I'm a man and I'm heterosexual but I have some problems with the way some SFV characters are presented in this game;...

I'm a man and I'm heterosexual but I have some problems with the way some SFV characters are presented in this game; their sexuality is just too explicit and I really don't want to see the 1 cm of cloth in between Cammy's legs desu. This even makes characters unattractive, because if they feel like walking fan service not related to their character at all then it's no good. Why do they have to show that much?

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SFV is a shit game.

So more than half naked men don't bother you right, faggot?

Don't care, I wanna fuck Chun

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>I'm a man
>and I'm heterosexual

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>why does the woman who fights by using her legs, including grappling with them, not wear pants?
Gee user it's a real fucking mystery, it's almost as if wearing a leotard is practical for Cammy's fighting style or something

Better than IV. Well, maybe not because at least IV didn't have such gratuitous and gross fan service everywhere. IV respected its characters and female audience. So yeah, maybe you're right actually.

>I'm a man and I'm heterosexual but I have some problems with women
Nu-male homogay faggot.

>I'm a man and I'm heterosexual
>Cammy's legs desu.
Yas Forums Tranny detected

>Chunners and Cammy showing some skin bad
>Gil, Gief or Kikaider wearing only undies all the time good
>I'm a man and I'm heterosexual
Nah man you ain't

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Then pick a costume that isn't sexualized to play with, and then face heterosexual people who pick the sexualized costumes when playing against you because they enjoy it. Remind yourself that you are a faggot, and don't feel anything from the win/lose you get.

I like strong-looking chicks as much as the next guy but something about SFV's visuals just looks weird to me. I appreciate how colourful and bright it is though, seems like every other fighting game franchise doubled down on the boring darker/grittier look.

My 8 year old is always asking me why Cammy has no pants. I don't really have a good answer for him.

>Because the female body, when well maintained, is beautiful to look at.

This is a bait thread, but if you the UFC everyone is as close to naked as they can get without risking a wardrobe malfunction. If you were to go for realism the girls in the game would be wearing a tight pair of shorts and a sports bra and that's about it.

People who wear a lot of clothes would vulnerable to having their clothes grabbed or even used to apprehend them. The ancient Greeks didn't wrestle naked just for the fun of it.

>This even makes characters unattractive
the only thing making them unattractive are their huge monkey-limbs.
Most of the girls would be 10/10 if they had human-proportions; as it is now all the sexy designs of the costumes are wasted.

I prefer outfits or armor. Tho near naked really isn't bad when the anatomy is okay

I don't think giant hands qualifies as "monkey limbs". They are supposed to look muscular as hell. It's about the only fighting game that musclefies the women.

>My 8 year old is always asking me why Cammy has no pants
Because she doesn't like to wear pants.
Is your 8 year old mentally retarded?

Get a late-stage abortion.

Add the mod that makes the breasts and thighs jiggle and you'll stop thinking with your brain and enjoy the game.


>their sexuality is just too explicit
they look like fucking Sims 4 characters
unmodded Sims 4 characters
how is this even allowed?

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I know fighting games are liberal with this but an unarmed combat even where everyone is allowed to wear full plate mail would just be really slow jujitsu where the winner is whoever doesn't generally pass out first.

SF V is rated 12+ so if your 8 year old is seeing or playing SF V then that's your failure as a parent.

So im guessing you are A-OK with Gill, Urien(clothing unsealed), zangief, and Seth right?

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Is that haunting grounds bonus costume a mod?

It's a power fantasy, so why would I not be?

>Well, maybe not because at least IV didn't have such gratuitous and gross fan service everywhere. IV respected its characters and female audience.

Low T faggots should be forcibly transitioned into women. Fuck yourself you feminist stooge.

Watch out, if your wife's boyfriend finds out your looking at Yas Forums, you'll lose some of your good boy points.

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Imagine saying this to a real woman, why are you sexist? Women can wear whatever they fucking want. Are you one of those "She was asking for it" types?

What the fuck is "good boy points"?

Women can, yes. Video game females are NOT real people. So they have no agency so they are merely designed for the presumed straight male audience. This is bad.

ok faggot

There's nothing left to the imagination and it feeds into the stereotypes of gamers, which I am sensitive to.

"user, you like Battlefield 2? Please don't shoot up my son's school -- lulz!"

simps need to earn good boy points before they can use their own money for things they want, like the switch

Because its hot, fucking faggot. Go play sometying else if this upsets you and quit trying to ruin shit for others even if they are coomers

Absolutely. I's cringe to even be a "gamer". yuck.

>I'm a man and I'm heterosexual but I have some problems with the way some SFV characters are presented in this game; their sexuality is just too explicit and I really don't want to see the 1 cm of cloth in between Cammy's legs desu

Mother fucker making bring back a classic Tony meme

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I never asked why wasn't Cammy wearing pants when playing SF2 as a kid, you're a failure as a parent.

What do we think of Lucia? She tics most of the peepee hard boxes but that god awful voice make peepee soft

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See your doctor. You're suffering from low testosterone and/or high estrogen. Either way your virility is at sake here, mate.

I'll never stop wondering how faggots like you get to reproduce. Who is the woman who is willing to mate with you?

Yeah, but they've all got superpower so it doesn't matter. Besides Jiu Jitsu sounda bretty cool

you are a tranny and you are a homosexual. kys

I think it's hot as fuck, girls who can do pullups and have defined legs are the best.

too obvious

Cry harder.

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Don't ever play Soulcalibur, OP.

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Maybe video games aren't for you user, go watch some Netflix shows.

Well that just looks stupid. She has no nipples.

>censor the buttslap at release
>add micro bikinis down the line
What is capcoms endgame here?

fanservice is just so dumb
in fighting games it doesn't really matter because fighters are shit, but in anything with a story it just cheapens the world
you can do fanservice right, but in most cases it's just outright fap bait with effort put into it that would have been better served to just be put into a porno that the artists could have created instead. That way I don't have to stare at titty monsters trying to have a serious conversation lol

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That's how they make money. Street Fighter is an otaku game now, like those mobile games where you collect pngs of anime girls. If they didn't do this, the series would probably die off.

I don't think those are in game. Those are mods. The ugly proportions are worse in the mods.

I don't mind the battle bikini look, but I would prefer to have a skin with a comfy and tight sweater.

Yes, agreed totally. It gets repetitive. As you mentioned it gets arbitrary after a while. The same could be said about the muscularity in male characters. I'd rather have interesting characters, and interesting stories.

However, good writing is a way bigger investment, and appealing to the most basic instincts and insecurities of the consumer won't stop being the go-to marketing strategy as long as the consumers don't demand otherwise.

I like the melons... it's just they're absurdly prevalent in Japanese productions and well, at some point they just start looking ridiculous and all the same when you notice the real hotness of men and women has the seed to be way more interesting. Glad other people question this.

No. MK dropped the cheesecake and has sold better than ever before. If MK can do it, SF can.

Are you still whining that the women aren't anime teenagers?


Trying way too hard here, guys, next time try making it less obvious that you're from twitter and resetera.

Literally the argument of liberal retards on twitter
>My 8 year old asked why don't we just stop oppressing women at dinner today and I didn't know what to tell him

>"i'm not gay but..."
>posts gay shit


Because there are people who like this kind of fanservice and their lives aren't less valuable than yours.

There are no pants with the ability to contain them legs.