Super Mario Bros. Z thread

Alvin's back, baby
Episode 2 previews:

Episode 1 of the reboot:
4K remaster of the original series(Episodes 1-8):
Episode 9(incomplete):
Episode 9(April Fools' edition):

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Other urls found in this thread:

play the game.

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I wanna see Mario and Blaze doing cool fire flower attacks.

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>The will of this world will never allow an officially developed fighting game like this to be made

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>the upscale of the original series doesn't have the original openings and credits

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>we can't pay four thousand devs for three years if only a few thousand people are willing to pay 20-30 bucks
i hate this planet so much

Some autismal part of my brain is counting every single second until I hear this in the reboot.

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i'm pretty sure alvin said he won't use that song in the reboot.

fucking love this shit like you wouldnt believe

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Here's the finished lineart of Super Crow Mecha Sonic. I didn't color it because im bad at coloring sorry

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>alvin said he won't use that song in the reboot.

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>super mario bros z first came out 14 years ago
wtf bros, someone get me off this wild ride of time

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Alvin's still using Back to Mad and the Doomsday remix in the reboot. It's the song that's inbetween(the one that plays immediately after Axem Yellow destroys that mountain) that he's scrapped.

I'm slightly worried about the amount of work Alvin is putting into these episodes. No single man is going to be able to do everything.

I hope he splits up low-effort work like typing up dialogue to other people and he can focus on the more important stuff.

What the fuck is that shit?! You must be heavily autistic to watch this.

Why the hell not?

It's fine as it is. Sometimes a clean linework looks more appealing.

He took like a 12 year break drawing furry porn, he's probably living in a high rise condo with endless hOwOkers and blow with all those furbucks
who cares if he runs himself ragged

>Meanwhile, in the Olympic Village...

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The nigga's been washing dishes.

Step into the light my friend

Hi zoomie!

I've just stumbled upon this jewel by courtesy of fellow Yas Forumsidya posters. This series looks like a childhood dream coming true and I cannot explain the amount of KINO.
where do I begin? should I start by this reboot or the original episodes?

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Mecha Sonette? Very nice

This game is actually kinda good, i'm impressed.

watch the original 8 episode remaster, then the first episode of the reboot

Mario: the jack of all trades. Useful in virtually any given scenario. However, because he doesn't truly specialize in anything, he's the one who relies on powerups the most
Luigi: has higher potential than Mario, but his cowardly nature prevents him from unleashing it unless he's really, really pissed. Can also be a jack of all trades, but prefers teaming up with other characters for combos
Sonic: the fastest and most physically fragile. He relies on blindsiding opponents and utilising high-speed combos, but if he's up against someone who can keep up with him and tank his blows, he's screwed
Shadow: the hardest hitter. Prefers to fight alone, even when it's impractical to do so, and underestimates his opponents, which usually results in him getting bodied and needing to be bailed out. Will happily partake in friendly fire if allies are in his way
Yoshi: the gimmick fighter and primary support. Good at combo attacks, can deflect projectiles and incapacitate weaker enemies with his tongue, can easily compliment the rest of the team, and is the one with the most defensive options(outside of powerups)

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>post yfw I'LL CRUSH YOU

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Is he gonna stop being a big fucking pussy and actually finish it?


It's Divine Hate from DMC3 that's gettin cut (probably because it's too "edgy" sounding out of context)
I'm fairly certain Alvin knows just how much fans love Back to Mad

Correction: you must have a vintage form of autism to watch this.

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There's less edgy DMC music he could use instead. Something like Psycho Siren or Vergil 2 at the right moment would hit the spot.


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>vergil 2
my autistic brain can only handle so much kino

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>Wonder what everybody means when they keep saying Back to Mad
>Click link, mind cycling through music I remember from SMBZ
>Link is the first one that came to mind
Ah, I see.

Shadow has a Vegeta-esqe "realizing what's truly worth fighting for" moment, pops a power up starts to brutalize Mecha Sonic
Shadow and Sonic realize their difference in methods/opinions can no longer be settled with words

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The issue is finding a moment sufficiently kino for it to play. I think you'd need Sonic to go 1v1 with Mecha or something.

It would be the perfect theme for when Shadow breaks the Vegeta-jobber curse and actually reks someone

An user in the previous thread brought up the idea of Rosalina being this series' version of Kami, and I'm all for that

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Is Metal Bowser stronger than Mecha Sonic? When they fought Mario Metal Bowser seemed much more dominant

Metal Bowser is a fucking tank, I think that's it for the most part though

>Is Metal Bowser stronger than Mecha Sonic?
I would say they are equal, except Mecha is stronger on offence and Bowser has impenetrable defences

>When a minor villain attacks the Comet Observatory as the main heroes are off fighting Mecha or some similar threat
>Rosa assumes that they're going to be robbed or even somehow Observatory-jacked
>All the Lumas gather in front of her and choose to fight, insisting on protecting her
Imagine the kino.

No. Especially not against Metallix in the reboot.

Metal Bowser is a tank, but I doubt many of his offenses would take. His shell got broken by Sonic and Shadow’s time machine, something I don’t think that Alvin would make Mecha Sonic fall to

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Metal Bowser's built like a damn tank - a heavy ass metal capsule falling at terminal velocity was only able to stun him for a few seconds(and break his metal shell, but still). Besides that, he's equal to normal Bowser
Meanwhile, Semi Super Metal Sonic was a powerhouse, but Shadow and Fire Mario were still able to get a few good hits in

meant to reply to

Mecha could probably break the shell.

>I hope he splits up low-effort work like typing up dialogue to other people
And this is how all fan project turn sour. Let Alvin do all the work or you get some faggot trying to insert their unrelated bullshit because 'reasons'.

He had someone help him with the story for episode 7 and they turned it into an exposition-fest

Nazo Unleashed >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SMBZ

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This image used to scared me as a kid and also didn't understood the joke back then

>Besides that, he's equal to normal Bowser
I always felt like he also got a power boost due to him spamming the fire balls and doing the "kamehameha" fire attack that knocked out Mario


I still don't understand the joke

Has Alvin finally snapped out of his depression?

yes, its why he's back in full force

it will literally never be finished
he'll release episode 2 and then drop the series forever
stop getting your hopes up when this shit keeps happening

Good work, user.

Nintendo may never recruit Alvin to work on an official flash cartoon with SEGA, but perhaps SEGA will recruit them for a Sonic flash cartoon, they seem pretty desperate these days for Sonic content.

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God, are you fucking autistic 13-year-olds? Watching all-new impressive animations is one thing, but this is just a bunch of pre-existing sprites made to look like a fucking edgy anime. It's the shit 12-yo autistic minecrafters and r*dditors you laugh about like, and yet here you are cuming over some edgy 2000s linkin park-tier shit.