Post underrated games

Post underrated games

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This game makes me wish I was a girl.

I can make you one, user.

What game?

Gets repetitive after a while. Needs unique written scenes.

World of Horror

>exit bedroom
>get raped
>leave apartment
>get raped
>walk to train station
>get raped
>enter train
>get raped
>exit train
>get raped
>walk to school
>get raped
>in class
>get raped
>lunch time
>get raped

worst game ever

Attached: 1562547271781.png (400x400, 168.07K)


game could have been better if there where more cute and wholesome moments rather than back to back rape

Stop dressing so sluttily! Take care of your body.

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this sounds highly illegal

Games with rape gameplay make the sex uninteresting. It's a bad sign when you're trying to skip through it as fast as possible.

Games with combat and sex separate with sex being delegated to story bits are the best.

That being said, games with rape as a combat loss state are the absolute worst and put the lewd content completely at odds with the gameplay.

All the rape scenes only make the consensual scenes hotter.

Attached: mating.png (1005x412, 10.54K)

>game lets you NTR Robin with Whitney
Man that's cruel

>start a game
>try to be a good girl
>end up giving people blowjobs, buttjobs, and use my thighs

Mountains of madness

Deviancy is the most useful starting trait given how annoying it is to initially level, prove me wrong.

>STILL can't be impregnated by Whitney's massive futa cock
Shit game

Attached: maids skateboarding 25.jpg (1149x1000, 387.38K)

Yes, I could never get any deviancy scenes at all in my first playthrough, so I became an animal lover in my current one. It's like a whole new game.

you are going to get a lot of "x of y" answers but only one of them will be the real one. Good luck

Dudeness of Lewdness

angles of perversion

Not enough insect or parasite content.
Being a deviant is difficult.


Attached: ss (2020-03-08 at 04.59.45).png (973x762, 58.83K)

Most hgames do that for me.

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Radians of Horniness

Levels of Sexuality

Degrees of Lewdity

Points of Impact

Gradients of Degeneracy

Yo is there a github or patreon page or something? I remember I used to get the latest versions of this and Pregmod from double doofus chan, but that place went away after some people got shot so now I have nowhere to get my porn games from.

stop posting your shitty lizard abuse vn

Author is a retard and will never amount to anything other than what it is already.

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Girl Life is way better. Similar style but way more customization and options and choices and world size.


Do the NPCs all have to be men or can I make them women or futas at my discretion? If I cannot, it's a worse game for me by default.

I planned to give him my virginity because he was the only person who respected me in this bitch of an earth. But when I finally went to bed with him, I didn't let him put it in, then lost my hymen the next day to a huge horny crowd at the brothel. Then came back to his room and cried on his chest.
I'm a worthless slut and it feels so good.

Attached: slut.jpg (430x380, 41.6K)

>Girl Life
playing as a girl is gay

>no horses to fuck

This, I'd rather play as a man that slowly gets corrupted into a feminized slut.

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Can I play as a girl (male)
Shit if not

Variations of Debauchery

>still no reverse corruption for Whitney

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Lewdity of Degrees

I was really enjoying this game until I realized I couldn't really grind for shit I needed or explore for fresh content due to the bloated weekly payments, I can make enough to cover them and potentially Robin's if I so desired in a few days thanks to the strip club but sometimes I just feel like dicking around in the forest or licking Kylar's cheeks

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They keep updating it with cool stuff desu, and I've already had the faps of my life with the current game anyways.

>rinse and repeat
>get sent to the asylum

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Hair of Flair

I would be satiated with cum inflation

Enable cheats and give yourself money then

same but i just played a cheat game and made it to my liking and had fun again

This one

I know i can do that but I'm just venting a bit because the game could clearly be balanced better. Another example of poor balance is Whitney's lack of events, I can go several days without seeing Whitney and it kinda sucks

>Doren is supposedly have extra content if she catches you being lewd in her class
>Literally can't ever get caught
I have walked into her class literally covered head to toe in semen, literally cascading girlcum out of my mouth, and spent the entire time buck-naked, masturbating like a fiend while Kylar tugs her little girl-dick to me, and nothing happens. What do I have to do?

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I know after the last update at least I've actually started to get caught masturbating in various places.

does this have hypnosis/mind control?

Alter Ego is a good mobile game, it's coming to the switch and Es is a cutie patatooie

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I prefer TQ for my noncon rape sim.

Not a game.

>no pregnancy

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This game stinks and there are way to many that cater to this specific mindset. It's this way on almost every website. What are some games where you are in control and can transform, torture, or do whatever to Npcs?

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I don't have as much fun if I cheat, I want the payments to not completely disrupt the gameplay but I still want them there because blowing a bunch of cocks to meet your goal feels good

It truly is an accurate loli simulator. Lolis have it rough!

Please stop posting with this picture, it made me hope for a cute Kobold game but I got nothing like that. Such a disappointment.

Lilith's Throne.

That's a good frog image, I like that.

Have you tried fighting off bailey? Or just refusing to pay and submitting? You get into some pretty interesting situations that way. And in any case the payments eventually cap at an amount that shouldn't be too hard to make at that point.

Radians of perversity

i agree i think payments should be every 2 weeks