You may not like it, but this is what peak RPG Taste looks like.

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Here's the skeleton

Attached: RPG Venn_Diagram.png (1200x1200, 63.84K)

Swap Mother 3 and TWEWY

TWEWY's characters (mainly Neku) are kinda assholes, at least the protagonists and the battle system is meh tier

..have you even played twewy? Neku is very quickly not an asshole, and by halfway through the second or third day, he's incredibly likeable. He has his own tastes and interests, and like every character in the game is flawed and has goals.
One of my favorite things about the entire game is Kitaniji's character. He loves the city, and wouldn't have done any of the shit he did in the storyline... but his entry fee for his game with Joshua WAS his love for the city.
The battle system is incredibly unique and fun to play once it's mastered. If anything it's the STORY that's the weak part of the game because it's actually so character driven!

Persona 4 is the best JRPG cast of all time by far.
You think otherwise? You are retarded.

None of those are rpgs


Well it's been awhile since I've played it, maybe I've forgot how much they change, but I found myself liking the villain's characters more than the heroes. Plus once I got a pin that did lightning magic, I basically felt like the game was a breeze. But the battle system isn't bad though, I just didn't feel that challenged.
Never played it

>fantastic characters
>great battle system
What in the fuck?

>Only JRPGs
>Not a single RPG
Pleb. Play Fallout.

mother 3 is pretty based. I would play it again but I'm too lazy to find and set up a GBA emulator.

twewy and mother 3 should be swapped, and the rest of the diagram should be reworked

You've definitely forgotten. Neku is an asshole for all of one hour of playtime. And he becomes more and more less so as the game goes on. He learns to appreciate (and love) Shiki, he bonds with Joshua despite his distrust of him, and he fucking bros it up with Beat. ALL of THESE characters also have their own personal growth arcs! Shiki, Joshua, and Beat are all changed by their time in the Reaper's Game and with Neku.
>Plus once I got a pin that did lightning magic, I basically felt like the game was a breeze.
Play it on Hard or Ultimate. Normal is fine but you can tell Hard is the truly intended difficulty. Ultimate is a fun romp. Also, mastering the battle system, which means both screens, is a very fun experience.

>>fantastic characters
>>great battle system
>he still segregates jrpgs from rpgs
one day, Yas Forums will learn....

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Nice FPS bro

JRPGs are not RPGs.

Fallout 3 is more of an RPG than most jrpgs

you are entitled to believe that

I am not believing that, it is objectively true. JRPGs are action adventure games with light/surface level rpg elements.

>Have you played TWEWY?! neku changes from a shitty deviantart OC, to a shitty deviant OC who cares!"

Swap Mother 3 and TWEWY. Fighting on Level 1 Ultimate was an absolute blast.

Attached: the TWEWY experience.png (744x594, 590.17K)

An RPG is an RPG. Each individual game decides how to work in it's battle system and how much choice the player has in the story.

>trying this hard
Even the other characters call Neku out on being an emo asshole. Hell, even he does in Another Day.

Attached: emo urges.png (1136x640, 724.43K)


>everyone calls him retarded and an asshole for being a "shitty deviantart OC"
>he realizes the error of his ways and becomes a "shitty deviantart OC" who cares
Like the character design or not, that is legitimate character growth, dumbass.

That is cringe dialogue. Even if it's self aware.
TWEWY will always be shit, because of the edgy art style. Looks directly out of a teenage emo's sketch book. It doesn't matter if the character learns how to be a better person. He's still dressed that way, he still wears the shitty headphones, he's still in a game that's stylized that way.

TWEWY is like the Invader Zim of video games.

I really enjoyed undertale
i hope oddity is really good.
Touhou X Mother was really good too

Attached: RAC.png (1024x1280, 1.8M)

I never understood the appeal of the EarthBound franchise.
The games are pretty ugly, and the gameplay is really generic. Like EarthBound is probably the most bog-standard RPG there is on the SNES. Mother 3 has the combo system but is otherwise not that different from any other RPG.

Storywise, there's nothing that incredible either. Hell, Mother 3's story is basically just Star Wars with an environmental message tacked on.
I just don't know how anyone can claim them to be some of the best games ever. They're okay but they're certainly not great.

No, it isn't. RPGs are supposed to be about player choice and creating a dynamic world which reacts to you. It should allow you to play as any type of character that you want. Within limitations of tech of course. But average JRPGs don't even try to do this, it's not a part of their design philosophy. Fallout New Vegas and ff7 are too different to be considered the same genre.

>Character grows
>Still subjects the player to the shitty deviantart OC aesthetic for the whole game.

>still trying this hard
>still doesn’t realize that even the other characters call him out on his shit fashion sense
You never played TWEWY, huh?

Yes, either turn based or real time

All the other characters have similar shit fashion sense. Being aware doesn't make it ok to them revel in bad taste

They're the only actually surrealist games that understand what surrealism is without being pretentious about it .

>local retard doesn’t know how people in Shibuya actually dress
If anything, Neku and his friends are tame compared to some of the fashion choices in real life Shibuya.

JRPGs are RPGs, but should still be seperated because they are stylistically different from non-japanese rpgs.

The art style in TWEWY is based what are you on about?

Fucking Skyrim is a better RPG than those shitty grinding simulators. JRPGs are universally awful.

Don't respond, he's trying for a lame shitpost argument.

They're striking compared to pretty much everything else on the market at the time. Most zoomers cling to it because boomers reminisce about it, but the strength of the game was how different it was from every other medieval fantasy RPG attempting to be the next Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest, and it was probably the farthest shot away from every brown and/or colorless CRPG you'll find on PC.

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What exactly is bad about the fashion in TWEWY?
>inb4 muh deviantart

Attached: npc design.jpg (960x720, 549.24K)


I would mock anyone dressed like that. Real life or not.

No, it's shit. Right in that late 90s, early 00s era of jagged thick lines every kid was doing.


>peak rpg taste
>taste is subjective.

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cope boomer

>Mother 3

This. 1000% This

nice spreadsheet bro

t. weeb

Man if you can give TWEWY anything it's the character spritework in the overworld being a bit weak, but the animations were fine

Skyrim isn't even better than Morrowind, fuck off

The game doesn't have to revolve around you. There's plenty of RPGs where you are just a random guy, at least at first until you prove yourself. Also your reply did not disprove my points about JRPGs not being rpgs

Show us your fashion sense then, bro.

Everyone is trying too hard to look cool. All I see are tryhard, obsessed with their own image. Just like every teenage subgroup. Emos, goths, whatevers... They all have to wear a certain look in order to fit in. It's repulsive to look at. Along with the actual style of the art itself. Being that jagged thick lined style, where lines contour inward, instead of outward, in order to give it a literal "edgy" feel.

It's barely an RPG at this point.

>Everyone is trying too hard to look cool. All I see are tryhard, obsessed with their own image. Just like every teenage subgroup.

I really need to know how little of TWEWY you actually know, because your entire post screams "I didn't even watch a youtube video of the intro or google search the premise".

>Everyone is trying too hard to look cool. All I see are tryhard, obsessed with their own image. Just like every teenage subgroup. Emos, goths, whatevers... They all have to wear a certain look in order to fit in.
You mean, like how fashion works? Shit, that’s an actual mechanic in the game, for fuck’s sake.

>you assume the role of a character(s) in a fictional setting.
I fail to see how people think JRPGs fail to meet this criteria.
Even fucking Assassin's creed, to name a few, meet this criteria.
Hell, RPG game mechanics are so convoluded I really only judge D&D based systems true RPGs.

>Everyone is trying too hard to look cool
Good job, you understand the basic fashion sense the game is going for.


Still more of an RPG than most jrpgs

What's so good about CrossCode?

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It’s almost like the game is about teenagers or something. Christ, you’re a complete fucking idiot


>Wow, why are these teenagers and other bizarre undead people in this specialized death game in fucking SHIBUYA dressing like they're too cool for school? Everybody should be dressing in 2020's palecore and NOTHING ELSE

Literally kill yourself