Was this a good game?

Was this a good game?

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Fuck no.

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it was okay


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The DS port was kino

Yes, not the best Sonic 3D but surely a decent one

Gameplay was fun but the story is dogshit and nailed the coffin for future writing on the games.

>3D Sonic

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It was okay, 7/10 at best
Not the beginning of the Sonic renaissance like critics would have you believe, but not soulless like Adventurefags would have you believe

>hahahaha orbot made a funnny
>plot who cares? just make a joke lololololol

If it was made in the present day it would have flossing

the main theme song is kino don't even be a lying faggot

>any sonic except adventure 1 & 2

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It's the game that finally gave Eggman recurring henchmen. Felt pretty odd to have every single non-game iteration of him create a brand new pair of bumbling lackeys.

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>>any sonic except adventure 1 & 2
kys adventurefag

>storyfagging sonic the hedgehog
is this how autism is made?

they should have just used scratch and grounder

Sonic has never been good. Adventure 1 & 2 are the only Sonic games that have been good and even those games aren't perfect.

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>Good storytelling isn't allowed because blue hedgehog is the main character
Holy shit I hate this retarded mentality, fuck off loser

Yeah, it was fine.

It was good but was made on inferior hardware because retarded journalists said that the wii version of unleashed was better than X360 and PS3
Also the story is complete garbage, every story in Sonic games afterwards is also complete trash because their current writers don't care about Sonics world or characters and Sega won't do anything about it

Yes its just the annoying people that say its bad.

>Eggman kidnaps little critter to fuel his plans
>Sonic stops him

That's the story. That's all the story in a Sonic game should be. YMMV with the humor, but the lighthearted adventure and simple narrative were spot on.

PLEASE dont tell me you retards think the Adventure games are modern arts of storytelling.

>That's all the story in a Sonic game should be
says who?
>YMMV with the humor
yea no every single line of dialogue in this game is trash, and same with the humor there's not a single funny joke

>ad hominem

>That's all the story in a Sonic game should be.
nooo it's supposed to have animu melodrama and kino moments!

the story in sa1 is terrible and made worse by the convoluted mess of voice acting and editing in the cutscenes.

This, the DS version was a really good sonic game

No? but the fact that this came after Unleashed and Black Knight which had most solid storytelling in the series is a huge downgrade

except it makes no difference because it's a video game about a blue hedgehog

>Sonic Colors
That shit was almost majorly 2D sections (bad ones at that) and the few "3D" sections might as well been 2D as well with how fucking narrow the paths were.

Hell no. It's one of the worst games in the series.


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It's okay. It's more enjoyable than pretty much every other 3D Sonic game but Unleashed's day stages and Generations.

Not a single Sonic game has a good plot or good storytelling. It's below kid cartoons. And I'm a huge Sonic fan.

Unironically it is the best 3D Sonic.

Best 3D sonic

Better than Forces and Lost World.

Why is the Sonic fandom so divisive these days?

>Sonic games suck except for the entries I like

You tried to be contrarian but ended up with the most generic, normalfag opinion on Sonic imaginable.

The gameplay was boring and stiff, so no. I don't get what people see in it.

The "normal" opinion is that the classic games are good and the 3D games all suck. Adventurefags are a weird breed of autism.

>these days?

>and nailed the coffin for future writing on the games.
That's 06. Game killed Sonic. If it wasn't shit Colors wouldn't have happened.

Take the L and blame shit where it was actually the root cause.

no Sonic has always been awful. It's platformer chops didn't hold up against Super Mario World, so they needed a gimmick when it first released.
"Oh, let's advertise the speed of the game!"
So you have a couple levels where you go fast... and run into spikes. Other levels you literally stand still and wait.

When 3d arrived, it basically become a rail game and was nowhere near 64 or Sunshine.

THE ONLY Sonic game that was any good, was when they did speed correctly in Sonic Advance 2 and rush. Every other game was either a colossal failure, or a shittier version of every platformer that existed.


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This is why I want Sonic fucking dead. Fucking hate storyniggers, you are far worse than Kingdom Heartsfags ffs. But at least KH being a RPG series makes ense, Sonic is a fucking mascot platformer.

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No but they are leagues better then the fanny sanic show with zavok hahaha arent past games awful? hahaha self deprecation hahahaha

It was fine, the problem is that it changed the direction of the series into one that would later give us Boom and Lost World

DS version was way better though


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>retarded journalists said that the wii version of unleashed was better than X360 and PS3
Why the fuck would they said this? That version was shit

>The only good Sonic game was one that was extremely easy auto pilot.

>the story is dogshit
That's nothing new for this series. Can't believe people actually play Sonic for the writing.

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Because they can't allow people to have their own opinons and preferences. We must all think the same, we can't think different from each other

>Holy shit I hate this retarded mentality
Then be mad at Sega for following it.

because they are retarded and journalists

t. Classicuck

either have intersting writing or no writing at all, just standind around and cracking jokes is just a waste of resources

Sonic 06's is trash but the main reason that game got so much backlash was because the gameplay was horrible and on top of that it was barely even functional
When it comes to writing Sonic Colors is where it took a steep dive especially in the dialogue and Sonic Team probably stuck with it because that game was a success

What are you on about? 99% of levels are 2D only

3K, SA1. SA2, and unironically black knight all had good stories

>It was good but was made on inferior hardware because retarded journalists said that the wii version of unleashed was better than X360 and PS3
It was on the Wii because the devs didn't want to make a watered down version of Generations like they did with Unleashed, you dope. That's why some aspects (i.e. badniks) are shared between the two.
>every story in Sonic games afterwards is also complete trash because their current writers don't care about Sonics world or characters
>Sega won't do anything about it
Laughable that you think Sega themselves actually care about shit like Sonic's world when they constantly changed shit about it for years before Colors. Also Forces' script was completely written in Japan first and the game's story still ended up being shit. Why some of you faggots actually expect decent writing from this series is beyond me.

Came here to say this

Sega can't do serious anymore and every time they try its laughable.

Goofy and silly works better. Stick with that.

Of course

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>hahaha arent past games awful? hahaha self deprecation hahahaha
I don't remember a single instance of this in any Sonic game of the past decade.

>Good story
There were kino moments sure, but it's full of plot holes

>either have intersting writing or no writing at all
I'll agree with that. Sega should instead focus more on implementing S3K or Mania-esque cutscenes in future games instead of having characters just stand around belting exposition at each other.

>Just kill the soul of the series bro xD

SA1's plot is retarded. There are some decent aspects like Gamma's arc and piecing together Chaos' backstory, but the story itself has a lot of dumb moements.

Colors was release a couple years BEFORE Generations retard

>didn't want to make a watered down version of Generations
I think you mean Colors? That's a good point though I think it would've just been better on X360 PS3 and PC
>Why some of you faggots actually expect decent writing from this series is beyond me.
Honestly I could careless if the story was trash if the characters in the games were at least actually in character, the thing that pisses me off about forces is that it was marketed to be a sonic story in his "darkest time" and they shove that shit in your face constantly but it's just a flat out lie, all of that could've been tolerated if the gameplay was at least good

You're insane if you think SMW held a candle to Sonic 1, let alone Sonic 2, Sonic 3, literally any other Sonic game.

most people are sick of it

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Can't think if any plot holes other than Gerald being able to setup a message to be sent through the ark when he's about to be executed, or why they recorded his last words in the first place

>nooo it's supposed to have animu melodrama and kino moments!
This but unironicley

It was released less than a year before.

That was never the soul, you idiot.