Does the coronavirus mean the next gen in cancelled?

Does the coronavirus mean the next gen in cancelled?

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Other urls found in this thread: - documenti SIAARTI.aspx

>and we could have to accept that

maybe, but that honestly isn't the worst thing. consoomers are forgetful, they'll just do whatever they were going to do once this sars scare is over

We can only hope.

You have bigger problems to worry about other than a product release date

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>and we could have to accept that
>not now next-gen
did he have a stroke?

>this was all just a plan by Microsoft to win this generation of the console wars
Just how far is Phil Spencer willing to go?

Not only next gen but our future as well

I'm hoarding this.

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Fucking paperplebs. Grow up and install a bidet.

And that's a good thing! (Here's why!) (Click here!)

I like bidets, I wish they were more common in america. It's like people don't know they even exist here.

Honestly, this might be the best thing that could have happened for Sony. They are winning now but the public are wondering when the PS5 is coming out. Xbox can't really launch before Sony do, and Sony themselves now have a perfect excuse to put it off.

Normalfags will be more forgiving of them putting off now that it's because of the coronavirus. And every day the PS5 is not out is another day Sony have the best selling console on the marked. Why gamble the throne if you can keep sitting on it?

>Next gen gets delayed
>Nothing bad happens to consumers because odds are the games they show off wont be until anothee 3 years

I really really dont give a shit.

Should be hoarding bullets not faggity single ply toilet paper

Don't care i play my shit on PC

hoardcunts all need to die. if i go to the shops in 2 weeks time and there's no fucking loo roll, i'll find your street and go full fucking pajeet

No, you won't.

Some of Yas Forums must live in areas/cities with lots of infections? Do you just plan on staying? Imagine not getting the fuck out of new york right now lmao

More like society itself is about to be cancelled.

Thank you, sweet Jesus.

Hmm, I was kinda tempted to trade in my PS4 slim for a Pro and wait until the traditional mid generation model release. This only encourages that more.

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dude its just a flu

Lol so dramatic.

Lol yeah its just a fly am i rite lmao

They're going back and improving on the GPU after the MS reveal.

It's not though. In Italy it's only been 2 weeks since the outbreak began and they're already implementing preferential treatment for intensive care for younger patients because they don't have enough ICU's to go around.

>"It is time to be realistic and face reality. Those who criticize the document that explains the concept of priority of resuscitation treatments based on the human, instrumental and technological resources available, have a Pharisee attitude. On the other hand, already today in some hospitals if a 35-year-old victim of a car accident or a 55 affected by stroke arrives, he risks not finding a place in intensive care ". So to the Associated Press National Agency, the president of the union of anesthesiologists and resuscitators (Aaroi-Emac) Alessandro Vergallo, expressing his support for the document of the scientific company Siaarti, released yesterday. "I read the document as a Siaarti member and I feel comfortable signing it. Demonstrate a responsible attitude, against the lounge experts, who would do well to keep quiet. You can make all the ecumenical and pan-therapeutic speeches in the world, but you need to know what we talk about ". On the other hand, he continues, "those who disregard the current limitation of resources have an unrealistic and Pharisee attitude, which denies the evidence. Establish an order of priority in dedicating more technologically advanced treatments to those who have the most chance of receiving a benefit from these treatments real healing is realistic " - documenti SIAARTI.aspx

I hope so desu, I barely have time to play the games that came out this gen

Italians are the niggers of europe, it's not surprising they can't organize their hospitals properly.

M8 if i can't wipe my arse I've got nothing to lose. Don't test me

is this just a Yas Forums conspiracy or is it legit?

No, Italy is pretty much up there with the amount of Intensive Care Units they have, the problem is most of the ICU beds are already used by patients. No country has storage of thousands of ICU beds that they can use in situations like this, most hospitals in all countries already work at max capacity, they can't afford a sudden influx of thousands of patients.

>and we could have to accept that

lmfao. do they do it on purpose? who comes up with these conclusions. L M F A O

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>not waiting for better versions to come out latter
user I.....

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>wanting to splash your asshole with cold water
is there anything more gay

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>is there anything more gay
Yeah, you

I really like the shape of this console and it makes me sad it'll never be real. It's somehow nostalgic, but also reminds me of really shitty routers i've had.

when you think about it the first year of a consoles lifespan doesn't usually have more than 1 game worth playing and it's not like delaying the console delays the game development (that much)
will it really make that much of a difference

> Xbone X will be forwards compatible for at least a year for all first party titles
> Game companies will make games available for both gens similar to the 360
> The new premium xbox is only twice as powerful as the Xbone X
I'm pretty comfy with my Xbox X tbqhwu familia. I got it last september so I'm just starting out with this gen, playing the huge backlog provided by Game Pass.
I think I'll be waiting until the upgraded version comes out, and not just a remodel, but a more powerful console like the X was.

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>it's another "Yas Forumsirgin fantasizes about killing his country's military and getting to fuck Stacey in his spartment" episode

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no, because this shitty little coronavirus only kills you if you are 90+ year old and already sick to begin with, but iqlets and Yas Forumscels still screech like a bunch of hysteric little girls

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Yas Forums is full of bedridden neets that would die from a common flu.
It's no wonder they're all in full panic mode. All their talk about genetic superiority and their pale frail asses would be the first in the gas chambers if hitler rose to power again.

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It being hiv got debunked a month ago, moron. The pajeets that came out and said it removed their original paper.

Don't need to kill ther military. If some doofus is just hoarding supplies and I have weapons, if I need anything I can just go over and use my weapons to take his supplies.

It's because we've stopped practicing eugenics. I'm sorry but if you need a bionic heart and dozens of medications at 53 because you're a fat slob who doesn't take care of yourself it's time to die

All the fear mongering and unironic fake news aboit this virus probably all come from Yas Forums, and the worst part is thst people lap it up and become hysteric retards
>those people asking if you can get the virus from eating chinese food or if you can prevent it by gargling bleach

Lol who gives a shit, stop being so serious. It's just funny seeing if anyone still believes it.

>probably all come from Yas Forums
They have almost two thousand threads in their coronavirus general. It's just an endless circlejerk of paranoia and happenism.
Thus said, do take the minimal hygiene precautions and don't travel abroad until this whole thing calms down. That's it.

The virus isn't going to be an issue. The morons going crazy about it will, though. Why the fuck are people freaking out over this but didn't over something like Swine Flu?

>but didn't over something like Swine Flu?
Oh sweet user, people did. We just weren't in the twitter generation back then.

Conspiracy. I work in a medical center and we got a whole briefing on corona few weeks ago. All it is is a slightly worse flu. Children/Teachers/pediatricians are basically immune due to having been so frequently exposed to the other variants. Death rate is only high among "vulnerable" patients (elderly, immune disorders, already sick, etc.) which is same for the flu. The chances a young, HYGIENIC American will die from it are slim to none. Anyone telling you anything other than this is genuinely retarded or a media shill trying to make it seem worse than it is hoping it will effect the election/market.

Remember when they unironically thought the world was going to end a few days ago because someone got a get?
That was funny.

This. People did freak out, but the difference is that they didn't fuel their paranoia with online bullshit from breitbart or twitter. The same retards freaking out now probably fueled a lot of their paranoia due to China and its extensive lockdown, but the idiots having a breakdown aren't aware that China does massive quarantines whenever an epidemic or pandemic starts. They did very similar things when H1N1 and other illnesses started spreading. So these people only see 2020 and assume it must be a big deal, despite past history also existing.

and that's a good thing!

I'm pretty sure there are schizo's there that actually believe in meme magic.

It's also amusing when people bring ship lockdowns due to corona like we didn't have over a dozen of those with swine flu as well.

honestly im not too concerned as I play PC/Nintendo, the most annoying thing about this Corona shit is the Nintendo fanboys crying because no Direct, and im saying this as a Nintendo fan who does not own a PS4 or xbox one.

Dead people don't have to worry about that, user.

I want to buy a ps5 so it can kill me

It's because most of the people freaking out are zoomers who were 8 when swine flu hit.

And that's okay! because I wasn't planning on buying a console, because I'm not retarded.

Consumers, you meme-loving fuck. Stop typing like your cranium just collapsed unto itself.