What recreational drugs are fun for gaming besides weed and alcohol?

What recreational drugs are fun for gaming besides weed and alcohol?

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>get called an incel on Yas Forums
>start getting self conscious about my virginity
>know it's not even a tranny/roastie calling me it but probably just another virgin shitposter trying to get me angry
>get angry anyways...
How do I get over this? God fucking damn it. I'm 22 and my dad is putting pressure on me to lose it. I still live at home and depend on my parents and they know I'm not bringing any girls over. He's started calling me "Virgy" in public and around my friends instead of referring to me by my real name. It's getting annoying.

>socialists stuff their face with welfare cheese and do nothing all day
>wtf we need more socialism to offset the increase in diabetes!

>How do I get over this?
You know the answer, Virgy.

Opiates are the drug of choice for the intelligentsia, such as myself.

have sex

Tobacco and Adderall

get an escort you fat faggy shit

Supply and demand.

>ultra wealthy corporations continue to rape us
>wtf we need to keep giving them tax cuts and calling poor people socialists


>more and more americans are overweight and therefore get diabetus
>production cannot keep up with the demand
>price increases

Dammnn should have invested back then. Do you think it'll keep rising?

Reminder that trannies are pawns of big pharma

any stimulant
but seriously don't do drugs
also drug threads often result in a ban

post yfw you're not virgy


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Shrooms can be fun if you have a very vibrant colorful game
I did shrooms and played Pac Man Championship Edition DX and it was fucking nuts
It may be too much to take in though, sometimes it's best to just chill with a piece of paper and crayons

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america is such a fucking joke, lmao

No its called Big Pharma who employs corporate lobbyists that line the pockets of congressmen. This country is corrupt as fuck.

>get fat off welfare
>give me more welfare because I'm fat now

HRT is extremely cheap.

Reminder there are people who defend Martin Shkreli for buying a drug and raising the the price like x10 fold

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how many newfags redditors will reply to this

The real problem with america isn't the expensive healthcare, it's the fact that most of the food sold here is literal carcinogenic poison.

That is one aspect. It is your right if you win the market.

Because it's pretty much birth control

You should change it slightly every time
You know, make it a little fun to read

I eat like complete shit but I'm still strong and agile, did I just get lucky and miss the diabetes gene?

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Thanks globalism! We gave all our jobs to spics and chinks for no reason and now we get to eat their shit covered lettuce!

Being able to walk from your bed to the couch without having a hernia doesn't mean you're "strong and agile".

I don't think it has anything to do with globalism per se, but it is caused by the same market forces that unregulated capitalism is responsible for.

project harder

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Cool story Virgy.

>I don't think it has anything to do with globalism
>all our food is grown by some bean making 10 cents a day who hasn't washed his hands in 15 years


ketamine is the best drug to game with (and also watch movies). It basically makes you feel like you're in the game world. I did it with RE2 recently and it was terrifying.

Most of our food is grown domestically, but the small handful of mega corporations that own all of our farms push for growing the shittiest quality food that will make them the most profits.

>Martin Shkreli
Textbook case of pride before the fall. The hubris on that cunt. All he had to do was shut the fuck up for a month but no, he had to go on TV and pretend to be smart.

Nah, it's not like people are going to need life-saving drugs in the future.

That's because he was an attention whore and everything he did was so he could get more youtube views.

Because they'll die right. After daddy drug gets too expensive.

>Most of our food is grown domestically
Yes, that's why we're getting fruit in the winter
>Imports from Mexico and South and Central America enable U.S. consumers to enjoy fresh fruits and vegetables during the winter months

I don't think that a market that has been "won" is a healthy market.

Should I grow some mushrooms or just buy a san pedro and try to make a tea out of it.

I need something for depression and major anxiety

you can literally go to mexico ro canada and buy the exact same grade for $5

yeah that's why fruit is more expensive in winter smoothbrain

>this is true gusy
If by any chance you're not just fishing for (You)s, leave your family and go get a job asap.
Having your worth depend on how many sluts you've had on your dick is the stupidest thing you can do as a man. Go do something with your life, the sluts will always be there waiting, new one born every second.

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Because there are less fat people in those countries

Are you suggesting to go after the new ones?

He WAS smart. It was the classic case of supply vs demand and if you control supply and people LITERALLY NEED YOUR PRODUCT TO LIVE then you can charge what you like.

However, what wasn't wise was drawing attention from the public to the fact you were essentially holding people hostage for their life's savings. There's being evil and there's being Saturday Morning Cartoon Villain evil.

>most of our food is grown here
>actually it's not and it's more expensive and tastes worse

have you been to mexico? and no, that's not why, it's not even supply and demand, it's over regulation, privatization of healthcare, and trying to recoup money from all the ensuing red tape

if it wasn't then it would be expensive all the time because the supply wouldn't change

you are going to die a painful death

that was 7 years ago when mexico was the fattest
burgers beat them again


>Seethin' euro who made this image
Beats being a socialist, lil eurotard

Imagine living in a country where insulin isn't free

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>billionaires work hard GLARK GLARK mmm tasty
It’s not humanly possible to work ‘hard’ enough to earn 5k an hour. So what hard work are they doing that the people who actually do their work arent?

Do you genuinely think that insulin's actual cost is $300 for a month's supply?
It only costs about $5 to make that much, and maybe 20 cents per bottle to ship it. Where do you think the rest of the valuation comes from?
Drug companies would be making 100% profit if they only charged $10 for it, but instead they're charging $300 and making 6000% profit on it.
Is that right? Moral? Valid?
Is this really how you think, or are you just fucking with anons on a board because you're bored?

>He WAS smart.
>"Obama was great"
not smart.

>I’m talking out of my ass
Go to school. And I’m not talking about your conservative parents homeschooling you.

Mexico is more obese than the US and has an inferior medical industry.

>Insulin vials go for $30 in Canada in 2019