Now that the dust has settled we should finally be able to put this question to rest

Now that the dust has settled we should finally be able to put this question to rest.

Imperial or Stormcloak?

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Always Legion.

This question is kind of stupid, whichever side the DB picks will win just in virtue of having the DB on their side. I mean, you're an immortal warrior wizard thief who has killed hundreds of elves already. If you side with the stormcloaks, they'll be able to be the Thalmor by using you. If you side with the Imperials, they'll be able to beat the Thalmor using you. There is no real consequence.

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>join legion and fight for teh empire
>still kill your emperor cause some crispy chick told you to

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Skyrim for the Nords, not gonna have some faggot cucked imperial tell me Skyrim is for everyone.

Storm cloaks have the more just cause immediately, but the empire is the best choice to avoid total value elf Dominion.
Are you willing to squash the rights of a people for long term gain? Or do you stand with them knowing the future could be a lot worse.

The Dominion

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I sided with the Stormcloaks. It's their land, they're the indigenous people, fuck the Imperials they have Cyrrodil

This. Elder Scrolls has become so shit it needs to be unmade

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Uh, hello? Yes based department here. Yes, we can hold.

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Imperial, a weakened Skyrim do not stand a fucking chance against the dominion.

I played mostly dunmer and I couldn't make up my mind. Empire doesn't give shit about dunmer while some nords accepted them, but they made many Stormcloaks way too anti dunmer, especially considering that altmer are not friends of dunmer either.

Legion for various reasons, aside from the numerical and tactical superiority there's also the Dossier and final confrontation with Tullius if the player sides with Ulfric that basically tells the player that Ulfric's entire rebellion was something the Thalmor wanted to have happen to destabilize the Empire.

That being said, Skyrim's got a heaping of other issues to deal with and the Legion needs to regain the Redguard's trust before they hope to take on the Aldmeri Dominion. Skyrim is infested with lawlessness and basically has its bread basket (Whiterun, Falkreath & Riften) ravaged by poor harvests, dragons and the war itself.

I'd say also push for rapid redevelopment of the Dunmer's lands, for one getting the Dunmer on your side means you've got access to one more magically inclined race and it means the Aldmeri can't get a pincer on the Empire without a naval conflict. Also given Titty Me 2 is dead, I'd expect a power vacuum in the Empire, honestly the two best options would be a council of races (several representatives from the allied provinces) or get an Niben Imperial into the position of power, Colovians are objectively terrible leaders and are corrupt as hell, Nibens might not be much better but they're untested as far as I'm aware. If that doesn't work out, kill the Niben King and get a Breton, just try to find the one guy who isn't going to piss off one of the sub-groups of the Bretons.

If you side with imperials you are literally a cuckold in real life.

well for being anti-dunmer they sure are allowed to live in the stormcloak capital

hammerfell is thalmor-free despite being closer and having fewer natural barriers between it and summerset

>Empire literally forbids the worship of you lmao
>side with them

Yeah, nah

The Forsworn

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Mehrunes Dagon

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>We need to beat the elves by being slaves to the elves
mental gymnastics

>Ulfric's entire rebellion was something the Thalmor wanted to have happen to destabilize the Empire.

Yeah, they wanted a long conflict that would weaken both sides over time, they didn't want Ulfric to win

True, but but splintering of Empire would make it less likely to resist Thalmor.

The empire literally lets the elves roam around and round up whoever they say is a talos worshipper.
That and the elves were on the retreat, overextended, dealing with resistance back home and open resistance in occupied territories.
Every thing presented to us shout (pun not intended) that the thalmor were fucking done if the empire did not cuck out.

Crush both, give rise to the immortal vampie dragonborn kingdom.
Locate said kingdom somewhere nicer than Skyrim

>implying a stormcloak skyrim wouldent jump at any chance to fight elves, even if it ment helping the empire.. well, just cyrodil at that point.

I guess only solution is to revive EbonFC.

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I care not for the petty squabbles of these ants, for I am Dragonborn. I seek only Alduin's utter annihilation.

yeah i never quite got that bit.
Unlfic let them in and gave them refuge. I can understand some tensions and all. But the darks hate the high elves. They even have a history of teaming up with the nords.

Dragonborn could have made himself another Emperor.

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I dont play a nord so from my perspective there are just two enemies facing each other. From a rational standpoint the empire is basically trying to salvage nordic society while the stormcloaks try to ruin it for everyone including themselves.

That would be pretty fucking cool actually.

>by [name]

Cringe. Did he expect claps or something?

You fucks are making me want to play this shit game again and I dont want to do it.

>salvage nordic society
>When said society were the only unconquered human lands on the continent before the empire.
>That was founded by killing elves and got special kyne given shout magic

I think predecessors of Ulfric let them in but yeah.
I think it would make some sense and would make for strong front against Thalmor.
I didn't make it.

Install the mods user. You know you wanna.
Get yourself that strong, but submissive, orc waifu.

>The empire literally lets the elves roam around and round up whoever they say is a talos worshipper.
desu this is the most damning thing about the Empire. The fact that the Empire lets their enemies (on both a political, religious, cultural, military, and metaphysical level) just waltz around in their own territory, rooting out dissenters to their (foreign) ideology, is absolutely laughable. The Thalmor are doing exactly what the Stormcloaks are trying to do (a rough equivalent to an ethnostate), only to add icing on top they're also trying to unmake reality because MUH MER.

Tbh, I found this Thalmor enforcers thing a bit silly on writers part. Sovereign nations normally don't let foreigners enforce the law within their borders.

Maybe not, but I’m clapping

Most the conflict is silly on the writers part desu.

[x] creating my own dragon army and conquering the Empire, returning to the age of Dragonborn emperors

Hammerfell doesn't have to deal with dragons and a civil war.
If Skyrim was at full strength I would believe they'd stand a chance, a small one but a chance nonetheless, but that isn't the case.

Ulfric's father let them in since they were getting throatfucked by the red mountain erupting and assfucked by the argonians, but now the Nords feels they're overstaying their welcome.

That should have been an option. Both stormcloaks and imperials would have bent the fucking knee when they saw you show up riding a dragon.

Nah, that's the snow elves. Nords are from Atmora.

hmm. I mean, solsteim (Which should belong to the Skall but will ignore that for now) had a manpower drought. And its not like ALL of morrowind was sploded.
Yeah they kind of have havnt they?

>snow elves
Nah man its the giants. Elves are from the west.

You son of a bitch, you got me.

Solsteim isn't particulary safe nor suitable for a migration of that scale, not to say Skyrim is, but it's the better choice between the two since they were directly offered help, also while not all of Morrowind got fucked, a huge part of it did, this huge ass migration didn't materialized out of thin air, a massive amount of Darkies simply had to fuck off if they wanted to live.
They definitely had.

What other parts pissed you off?

It would make sense if the Thalmor weren't an outright independent state. If they were just a force within Summerset Isle trying to enact some political plan throughout the Empire (using the Empire as a club to enact their MUH MER MUH UNMAKING REALITY MUH WHEEL), it'd make sense.

But they're not, Summerset Isle is not part of the Empire, so it's just bizarre at best and shitty writing at worst.

About the games writing or specifically the war bits?

Both, I guess.

>Sovereign nations normally don't let foreigners enforce the law within their borders
That was exactly what Austria demanded from Serbia after the assassination of the archduke.

>but the empire is the best choice
The Empire is literally fucking crumbling before your eyes.

>No Dragon Lineage
>Lost Hammerfell
>Lost Black Marsh
>Morrowind is in shambles
>In the middle of losing Skyrim

The Empire is doomed and only lorelets back them.

>civil war
>it's tiny battles of like 12 dudes having a bar tier slugout outside of town
>capital city
>it has 20 buildings

Oblivion at least tried to present the Imperial City as something of scope.

Yeah, but it was denied. If anything, it was probably a provocation. .

imagine if the USA had to deal with blind psycho troglodyte native americans

You mean the cartels?

the civil war fights in skyrim have more combatants than any other battles in the rest of the game or oblivion/morrowind

>blind? no
>trogs? no
>natives? no
>psycho? yes
user you read one word

My only qualms with the civil wars is that some of the jarl replacements are absolutely fucktarded

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I just wanted to have some sort of property like a castle or smth where me and my vampire friends would rule over a human village whose sole purpose is to feed us basic resources, maybe get the option to raid other villages or fight wars against werewolves. Damn you Godd Howard!

>One of my most cherished parts of Oblivion was the arena, even if it was brain dead simple
>Skyrim was gonna have an arena but it was cut because lol 11/11/11 meme release date

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Fair enough.

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Youd think so right. Youd also have thought that a bunch of hairy unwashed barbarians with petty metal axes and hammers wouldnt be able to completely eradicate an entire race of highly advanced elves with magic and sophistication as great as the altmer to the point that they had to run underground.

Nords are and always have been elf rapers.

Simple as.

By principle it would be the Stormcloaks. But when dealing with the realities of life I'm forced to side with the Imperials. When Tullius said that the Legion in Skyrim is just that; a single understaffed Legion while the twenty other Legions are on the border with the Dominion, well what other choice did I have? If Ulfric can barely handle that, what choice could he ever have against the rest of the empire, never mind the dominion? If the Stormcloaks win then the empire would be forced to send several Legions which would in turn weaken the border defences (the ensuing war would be devastating with the Stormcloaks either ambushing and destroying the Legions in mountain ambushes or the Legion would just roll over them while showing little mercy to the native population, it would sow bad blood for centuries to come), in other words, it would be giving the dominion exactly what they want.

If the Empire wins then full attention can be given to the dominion. If the dominion did not exist however, I would go with the Stormcloaks because I'm a firm believer in the sovereign nation-state at heart.

Why the fuck do the blades refuse your leadership if you dont kill papa parthy after he has helped you, and all humans for eras?

Why did Elesif become jarl when she was only the previous high kings wife and not his relative? Did the last king not have a brother? Uncle? Distant kinsman?

Why cant we help influence the jarl of whiteruns choice in which side to join since we get to spent alot of time in his court specifically and help out.

Why would the empire even fight to keep skyrim? It costs lives, resources, and goodwill. All of which they already lack due to elf war. Its not like an independent skyrim would just refuse to help in the second war all know is coming.

Why make the nords 'anti-magic' when their history is full of it. And even unique types and usages of it.

Do the orc strongholds just not give a shit about whats going on and vice-versa?

>>Skyrim was gonna have an arena but it was cut because lol 11/11/11 meme release date
I heard that Skyrim had good bunch stuff cut. Fuck this...

>it's impossible to beat the federal government so just give up and turn in your guns

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I thought it was pretty clear the legion is the only choice?

>a single understaffed Legion while the twenty other Legions are on the border with the Dominion, well what other choice did I have? If Ulfric can barely handle that,
Feels like a bad writing again. Pretty sure half of Skyrim itself could field one legion or two, if current Empire has twenty.

Oblivion tried to paint all of its cities as something of scale, using Z-axis changes and having the cities loop upon themselves, and notably by having all of the buildings be multi-story and never letting you see the entire city from one view (the only time you can ever do this is in the opening cinematic, barring the sky fight in KotN), or even just a chunk of it in a straight line.

Oblivion tried to replicate the feel of cities of scale, even if there's obviously less than 20 named NPCs in some of these cities.

If the Empire were stupid enough to try and invade with more legions after being chased out and with a far greater enemy both nations rightfully hate then they deserve to die.

That means the Thalmor also has to deal with dragons and the civil war. And if the legion is so "anti thalmor" like you idiots say it is, that's a bigger problem.

telvanni best faction

An insane amount of content was cut, a lot of it you can experience in the mod Cutting Room Floor. Many interactions and locations were 99% finished but were slashed because of the release date and the poor performance on PS3.

>Civil War was going to be way more in-depth with active sieging of locations
>Mjoll was going to be involved in a quest to take down the Thieves Guild
>Windhelm Arena
>Riften in general was gutted into almost nothing, it's also why the vast majority of levelled items are in Riften and the Thieves Guild, the location was seemingly abandoned during development

Yeah, some good points. I guess orcs do indeed don't care, but I would imagine they would fight against Thalmor if it came down to it.

Fuck man the civil war had a full system behind it they cut.
Resources. Troop numbers. Fortifications. ect.

Todd, I demand remaster. With all cut shit and some more.

On all of my playthroughs, including magic ones, I play as a Nord and join the StormCloaks. Every non Nord I see gets killed on sight except for the Breton in riverwood.

Give me a plump Telvanni bride.

>let the Stormcloaks win
>take out Ulfric and his cronies and install someone moderate on the throne
>phase out the Stormcloak movement, align Skyrim with the Empire as an independent kingdom, maybe bring Hammerfell in to form some sort of an alliance
In short, just keep Ulfric away

You're getting Skyrim for Stadia and you'll like it.

If the empire has 20 then skyrim, which spared devastation and took in fleeing humans, could field just as much.

Some of the stuff that was cut doesn't even make sense.

>Cutting Room Floor
>Outside of Whiterun there's a house in front of the stables
>Two characters talking outside of the stables about Cicero having trouble with his cart

Why was this even cut? It was finished and ready to go, it's not anymore taxing on the system.

Indeed, Dragonborn (or somebody else) should just use him to install himself into power and then pick up Empires pieces back together.