FF6 vs FF7

which game is more overrated?

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7, but hipsters are really pushing 6 hard

VII was at least a decent game

7 is the one that gets the most recognition so it's naturally the most overrated.

7 is more overrated by factor of it being a 3D rpg.

7 in general but 6 by people online.

Ocarina of time

I agree with this. The amount of mental gymnastics 6fags go through to brush aside 6's flaws while shitting on new JRPGs is ridiculous.


7, but really when was the last time you saw someone bring up 6?

6 is a cult classic but 7 was a cultural phenomenon.

6, if only because people take so much pride in complaining about 7 being overrated that it wound up being horribly underrated for years. I still remember when people who never even looked at footage of 7 would shit on it for being so horribly overrated. 6 is nice, but 7 was actually the thing that brought JRPGs into prominence in the west.

I hate this about FFags. They will praise these games as the pinnacle of the genre but ignore the dogshit gameplay in a fucking VIDEO GAME. I also personally think the chibi shit sprites that clash with everything make the old ones look hideous

That would be Pokémon.

Have you played it? Doesn't sound like it.

9 is good, may not be as good as 6 or 7, but is enjoyable and i do like the cute character designs, so fuck you, i liked it.

I've played 6 twice, once as a kid and another as an adult. It's bad for the most part.

The FFVI fanbase is certainly more autistic, that's for sure.

What's your idea of being adult? 24? Come back when you're 36 and tell me 7 isn't the biggest crock of shit ever.

Final Fantasy 8

6 by a country mile.
Plenty of people give 7 shit, but 6 gets nonstop praise when its just a really mediocre game with an awful main antagonist.


Played through 7, got bored in 6. The gameplay is extremely boring, especially compared to modern jRPGs.

This. It’s fanboys praise it as an underrated masterpiece; it’s ok, but not amazing.


You're only supporting the posts describing how obnoxious 6fags are.

Or you're just a brainlet like everyone else who refused to get aquainted with the lore and all the character moments the game doesn't spell out for you.

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And when I say played through 7, it also had awful gameplay but I liked the story more

>you must be a boomer to know how good or bad a game is
So these are the kind of people that think 6 is good, huh? Christ.

Your hostility is unwarranted and further proves only good people like 6, while cynical cocksuckers like yourself can't stand it.

I didn't say 6 was good, you illiterate fuckbag, I said 7 sucks.

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forgot 8 existed it must be because I equipped GF lmao

Jesus man you're only digging your grave further with posts like this. 6fags are the ones holding their game above all others way more often than not despite it being riddled with more issues than anything considered generic today.

Not to mention how you guys always appeal to age and nostalgia whenever you're called out.

all of them
why would you play the most casual series of jrpgs when xenoblade serie has both story and gameplay ?
ff has neither

>I didn't say 6 was good
>Your hostility is unwarranted and further proves only good people like 6, while cynical cocksuckers like yourself can't stand it.
ok boomer

9 shits all over 7 though.

7 mostly because it's that game where tons of people heap praise on it who have probably never even played it and are """fans""" because Cloud and Sephiroth were in Kingdom Hearts or Smash in Clouds case. These people have been making themselves even more obvious with the remake coming out. Neither games are bad though.

I'd say that all the shit Cloud's appeared in makes 7 an easy winner here. Hell, Cloud marks the game where mainline FF left Nintendo but he's the FF Smash representative. IIRC FF7 didn't even have a proper port to a Nintendo console until AFTER Ultimate.

Attached: Old man yells at Cloud (2).jpg (540x304, 69.86K)

6 is literally the best video game ever made. its also the last present my grandma got me before she passed, and the only snes game i had for over a year. but im sure that has nothing to do with it

Cloud is just a more likable and relatable character than anyone in 6

Reminder: overrated doesn't mean bad just that it has a lot of vocal fans.

FF6 was unanimous goty across all outlets in 1994
FF7 ended up losing to GoldenEye

Both are kinda meh. I honestly can't go back and play a FF before XII anymore. I like turn based games but FF games are so fucking overly simplistic that the grind because painful. At least SMT has moments that put you on the edge of your seat and Lost Odyssey has some cool mechanics.

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lightning should be the smash rep tbqh

Neither, dumb zoomer

6 was overrated 15 years ago but it doesn't get much attention anymore

>Worse character
>Worse game
>Also not strongly associated with Nintendo

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The Warring Triad and Kefka/God Kefka are all bosses in 14 but that's about as relevant as 6 gets these days whereas 7 is getting a remake. That doesn't mean that it's somehow less overrated, I'd even say that 6 fans are doubling down on praising 6 and calling 7 shit lately.

>Worse character
yeah but she is cute and its a fighting game
>Worse game
see above
>Also not strongly associated with Nintendo
neither is Cloud. But we get to piss people off.

So you don't care that she's a mediocre character from a mediocre game but she has tits, is that the gist of it? You care so little that you wouldn't even prefer tits from a better game?

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Solid arguments

>gets some love from fans, arguably the second-most popular
>considered one of the best games on the SNES
>characters are sorta liked but don't have prominent fanbases
>otherwise not mentioned much
>gets nothing from SE aside from two or three re-releases, one of which with zero effort put into it

>lauded by many as a contender for greatest game of all time
>gets talked about all of the time, even before even before the remake
>Cloud is essentially the face of Final Fantasy
>Sephiroth is widely considered the greatest video game villain of all time
>Tifa is arguably the most popular girl in video games
>gets a shit ton of love from SE, having several games set in it's universe, a movie and various other media tied to it, as well as a full-scale, high production remake

Gee I wonder?

the series.

So I'm about to start 6 and I've almost made up my mind on which version to play but I would like to know from the people who have played all versions: which looks the best?
From what I can tell, GBA is incredibly close to SNES in terms of visual quality

That dude doesn't have tits though. Lightning's aren't big but she at least has something.

GBA with the restoration patch.

Also in the running for me is potentially the Steam version with the Bilinear filter removed

Can we have a VIII-kun? XV-kun is starting to get old.

>Gamer isn't even familiar with the good games

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7. I like it more than 6 but christ is it overrated.

I personally think 6 is overrated as fuck. I don't like half of the cast and Kefka is too overhyped as a villain.

Maybe you should have found fanart that didn't portray Faris as being as masculine as possible then.

9 shits the bed after Disc 3, and the fucking speed of that game is horrendous.

6. They're both good but the entire second half of 6 is mostly just a slog. 7 never feels like a slog.

So 6?
It has a heavily autistic fanbase that makes it out to be the best game of all time out of sheer contrarianism.
The very definition of overrated, at least people actually like 7.

GBA with the music & color patch
Otherwise, Brave New World with the Vanilla Dialogue Patch

I'm more concerned with the pirate aspect of her character.

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Literally Soul vs Soulless image.