Played any games where you don't kill anybody lately?

Played any games where you don't kill anybody lately?

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is there any actual crime they can charge Jigsaw with?

Why? Humans need to kill to live or they take advantage of someone else doing it.

Yes. Dead by Daylight in red ranks.

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He did kill people

Kidnapping for one

Back to Yas Forums ya saw shills

I mean, maybe, but none of his victims were kids and as far as I know 'napping' isn't a crime yet


No. I really, really, really like killing stuff. If they would look for voluteers to shoot the roaches at the greek borber, I would just drop my life and be there.


Even that is a bit of a stretch

Rocket League

Rhythm games mostly

don't cross board, it's cancer

Yeah I played Gorogoa and Abzu.

>various assault and drug charges
>attempted murder
The fuck are you on about? Is this some kind of meme that he did nothing wrong?

But they were all adults. The prosecutor would be laughed out of court for bringing this up.

>move some people to a place
>put some things in a room with them
Why does Jigsaw trigger the everloving shit out of Yas Forums so bad.

>various assault and drug charges
they had a choice
>attempted murder
again, where?

Yes, outer wilds that I finished the other day

Former DA here. There is no scenario where jigsaw gets convicted. "The most he can be charged with is kidnapping" meme is correct. He could be indicted on kidnapping charges, but neither I nor any of my colleagues would touch this case. His assistants were the ones who rigged all the traps, but more problematic is he gave the people a choice, and they chose to die. Any sane judge would throw the case out before it even went to trial, and the prosecutor would get chewed out back in the judge's office for wasting the court's time. Not to mention that no jury in America would ever vote to convict an elderly terminal cancer patient who let his so called "victims" choose life.

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Was that jigsaw? Pretty sure that was one of his apprentices?

reminder that "Jigsaw didn't kill anyone" is just bait, don't take it


Attached: Manson1968.jpg (768x960, 80.46K)

It's Saw 1 you dumbass, what do you think?

>unknown, potentially dangerous, people break and enter into your property with weapons
>jigsaw takes reasonable measures to defend himself from harm (entirely legal under Castle doctrine)
>"wtf that's LITERALLY murder!"

Are there any memes that start on Yas Forums that make it's way to Yas Forums, or is it always just the other way around?

when was the last time Yas Forums was original?

>Eric Matthews: Well putting a gun to someone's head and forcing them to pull the trigger is still murder
>*Jigsaw changes the subject immediately*

lol. jiggy got told in his own movie series.

honestly, how could some hippy manlet make anyone commit any sort of crime, what the fuck were the feds smoking back then

This. The police didn't have a warrant to enter, they didn't have a reasonable cause to believe it was Jigsaw that actually put that man in the trap, and they tried to uncover his engineering trade secrets by looking through his belongings and projects. Once he slices the dude, he also runs away and tries not to engage with them further, implying he meant no bodily harm against them.

that rhythm heaven interview meme? they stole it for a banepost


not even Yas Forums since it came from japs first

He doesn't kidnap or abduct anyone. His apprentices do.

>various assault and drug charges
He never personally assaults anyone (other than the clip above; clear self defense).

Never tortures anyone and there is always a way to leave the traps, if they wish. Often without requiring any bodily harm at all.

>attempted murder
This he would get charged with.

>move a knife around
>dumbass is too stupid to move his neck away from it
Any real lawyer could get that shit thrown out in 10 minutes.

Yas Forums and Yas Forums may as well be the same board.

>mob bosses aren't responsible for the crimes of their lackies
I guess all of the cartel leaders are innocent.

> offers people the ability to survive at a major moral cost OR die
> lol its not torture/murder

To make it vidya related, what can pic related get charged with

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>they had a choice
to either die through extreme torture or survive through less torture?

>he doesn't realize that Yas Forums, Yas Forums and Yas Forums share the same posters and when you find one specific thread in one board chances are you are gonna find the same thread in another

but for real, any other games that have a 'pacifist' way to beat through the game? Last I remember is deus ex and HR

>i didnt really rape her
>i gave her a choice of either having sex with me or dying
>she willingly chose to have sex with me

So what exactly did Charles Manson get life in prison for?

At least Yas Forums try to be original from time to time. When was the last time Yas Forums had originality?

Never had the Mens Rea for the crime of murder, can't be charged

You'd need to find clear evidence that the leader specifically asked the apprentices to kidnap those people.

In Saw V they could have all left without any damage. Majority of traps were also not constructed or setup by Jigsaw at all. In fact, mostly only the ones in the reboot were (that took place in a barn).

I wasn’t talking about murder specifically, I was talking about torture.

>cut out your own eye within 60 seconds or die
Also pretty sure there's shit like conspiracy charges.

Oh, are you going to spam this shit on Yas Forums now?


That's a trip. Gotta applaud the writers if they wrote Jigsaw in such a way that he was legally in the clear like that

Alright, go out and recreate the movies yourself then.
Create a scenario 1:1, or make your closest equivalent, and stick a person in there.
If you want to create a perfect control group, choose someone in solid mental health, no suicidal behavior.
If they still choose to die, that means you've coerced them to death, and have therefore murdered them.

I prefer those - Talos Principle (part of the debate is what is death, does AI equal life, what if the AI chooses death because of your actions etc), The Witness, Subnautica (although I killed a fucking ton of fish).

>None of his victims were kids
There was that cops son that he kidnapped in Saw 2


Nope, it doesn't fit the definition of torture either.
>the act must be inflicted by (or at the instigation of or with the consent or acquiescence of) a public official who has custody of the victim
Jigsaw isn't a public official, so he can't be charged


he could have git gud bro

lol is this from holy mountain or something?

It's true. It makes sense that demented Yas Forumstards don't have any interesting hobbies and have to look towards tv and video games to placate all their interests.

They literally had to catch Al Capone on tax evasion.

I mostly play sport and racing games. Theres something mind-numbing about violent games, they make you retarded.

Unironically Mankind Divided. Though one guy did end up dying after the 9th guard I took down in the same spot ragdolled onto the pile, causing one of the unconcious bodies to glitch out and die. Wasn't counted as me killing him though.

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why would I play a game like that?

LARP more faggot

people no
i was going to say 'my time in portia' but you actually kill the weird animals in that
'also tetris if you consider the tetrimino blocks non living beings and clearing lines doesn't send them to tetris heaven

The ironing.

Thats not how life works, stop listening to 14 years old pieces of shit on Yas Forums as if they were onto something.

patapon 2 makes you lead an army to the beat of some drums and kill many beings

I have more interests than tv and video games so I don't care

>literally can't put forward a good argument for his guilt
lmfao seething

mental retard nutcase faglord bear

Do you know how fucking stupid you sound?

such as?


that’s the requirement for being legally allowed to torture someone; that means he did so illegally

>(3) For an act to constitute torture it must satisfy each of the following five elements in the definition of torture set forth at 8 C.F.R. § 208.18(a): (1) the act must cause severe physical or mental pain or suffering; (2) the act must be intentionally inflicted; (3) the act must be inflicted for a proscribed purpose; (4) the act must be inflicted by or at the instigation of or with the consent or acquiescence of a public official who has custody or physical control of the victim; and (5) the act cannot arise from lawful sanctions.

Jigsaw is not a public official nor is he acting under the instigation or with the consent of a public official, therefore his action is not torture and he can't be charged for 'torture'

calligraphy, falconry, and jiu-jitsu,

shitposting about Yas Forums so I can bait easy replies

bit gay mate

looking stupid and gay
looking like a badly thought out digimon

bit based lad

So how would he be in the clear with the guy covered in a flammable substance with a slow poison killing him, and the antidote in a safe with thousands of different combinations to sort through and broken glass covering the floor?

i'm sorry

he had a choice

falconry sounds cool
calligraphy would be cool but is instead gay and bad

That's horseshit
Considering I know a little more about legal terms
There are two parts to this:
>Actus Reus
Action or conduct which is a constituent element of a crime, as opposed to the mental state of the accused.
>Mens Rea
The mental element of a person's intention to commit a crime; or knowledge that one's action or lack of action would cause a crime to be committed.

Basically, he placed them in a situation that he knew would put them in harms way, even with some contrived option to survive through self harm he knowingly put someone in a situation where they were highly likely to die.

And as I said, there are several situations in the films that were heavily leaning towards inescapable or outright rigged.
>Bear trap : Saw 1
If she doesn't kill the guy, she dies.
He is a secondary accomplice, charged with murder aswell, probably kidnapping and intent.
He also literally closes the door on adam and leaves him to die which is covered by the law of tort of Duty to Rescue.
>Saw 2
Literally pumps gas into the house which will kill everyone (except his accomplice and the kid), you can argue that he gives them antidotes but that is double problem of putting people in a life threatening situation and then expecting them to put themselves into more danger and harm to get out of it.

He can't hide behind his accomplices either.

Tort law has his acts down with no problem.
Tort has also recently had the caparo test thrown out aswell so this would go through.

>I just told someone to kidnap this person officer! I dindu nuffin!
>I just ordered my apprentice to put a reverse bear trap on that person's face officer! I dindu nuffin!
Nigga wut

>people fall for this copypasta unironically

Is your real name Lionel Hutz?

sorry, this is American Law not English Law. Maybe stop trying to comment on things you're not knowledgeable about?

Imagine taking a Yas Forums meme this seriously
I actually commend your autism ;_;7

I am a sane judge and can attest that Jigsaw would be untouchable in the court of law