How come this form has never been used again?

How come this form has never been used again?

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I'm guessing the flashing colors makes him a seizure risk, Japan doesn't fuck around with those after the Porygon thing.

Then they should just make him white like in the picture. With a bit of a rainbow aura.

because sega/sonic team are just as autistic as their fanbase and I think they really don't like the idea of there being a stronger form than super sonic

pic related was something that got scrapped from Sonic X and while a lot of kids treated it like he was some kinda Broly analogue I'm pretty sure I read somewhere it was just a rejiggered Hyper Sonic.

Attached: Nazo_%2528Sonic_X%2529.png (250x279, 96.09K)

To be entirely fair to nazofags, nazo was pretty cool

The animated Nazo series is pure newgrounds kino

Iizuka's answer is that was that it, along with the Super Emeralds, were just bonuses for S&K since S3 already had the Chaos Emeralds and Super Sonic. And around Sonic Adventure, they wanted to tone down the amount of macguffins and higher forms for the character to just the Chaos Emeralds (plus Master Emerald) and Super Sonic.

>Esto es el fin, El Huevo Grande.

Super & Hyper were inspired by DBZ, right?

Super was.

>solves the seizures problem

Attached: Hyper-Sonic.png (600x700, 350.65K)

Attached: Hyper-Shadow.png (600x700, 275.34K)

Attached: Hyper-Silver.png (600x700, 269.5K)

god i miss sonic kino

>Super was.
What about hyper? Kaikoken DBZ?

Literally 0 point to it

Doing it all with spliced audio was probably my favorite part.

because hyper sonic isn't canon.
knuckles' run starts after a normal sonic run where he only got the chaos emeralds and not the super emeralds.
this ending shows egg robo rising from rubble, and knuckles' run starts.

knuckle's run also has minor background edits showing it takes place after sonic's run.

Attached: Eggrobo-0.gif (320x224, 1.48K)

Sonic blanco?

Holy shit cringe

Because realistically Super Sonic is just a fun DBZ reference and taking it too much farther is unnecessary.

It doesn't really make sense to incorporate and also is probably pretty difficult to incorporate from a story telling perspective, it was done well in 3K but I can't see it making sense to put in other than the fact that it's "Super Sonic except stronger"

Has Dark Sonic from the X cartoon ever showed up outside of the show and fan animation?

Thank god no
Darkspine Sonic is canon tho

I've been annoyed with Sega ignoring/scrubbing out Hyper Sonic for the longest time but it does make sense

Hyper Sonic from a gameplay perspective requires chasing down the emeralds twice, or doing 14 special stages, and even if it was just a story transformation that didn't require grinding super emeralds it would still be blatant DBZ powerlevel shit that Sonic really doesn't need

It would still be nice to see as a reward for completing a game 100% or something though

>this isn't even my final form
Sonic Team doesn't even know what to do with Super Sonic, let alone any of his other forms. His super forms are now endgame content and then with Forces, the Super Sonics were fucking DLC , and were almost paid DLC.

No, but there's no point of doing that, dark sonic is just sonic in rage mode, normal power but for some reason the fandom still thinks that he's the most powerful form

He's basically the kaioken of sonic world

>It would still be nice to see as a reward for completing a game 100% or something though
This is what I have been saying for decades. Do you want the OP flying Super Sonic to be a "Last Story" thing? Okay, then just let the players control a weaker version of Super Sonic if they complete all the extra content stuff and get the 50 rings and once you unlock Super Sonic the Last Story segment changes Super Sonic for Hyper Sonic, it's that easy

Extra form bullshit is retarded and autistic.
Super Sonic should be the peak.

I actually think it would be pretty cool to have more forms than just Super Sonic but that's just me.

Canon literally has nothing to do with Hyper not showing up.

Lizuka said he didn't like that stuff, he even retconned anyone but male hedgehog from having super forms in the "main" canon
I'm surprised he let Super Tails exist again in Mania honestly, but I miss the flickies

The actual direction anything related to the Chaos emeralds is exploring what the Chaos emeralds actually are and the details of their powers, things like
>why can't Tails and Knuckles go super?
>Why can silver go super, is it because he got psychic powers or some shit?
>Can only hedgehogs go super? if so why?
>Why can eggman create robots like mecha sonic that can go super yet tails and knuckles still can't
>What does the master emerald even do other than serve as a way to seal chaos
This will never happen though since the current writers for Sonic games are complete hacks

You'll get Blue Zavok and you'll like him

Hyper was just a bonus for putting S3 and S&K together, I don't think it was directly inspired by anything.

I'd be okay with only male hedgehogs having these forms if they actually clarified the difference between the forms the male hedgehogs have and the others. Tails, Knuckles, Mighty and Ray seem to have a generic superform that only makes them glow while only Sonic, Shadow, Silver and Mecha Sonic have golden Super forms, what's the fucking deal with that? Explain that bullshit

Sure it does. It and the super emeralds were retconned out in Adventure.

The whole two worlds shit really fucked up everything along with all the other recons
Gemerl no longer exists
Silver uses Chaos Control to go from the future to the past
Blaze is now a ruler who has people lie to her face every single day
Big went from simple yet understanding to full retarded
Rouge is no longer a government spy or a thief because there's no G.U.N or government anymore or any jewels to steal she's just a treasure hunter
Shadow is now cell saga Vegeta obsessed with being better than Sonic, there now was never a team dark nor are they friends they only work together out of mutual interest
Knuckles has no real interest in the master emerald anymore, he now routinely abandons it to go play with Sonic and Tails, either storing it in an active volcano or just flat out leaving it
Eggman's plans are now more happy accidents than shit he's been doing leg work on, Lost Hex? Just happened to find it, Phantom Ruby, literally appeared on his doorstep

Archie was able to do it before it was shitcanned, why is it so hard for them to embrace a coherent world? where Sonic people and humans are on earth? Why all the pointless recons and vague as fuck stories and even personality changes?

If I'm remembering right there's some implication in SA2 that Shadow is just a prototype for Sonic in the same way the Biolizard was a prototype for Shadow, could be something like Shadow and Sonic (and Silver apparently) gel really hard with chaos juice and change considerably from it where everybody else would just manifest a glow and superpowers

Silver is related to Shadow

It's because there's no use for it anymore, Hyper Sonic only existed the devs realized that if you got all the emeralds in the first half the rest of the game would be a breeze, so they took Super Sonic away from you with the promise of a better form if you beat another set of special stages

It actually seems like the Sonic movies might be setting up some form of explanation.
Sonic now has some infinite energy power thing which explains his super speed which may or may not be related to the Chaos Emeralds - hence why he was being hunted down by an Echidna tribe in the prologue of the movie.


Thing of it is that the games are so infrequent and so rarely gloss over the larger world (since they're terrified of doing so after '06) that Iizuka can change canon as many times as he likes and change as many things as he likes and it probably won't matter by the time of the next game. "Classic Sonic is an alternate dimension and not the past", for example, who cares about that since it's a Sonic Generations retcon and it's just an excuse to drag Classic Sonic into Forces to pad out the game-time.

>why can't Tails and Knuckles go super?
They can and have, even in one of the 3D games.

I don't think you understand, Lizuka has retconned ANY super form to only happen with male hedgehogs, even the glowing Tails and Knuckles are non-canon now

I know, I'm 100% into that and my headcanon is that golden forms are the result of certain characters brandishing Chaos energy better than others, but that difference is non-existant in the actual series, everyone can go Super but Sonic, Mecha Sonic, Shadow and Silver become golden when they do it for some reason, no explanation whatsoever

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I'm just hoping that Forces flopping will be the catalyst of some sort of change to the series

Imagine how erotic super Amy would be

no they haven't

>video ends
>torterra amv: I will not bow in recommended videos
I was not prepared for this shit

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In his quest to prevent Mania team from going troo far he himself has gone troo far and must be stopped

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I want only male hedgehogs to have Super forms in future games =/= every Super form to ever happen isn't canon unless it's one of a male hedgehog

>hey sonic check out this neat gadget i made it's only powered by the rarest objects in the universe

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That's how I felt. Something cool to do after the initial first seven but not really required. Plus Hyper Sonic is hard to control in certain situations.

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Why doesn't Iizuka-san just let her do it?

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Iizuka is a coward
A COWARD I tell you

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If Tails and Knuckles aren't getting their forms back outside of Mania, there's no way Amy's getting one.

Seeing people discuss the specifics of the Chaos Emeralds just makes me more upset because Sonic Team will never have an interesting story written for their games ever again, actual stories died with Unleashed.

>Sure it does
No it doesn’t, you’re just an autistic canonfag. You literally admitted Hyper was just a bonus form meaning canon didn’t have anything to do with its inception either. They can put it in any game as a bonus if they wanted, only problem is the obvious seizure inducing color flashing.

you guys are seriously retarded if you think Hyper Sonic would flash between colors the same way it did in 3K if it was ever re-implemented