Black Mesa is finally out officially

Black Mesa is finally out officially.

I've never played Hlf life even though I was born in the late 80s.

what am I in for?

Attached: black-mesa.jpg (616x353, 83.96K)

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Play the original, faggot

Is it even availble? Where to get the original black mesa?

The original is free to celebrate HLA's release on steam. All the Half-Life games are.

original one is Half-Life
HL and all the expansions and Black Mesa are on steam

Don't play it without finishing HL first, faggotus maximus

Attached: ERT2aRLXsAAYRlr.jpg (1534x2048, 669.44K)

isn't it just a remake with better graphics?

Technically yes, but you will appreciate Black Mesa better if you discover for yourself what they've changed from the original.

Also Half-Life is free to play on Steam right now so you don't really have an excuse to at least not give it a try.