What's the most autistic thing you've done in a video game?

What's the most autistic thing you've done in a video game?

Attached: 38e040be6d8b696c7abcd4076472b0ac57fdd0bc013cc734e0e391ee4f5dd0e6_1.png (1080x583, 1.15M)

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>he doesn't have a "going into games" machine

Attached: costanza.png (500x375, 298.97K)

Where do I buy one?

Attached: 1569498356475.jpg (359x359, 14.03K)

I like to 100% them.

RP'd in Ragnarok Online private servers back in the day.

I play SS13. That's autistic enough, right?

Attached: 15605531332051.png (559x608, 207.83K)

I've spent at least 800 or more hours in garry's mod just entertaining myself with addons and cool maps in singleplayer.

Which video game characters would you have sex with if you had a going in game machine?

I 100%ed San Andreas without using guides

I could tell from the thumbnail what the post was