Post poorly rated titles that were actually based

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After seeing "leaks" of Oni 2 I am glad they didn't finish it. Love the first one to this day. God tier OST

Pic related has some issues but is still great
Critics got filtered by the god tier battle system

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When you get so good at the game you can play tennis with thrown weapons.

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The core of Oni is pretty neat. I still want to make something that uses that free form fighting game/beat em up hybrid.

Based? Based on what?

More like Oni-hole :DDDD

Oh noes its retarded

Both games were great, by the end of the game you're making combo videos against the bosses, shit was cash

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Alpha protocol.

This is it, this is the post that made me finally realise that nobody on here really believes what they say
You all make things up to be as contrarian as possible because you think it makes you stand out
You clearly have some sort of mental problem and need to seek professional help, i'm honestly worried for you, basing your life on lies is unhealthy and one day you are going to realise how stupid and sad it was to do this

This game deserved more attention

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>tfw one-hitting bosses with the apotheosis
Shit was cash
I'm convinced that people only dislike the battle system of Origins because it was punishing and actually required you to learn the combos

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There's a lot of good 7th gen games that got horrible scores. Its really weird. I'm not surprised some people are questioning the gaming journos.

Where was Sagi/Milly during the first game? They could have stopped Malpercio but they didn't care i guess

I thought I was crazy for loving Oni.

It’s weird because those reviewers actually unabashedly gave their two cents without bribery. Higher expectations were had for games when compared to revolutionary masterpieces at the time.

I unironically want Khalas in smash with a RNG card mecanic

It's definitely rough around the edges but my god, the voice acting is hilarious and the character designs feel like a parody of early-2000's fashion but played straight as if unaware. Most of the bad reviews probably came from how difficult it is though.

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>kalas/sagi with a magnus gimmick never
>neku with a pin gimmick never
>elma or even rex+pyra never
>instead we get fire emblem rep #234124 whose multiweapon gimmick would have been perfect for a monster hunter rep

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This game is so goddamn good

Its actually disgusting. If I had believed some of the scores I would've missed out on some good games.

How is it? I plan on getting an OG Xbox today, and I was wondering what games I should "get" after I buy Splinter Cell.

>poorly rated
It's widely regarded as one of the best games of its time what are you on about

I know it's weird, how do people have different tastes than I do? I just don't get how people can not like something I like.

if it's anything like extreme g then it's pretty boring

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Very funny. There really are some 7th gen games that deserved better than what they got Some are review scores are just flat out misleading and don't reflect the games at all. If anything the recent decade has exposed how "professional" game critics are incapable of actually assessing quality and giving higher scores to the most uninspired, streamlined, bland games out there.

Get Ninja Gaiden Black, Tenchu, Otogi, and Otogi 2

Crimson Skies
Phantom Dust

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The horror level of this game gave me nightmares as a kid.

panzer dragoon and jet set radio future since sega refuses to port them to anything

This is one expensive mother fucking game to buy for Xbox classic, hard to find. It’s an awesome beat em up.

Played the shit out of this back in the day with my brother.
Rocksteady were always based.

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Just like a man


Poor mans Jedi OutKast 2. Gameplay is really fun, lightsaber mechanics are excellent and it has a unique aesthetic and feel from it’s fellow SW brothers of that generation.

There is one game mode/level where you can fight all of the Jedi council in a ffa lightsaber melee. Incredible, played it incessantly. Not to mention the final Naboo mission is stupidly fun.

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Were you part of the crew playing yesterday?


I don't get the hate for it either.
I thought it was fun.

played pic related on a jampack demo disc and loved it, was it actually good in full? Unsure of how many people actually played it.
based, also love path of neo

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Oni was pretty fucking bad. The combat system was excellent and the story was barely acceptable, but everything else was irredeemable dogshit.

Adventure mode in this was pure kino.

did people think this was bad?
only mystery dungeon I played


critics hated that game as well as all of the other mystery dungeon games however it has a huge fanbase of furries and 13 yr old deviantart users who worship it

Don't laugh at me: Jurassic Park Trespasser was good
Also, as for the public's reception, recently I was thinking about how people have a hate boner for Metroid Fusion just like they do for Other M and every soul on Yas Forums seems to shit on it, but I really liked the edgy style, the audio, the ambience and so on.

LP2 was good but DAMN if Capcom fell apart on the tech side. That's what the bad scores were all about.
They made one of the most efficient engines of all time for Dead Rising and then they decided to drop the ball.

>the eureka7 composer plagiarized this game's soundtrack

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Really, that's the post that gave it away? Man you can. Figure this shit out in a day

I bought this game and tried to play it but for some reason it wouldnt detect mouse movement. I was too young to be able to figure out how to fix it.

wait what?

This was clearly a carryover from the Dreamcast. Maybe if they'd bundled this with another game (like slashout) it might have had a real chance

Based on you shutting the F up

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>Don't laugh at me: Jurassic Park Trespasser was good
No worries, user. I actually think that in some aspect Trespasser was ahead of its time.

What are some examples? Bullet Witch and Time Shift come to mind for me.

Hell yeah user. This and especially Path of Neo were entertaining games back in the day. The games didnt age quite well obviously, but I still think they're alright. It plays like watching old poorly dubbed kungfu movies.

>empty building simulator