What's the most autistic thing you've done in a video game?

What's the most autistic thing you've done in a video game?

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>he doesn't have a "going into games" machine

Attached: costanza.png (500x375, 298.97K)

Where do I buy one?

Attached: 1569498356475.jpg (359x359, 14.03K)

I like to 100% them.

RP'd in Ragnarok Online private servers back in the day.

I play SS13. That's autistic enough, right?

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I've spent at least 800 or more hours in garry's mod just entertaining myself with addons and cool maps in singleplayer.

Which video game characters would you have sex with if you had a going in game machine?

I 100%ed San Andreas without using guides

I could tell from the thumbnail what the post was

you just need a reference
I can give you mine but I dont know if I should

I don't understand, why did this shitpost in particular get so many replies?
To me this doesn't stand out from the similar ones that get posted almost daily.

I'd wear protection, given the current circumstances, but bat that's would still get it

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Lightning and Cloud from Final Fantasy.

Probably because that user is a schizo or made incredibly good bait.

god i wish that was me

He said he had a going into games machine like it was a regular thing.

Depends, did you build autism structures as an atmos tech or engineer?

It's because you've been filtered due to your lack of autism. Pity you couldn't be removed entirely.

The only physical and human interaction i get is going into skyrim and stand infront of the khajiits and argonians and jack off to them and hear them say
>need something?
Just the fact that they're looking at you in the eyes is what gets me and also the fact that i made their bodies look endowed as fuck

Not really, I mostly just powergame as security/head of staff and kill all the antags 10 minutes into the shift.

very interesting

incest roleplay in tf2 team chat

It's written in an awkward but sincere way that makes it amusing. Maybe you're esl or a autistic so it's harder to understand the humor.


I-what how?

I'll one-up you on that, I play janitor almost exclusively in SS13

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I understand why it's supposed to be humorous, what I'm saying is that I don't think it's screencap worthy or something that deserves that many replies. You can see shit like this all the time here. But suit yourself I guess.

>doesn't have tf2
Is it summer already?


for those who've never had one, this is what a going into games machine looks like

Attached: going into games machine.png (797x897, 315.33K)

But why is he sweating. And where is the other half of his body?

If you don't get it, you have autism.

Is it as bad as playing almost exclusive shaft miner?

you're a goddamn hero

>And where is the other half of his body?
He's going into the game, pay attention.

If I went full jobbie I'd go shaft miner too so not really. Janny is way less rewarding and you get shit on constantly.

It embraces the absurdity of the concept so well that it could very much be a real story whilst sprinkling it with a bit of intrigue and mystery. The G.I.G-machine is just the vessel for the actual content, the author only mentions it as it is neccessary for explaining how Romani smells. It is only brought up again at the end very casually, cementing the impression that this machine is in fact real. The imagination of the reader can now wander freely in a world where such a device exists.

Mate there isn't enough letters in the Chinese alphabet to cover the amount of STDs you'd come back with.

I narrate every little thing I do in the game in my head as if I'm explaining it to my mother.
I don't know why I do this because I don't actually want her watching me play games, and she's just in the other room if I wanted to hang out.

God I want to die.

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Talk to myself as If I'm streaming and look at the wall when it's loading as if I'm looking at the chat and answer questions out loud (I still do this)

Pretend I'm recording a gameplay video while playing or that I'm streaming and replying to an imaginary chat

Attached: 1561942716470.png (704x594, 564.71K)

In Ocarina of Time, used to roleplay Link working a day at the farm and would pretend he was sleeping in the barn equipping the hylian shield and holding R for awhile.

>have giantess fetish
>play skyrim
>setscale 10 on female NPC
>fap fap fap

same except i cybered and had a girlfriend and all that shit. fuck me.

summer is eternal and has been for years now

I like to get into random twitch channels with 0 viewers and hear the streamer speaking random shit like "ok guys now lets play some league of legends" or "k guys gotta leave sorry" shit like that, people be crazy

I'm apparently some sort of masochist who can only enjoy vidya by playing "unique" builds in games. If there's a gimmicky way to play then chances are I'll go for that over the normal way.

I did every practical meme build & gimmick account I could think of in Oldschool Runescape, 500+ hours of single player Dark Souls mostly just doing challenge runs (ie only using dual Parrying Daggers or some other dumb restriction), shit decks in card games, some contrarian class or spec in MMOs, etc.
I don't mean to be such a faggot but I just get so bored doing regular playthroughs of a lot of games.

You make a fair point.

Why don’t you actually stream then?

I don't have the equipment for it, I have a shitty mic and camera and old PC

I do this as well but it's my father or uncle usually. I do it at work too. Almost like I'm giving them a step by step tour of my job.

There was a time when I had said machine at home at first glance it seems pretty great but the shit smell is unbearable. I don't know how OP managed to used it for more than 1 minute at at time without puking. I get rid of it as quickly as I could as the stench of shit seems to follow you around for hours even when you leave the game. But in the end I have to admit it was pretty cool.

this image again, cannot find the source anywhere

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tried ERPing in WoW back in MoP when i was around 15

when "she" finally called me on the bed i got too nervous and logged off

im still a virgin

dodged a bullet there

Fucking kek

Used to lay down and have bear druids sit on my face in WoW.

Don't @ me.


goldshire inn, moon guard? i may have been one of those druids

It was Goldshire yeah. It was forever ago tho.

I just love the way he casually drops the phrase “going into games machine” because it’s such a simple and direct name for it, and it’s something a lot of us have probably come up with as a child. And then there’s the casual explanation of it being stolen at the end, the same way you’d mention yugioh cards being stolen as if it was just something that happens, despite it being this magic world changing technology. The cherry on top is the fact that he’s oddly self aware to recognize it was good for him to not have it anymore. It’s just this perfect mix of relatebility, childishness, nostalgia, and surrealism that tell a bizarre full story as though it were sincere.

Something about the way it’s written makes it seem like it was posted by an actual crazy person.

I try to play video games with my ghost gf but can't because she can't interact with the other controller
please no bully

Why do (You) care so much about (you)s? When the fuck did this (You) obsession happen?

Efficiently level up in Oblivion.
Took me over 20 hours.

Tried to obey traffic laws in open world type games. I remember doing this the most for GTA3/SA and True Crime LA.