Ultimate failed to kill Melee for the third time. Maybe next time bros

Ultimate failed to kill Melee for the third time. Maybe next time bros.

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stinky shower lol
there, i said it, this thread can die now

more and more melee "gods" are retiring or moving to ultimate and once they're gone and there's no more idols to worship smellee will die

Just move on.

why are meleefags so obsessed with ultimate? its like theyre craving for relevancy

aren't they both (all smash game?) part of some big ass world tour circuit now or something

it sucks that Nintendo's longer-than-usual drought has resulted in literally every Smash thread being bait

no one asked/cares

>melee is nearly 20 years old
>armies of virgins continue to foam at the mouth every time ultimate is brought up
>ultimate is objectively better then melee
they require relevance to survive, otherwise they are just shine addicted autistic manchildren

>m-melee is well and alive!
>Showcasing record low attendies in Melee focus tourneys


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>2020 is the YEAR OF MELEE
>Literally dead on the East Coast
>Not a single tournament with 100+ people outside of north cal and florida


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Damn I guess League of Legends is the best game ever then

>had to squint and skim the entire thing to find what you were pointing at
This is one time obnoxious red arrows or zoom ins would've helped.

There's been one shitposter who has been spamming and possibly starting these threads for a few months at the very least and got caught recently. Here's the callout post

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LoL has 8mil daily log ins, Melee players are well known for not playing their game anymore, they literally hype up really shitty match ups. 2018 and 2019 Melee is fucking boring compare to the golden age, and it shows, not only because Ultimate ended up being a fantastic game, but because Melee players are not at their peak anymore, thanks to the lack of new players.

Players make a game, that why a Jigglypuff main is the top player, because of Match experience, no dexterity or because he is actually fighting good players, Melee has no blood left.

Yeah but it's more popular and accessible to casuals so League must be better than Smash as a whole right?

What? why are you comparing apples and oranges? also, League is not a bad game when we talk about it on Technical aspects to the point where you can carry 3-4 dead weights in your team, it has some really shitty designs and horrible balancing issues that are done on purpose, but it definitely does not depend on shitty glitches and bugs to improve its gameplay

I don’t understand why melee and ultimate fags won’t just leave each other alone. Do you really find it necessary to waste time arguing over smash bros of all things?

Meleefags are scared of their game dying from events and ultimatefags are probably just annoyed at meleefags, since I suspect that vast majority of current Smash community has never even played Melee in their lives.

The issue is that Melee is using Ultimate to try and stay alive like a parasite, the community has no new players coming in anymore, so 90% of their tournaments have Ultimate as a side event to try and attract new players into their community(Which never works), while bashing Ultimate, making Ultimate players uncomfortable af.

If Nintendo supported the Smash community Melee would die so fast you could barely blink.

>What? why are you comparing apples and oranges?
You are doing the same when you compare melee to ultimate so why can't I do it too? Popular = good, you said so yourself.

They are both Smash Games. They both are run together 90% of the time on the same venue. They both brought most of its player base through its iconic characters, one of Smash's biggest features. The gameplay is extremely similar.

Comparing Melee to Ultimate is apples to apples, LoL to Dota 2 is Apples to Apples, Melee to LoL is just being oblivious, you need to go back to school son.

If something is more popular than it is good. Your subjective opinion doesn't change that fact. The objective of game developers is to sell the most copies so by virtue of being more popular Ultimate is better.

And in spite of this there is hardly any player overlap and there's even vocal people in the communities claiming melee is not part of the smash community which I agree with because melee is only similar to the new games in name alone.

as a melee player who was ranked top 3 in my country and spent insane amount of hours on a bullshit ass stale game like melee is, ultimate and melee are not at all the same thing, at all
god I hate 0-2 doc kids

>the communities claiming melee is not part of the smash community which I agree with because melee is only similar to the new games in name alone.

You see, this elitist attitude is why other communities laugh at you guys, acting like petulant children.

No matter what you say Melee is a Smash game, because the man that created the game give it its name, not a community full of children that never got to grow up.

SFIV and V have massive differences that set them apart from II and III, but you don't see autistic kids in those communities saying those games are not Street Fighter games anymore. You really think Melee is not a Smash game just because hit stun is longer and mobility options that came to be because of bugs take away the game name? fuck off my dude, I am so glad everybody can see how retarded you guys are for once finally


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*blocks your path*

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It's been really rough week since I...threw that crab at hungrybox

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The ones who claim melee is not part of the smash community are ultimate players and there is nothing "elitist" about embracing that mindset as a melee player because the new smash games do not play like melee. They all just improve upon the soft gameplay reboot that brawl had. That isn't to say one is strictly better than the other in all aspects but they're different.

See if the melee community wasn't so fucking autistic and bitter I would be inclined to believe this but one dude offering help to the guy does not mean he's the one starting the threads.

Meleefags are annoying. All you faggots do is jerk off to the people who are actually good, which is like five people if that anymore, and don't actually play the game yourself. You go on about how much Melee has so much more tech skill and whatnot than Ultimate, which is true, but why does that matter to you when you can't even pull off any of the shit your "gods" can do? I mean for fucks sake, playing Jigglypuff is just stalling like a bitch the whole time, which isn't difficult, and somehow Hungrybox is the only person on the fucking planet capable of doing it.

>The ones who claim melee is not part of the smash community are ultimate players
But you are literally claiming that yourself.
Do you even read the shit you write?
To call you hypocritical would be an understatement.

How are you going to claim you know what you're even talking about when you weren't around for the whole "years of research" shit Salem started?

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Why do people keep praising Ultimate? No one discusses it outside of roster threads. I never see any gameplay mention and the game's been out barely a year. Once a new Smash is out, it won't be discussed anymore like 4 and Brawl before. Melee will continue to be mentioned.

>Go into thread about ultimate gameplay
kek when Sakurai actually caved and nerfed K. Rool you should have known the players are just shitters and whiners that only care about dlc speculation.

I hate Doc kids, I remember when I went to a local and a stupid kid keeps talking shit and how I didnt have real skill because I prefered playing ultimate, then moneymatched him on melee and cheese him bowser up-b, the worst thing is that the guy only did shine wavedash, dash dance and lasers without really thinking about it.

Honestly they're also probably jealous, I still play melee for nostalgia and the adventure mode and stuff but people who hate melee probably suck at it, and get angry when people do better than them

Most of the people in this thread fall into that category yeah

Looks like more than that to me. You can tell his schizo way of writing.

I'll take things that never happened for 500, alex.

>If Nintendo supported the Smash community Melee would die so fast you could barely blink.
Aren't they threatening to pull sponsorships if tournaments don't fucking move on from Melee?

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>Game is apparently popular enough to have third parties want to give funding to it
>"But it's dead and using ultimate to leech off of it!! NINTENDO SHUT DOWN THAT BIG MEANIE SPONSOR MOVE OOOOON!"

When was the two first tries?

Wall of text with a kermit picture doesn't mean your post is automatically correct. Quite literally nobody cared about those games and tr4sh was replaced with melee on sunday the following year because it's a game that's somehow 10x more boring to watch than it is to play.

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stop screen posting your own screen cap, your argument was never impressive

Not my posts but Kermit always has a way of eloquently BTFOing meleefags. Move. The. Fuck. On.

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Salem quiet is saying that the Melee community does not consider themselves part of the Smash community if you read his shitpost, he is not claiming they are not, user please stop, you just making yourself look worse.

>"Melee isn't part of the actual smash community"
>He is not saying they aren't
Sorry I don't speak aspergers like you do so I wasn't able to pick up on what Salem actually apparently meant which is the exact opposite of what he posted apparently.

Salem quite literally will not shake hands with any melee player besides M2K so yeah he definitely does not consider them to be part of the smash community and channels his high functioning autism into hatred for us.

well this aged terribly

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Somebody post the webm of the guy being devastated that melee wasn't on the list for that big tournament

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wow he played the game. holy shit. so kiiinoooo!!!

post more circus man please

why is literally every match in ultimate a floaty matchup?

the knockback is so wierd

It's not floaty you're just used to everyone being a fucking brick in Melee.

Agreed. But it was pretty close!

why does knockback generate so much smoke? its so bad to look at

yeah, I don't know why they did that thing with high knockback and then a sudden instant falloff. Feels so strange while playing.

It's a good effect. It's way more interesting and realistic than melee's approach that is just making single puffs of smoke periodically. Sorry you hate fun and exciting things. That's why you stick to melee.

>That's why you stick to melee.

sure will

ive never played ultimate so i dont know how it feels, but its jarring as fuck to look at

the knockback speed at the beginning makes it looks like he's at 300% even at like 50%

Melee players are like the friends you knew in high school. You thought that they were funny and cool because they could shoot the shit. Years later you realize that they never actually grew up, continue being loud and opinionated, and stink like beer and B.O.

>Frostbite 2020 (Ultimate only event) reeked bad enough for it to be trending on twitter
>Suddenly stinkyposting in Melee threads drops dramatically
Apart from the single ironic first post I don't think I've seen a thread involving melee not overrun with shitposters.

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damn broke the streak as i pointed it out, we were 65 posts in too

I think Mango said it best

Other fighting games are like classical music, it's all arranged, you execute in a particular way and do combos in a very set order

Melee is like fucking jazz

The thread started as a Melee shitpost thread and you expect it not to be? Also, the smell was the least important aspect of my post. Not like any of it was a lie either.