards and spamming Wild Strikes and Power Throughs and 4 curses in my deck.

I figured a high def build like that was the most reliable build to win with, since I'm not sure how long a Str deck with demon form and similar will keep you alive. I know it's not reliable to go for, but I won my run against the heart with ironclad with deadbranch and corruption.
Was also probably one of the most fun and ridiculous runs i've had outside mod characters.

I was very unlucky with the draw order and ended up having to waste my impervious's just to survive, my entrenches were all drawn at the wrong times. It was pretty frustrating. You need a crazy amount of block to survive against the heart and I thought I had the perfect deck for it. It expects you to be able to survive crazy amounts of damage very early in the fight. I honestly dont know what to do.

yeah, some stuff is, most stuff is either a set pattern sometimes with reactionary changes based on your actions

You mean a winning build

Hard to say right now, liking a lot of them. Probably Kunai or Shuriken.

If you have Disarm, it can cause the Heart's multiattacks to do nothing.

This or snecko eye is basically auto win

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