George Soros invests $45 million in Activision-Blizzard

Why can't this evil piece of shit just take a dirt-nap already?

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Based, dealing Blizzard the final blow. Their last good game came out in 2003

who's that

If he were right-leaning you'd all be sucking his asshole right now.
Like with Trump.

Is Blizzard going to start taking in African "refugees" now?

>Why can't this evil piece of shit just take a dirt-nap already?
Because what Yas Forums thinks does not reflect the whole world.

If he were right-leaning he wouldn't be such an unmitigated cunt.

A literal Nazi, and a Jew. Yes, he sent his other Jews off to death in order to save his own ass, and said that it was the "best moment of his life".

Wants to destroy economies and societies to the point where numerous nations have active arrest warrants on him if he even steps foot inside of them. Donates to every single Leftist cause out there via his "Open Society" foundation.

He's going against the natural order and attempting to relocate thousands of people from other countries who were ordained for poverty. In a way, that's theft, and I'm pretty sure most of the world sees theft as evil.

Expect to see more interracial couples in Activision games and pay to win micro transactions tied to donations to refugees.

Bliz and especially OVerwatch is the most Jewish shit ever, pure propaganda trash. Globalization, LGBT degeneracy, etc.

Who is surprised by this?

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The world meddler meddles in vidya now.

You know I'm starting to believe Marx more and more when he said the press is the enemy of the people.

The hateboner Yas Forums has for Soros is fucking hillarious.

>If he did things you support you'd agree with him
user did you take your meds today?

He's evil incarnate.

he's literally a millionaire capitalist who hated by israel israel and helped defeat communism in europe. the only reason Yas Forumsyps hate him is because he's a joo

>oh no this rich guy is donating money to help people
>this is awful!

Holy fuck Yas Forums stay on your containment board.

I think the point is that if he does scummy, evil shit is ok as long is the same political leaning as me.

Ackshually, you're wrong on that point. The locations across the world in overwatch are all visually distinct and reflect the cultures of their locations. The complete opposite in a globohomo dystopia.

If you knew what he did, you would want him dead too.

Can we please can this thread back to Yas Forums?
I do not see enough vidya to justify this thread.

All I need to know is that he's just another scapegoat for Yas Forums.

The man is literally banned from Israel. Ask yourself how scummy you need to be to be banned from a nation like that.

>45 million
It's literally nothing.

Blizzard costs between 5.5-6 billion dollars a year just to keep the lights on with a valuation of over 45 billion.

>guy who had over 7 heart transplants
>not an evil piece of shit

I was going to make a joke but this will happen

>Evil Billionaire who wants to destroy all of Western Civilization in order to instill a commie hellhole by investing millions of dollars in the largest publisher in the gaming industry.

>Not enough vidya.

the prince of darkness

There's a million threads of shit like this in here, Yas Forums's saturation on Yas Forums is total, we're Yas Forums's second biggest bitch, only behind Yas Forums.

Yas Forums is delusional

>Wants to destroy Israel
>This is bad

>wants to destroy all of Western Civilization in order to instill a commie hellhole
You need to stop tightening your tinfoil hat when the veins in your forehead start popping up.

Damn that's gonna afford Kotick a whole lot of pizza parties

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if he were rightwing he wouldn't be pushing for Mass Migration retard

Once, he was planning on going to the Phillipinnes for a business trip. He cancelled it when Roderigo Duterte warned that he had an active arrest warrant, and would be arrested on the spot with no bail.

Duterte should have just shut up about that and arrested Soros when he could have had the chance to.

Why does he hate gamers so much?

Except for America.

I experienced their golden age. I'm fine with this.

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>I don't know what 'were' means
Of course you don't.

Depends what you mean by Pizza...

He likely never played a single game in his life. But he knows how SJW and Leftist values can brainwash the population into further degeneracy via this medium.

He's banned from Israel because he made charities for Israelis and Palestinians instead of following the code and crying shoah.

That's pretty much nothing, right?

>muh Yas Forums

No, you goddamn idiot, people hate him because he uses his wealth to actively destabilize 1st world white countries.

>"He's going against the natural order!" The man typed on his electric computer before uploading his comment to a worldwide telecommunications network

>89 years old
Why the fuck is he still alive?


Fuck america.
>t. burger

>tfw you get your first soros check

Feels good man. I can't believe I was missing out on this free money and I get to be a decent human being. Being on the right is for idiots.

Fuck off and move to Liberia

He just uses his wealth to destabilize countries period. He's the reason arab spring happened and funds fake protests around the world. This man is a shitbag and only wants to watch the world burn so he and his buddies can rule the ashes.


Can we stop using this word and use the actual word, invaders? Not a single person who "migrates" to the west assimilates into western culture and values. I guarantee you if you went into every spic, nigger, yellow nigger, kike and the rest of the non Whites that there wouldn't be an American flag in them.

>treating people different than me as human beings is degeneracy
You pathetic incels are hillarious.

It's literally true, you dumbass leftist shillbot.

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Look up who broke the Bank of England, real piece of work

literally who the fuck is this

Palpatine IRL

>tfw you get a letter from his legal team threatening to involve law enforcement if any more of your semen is sent to his personal address.

kill yourself, traitor

You guys ever wonder if maybe YOU'RE the problem?

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>I'll link you to a fucking wikipedia article and some bullshit image, that'll show how redpilled and smart I am you stupid leftist

He's like Rupert Murdoch but on the left instead of the right

Diablo 5
>Demons are people too
>they're doctors, engineers, scientists, and philosophers
>Just open your gates Heaven
>Let them in

Make me kek

hope the bat flu gets him good

Yep, advocating for strong families, transparent small government, strong nations, ethnic and cultural cohesion, individual freedom, and economic freedom is idiotic. KYS immediately.

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He's a zionist mate

>implying whites are angels
Only honkeys think that bullshit.

Soros is not right or left wing, he is Soroswing, his philantropy and posing as a good guy is all a front. No one pulls the shit he pulled without fully knowing what would be the consequences of doing it, he became a billionaire by fucking with millions of people

I feel like the nazi thing is taken out of context a lot
imagine if you were being hunted by the gestapo and completely avoided capture for years
you'd feel pretty good about it

>individual freedom
What do you think about transgender and homosexual people?

cowadudy getting good now suddenly this...wew lads i hope it didn't end up like battlefield

We should ignore all the terrible things he's done so we can own Yas Forums

>verizon 4g coverage

Go back to the jungle Donkey Kong.

I just mean some regular old pizza with some walnut sauce and maybe pasta on the side :)

>Verizon 4G coverage
>Works outside of city limits
Want to know how I know this chart is 100% lies?

The image was unrelated to the post, and it's incredibly relevant to this website. "muh wikipedia" huh? No argument?

Everything in the wikipedia article is sourced and can be verified, btw. You sure are stupid for someone using the internet. Here, have a more relevant image.

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Except he was working for the nazis to hunt down jews to save his own life.

This the way comrade

What's $45m gonna help with? Half a game?

I don't care, so long as they aren't molesting children and brainwashing kids that are not developed enough to understand sex.

You realize he's immortal right? You don't really think that the elderly haven't unlocked gene restoration yet, do you? The Queen is like 100

>if he wasn't an evil Palpatine-esque piece of shit you'd probably be fond of him
Yeah, so?
>muh left-right dichotomy

Delusional libs trying to derail the discussion and ignore just how much of America Trump won.

is there a concrete source for that? never heard about it
I often assume people are just referring to the quote

god truly saves the queen

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Nobody is immortal. They can extend the inevitable all they want, but death comes eventually. And you can't fix everything with gene therapy.

The pinky of the Rothchilds.


They should have hired this guy to play ugly Yennifer in the Witcher series

kek thats one way to say it

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