>that guy in your CS course who "wants to make videogames"
That guy in your CS course who "wants to make videogames"
>tfw stopped liking video games during college
>take CS with an interest in videogames
>fail because I'm a brainlet and can't code
>learn blender, find a coder
>get into videogames that way
there are other ways, bros
Video games is the field which pushes the limits of computer science most so it seems like good way to get the most out of your degree.
She must be Canadian
>wants to make games
>learns to code
Why? This isn't the 90s anymore
You need to draw, 3D animate and compose music
You barely need any programming skills
>the virgin unemployed games design student
>the chad 6 figure salary software engineering student
>he wants to spend the majority of his waking hours doing something he doesnt enjoy just for money
Yeah that's called a job
>mfw I make this post one day
>now all of Yas Forums believes it
>he belittles everything you do.
>he keeps talking shit to everyone
>all he does is whine and complain about the easiest shit
>tfw you find out he's autistic
Everyone can realize this just by going through a Unity tutorial
What are you talking about?
Unity is very hard to get into if you dont know any coding though
>that guy in your CS course who "wants to make videogames"
That would be machine learning user.
>in CS
>want to make machine intelligence waifus
>or a chatbot that can assume the personality of fictional characters
i'm never telling anyone in my class
>that whore who is useless and gets in everyones way
Sure buddy, that's because all you want to make is a 2d platformer or an FPS.
>that friend who went to Full Sail for game design
>constantly proclaims how awful video games have become and that he needs to get hired to fix them without a shred of irony
>his goal is to become so good at WoW Arenas Blizzard hires him as a tester or balancer and then promotes him to developer
>he graduated 4 years ago and has yet to even get an interview anywhere
Nope, the machine learning field is already solved.
Any CE chads here?
Machine learning and AI is a scam
Don't worry OP you'll make your video games one day
How do you handle autistic classmates that latch onto you? I want to tell this fucker to fuck off but at the same time I'm going to feel like an asshole.
you only need a couple months of programing to know how to use unity for fucks sake. if you want to make games, learn how to draw and how to 3d model because that shit takes years to get good at
Be an uncharismatic antisocial loser
Worked for me, not even the autistic wanna be my friend
>fell for the cs meme
this, if you want to make a game that does something new, then unity or other game engine wont have the tools for it. If you are making game without programming then you are more or less modding.
Does he wear programming socks?
I am actually studying game design
Can't do that bro. I'm a social whore.
I can handle being on the weekends alone but if I don't talk to anyone the entire week I get depressed.
That's like half of them, the game creation major is huge where I am
just stop, make a game now or do something else
realistically, most game development role nowadays are non-challenging.
If you want challenge you've got to go into hardcore science and engineering.
I'm learning blender right now too uwu
I have literally no free time to do that.
what about the blender game engine that disapeard, is that still relevant to learn?
>tfw I stopped liking vidya after having sex
I have no idea but I don't see why you would bother with anything but UE4, Unity and Godot. It's still there but not getting updated I think.
you can't be good at something unless you like it
you can't make good money unless you're good
no, but learning how to model in blender to then export to a game engine like unity/unreal is useful
do I need to know anything about art to start blender?
>he doesn't want to spend his years coding enterprise software
why live bros
As a pilot, I can tell you both of those are dead wrong bucko.
>not doing IT
>not wanting a comfy job where you can shitpost while getting paid
passenger plane? how do you deal with the pressure that you can kill everyone? is it more easier than it looks, once you get good, or do you pray to god each time your landing the plane?
>Be in IT
>Starting to get low patience with clients who have the intelligence of a brick
I don't really care about the workload and I understand stressed clients, but when you have someone with a really high position emailing you "IT DOESNT WORK!!!!! MY COMPUTER IT STOPPED CANT WORK AT ALL". It really ticks me off how these fuckers get so high in their company when their communication skills are fucking SHIT.
I'm a first officer for a major airline; you get over being afraid of landing the airplane after your first or second flight. You're trained to such a degree that any emergency situation is just going to drive you to work off muscle memory and it's always cool to get the confidence boost of handling an actual IFE.
Honestly at the end of the day it's just a boring slog, I equate it to driving a large ass car, any of the novelness of it is lost on me at this point.
And the amount of retards you have to deal with on the day to day grinds you to dust man.
t. Gear monkey
I hope you have art skills, because knowing blender without being able to make something aesthetic isn't gonna help you much.
why are 90% of cs students incels?
my plan is to just make a lot of money then hire people to do the work for me
>take cs undergrad
>get to 4th year
>lots of group project classes
>people still don't understand flow control, design, data structures, or the paradigms
I worked as an intern in IT and it was astounding how much you get paid for doing so little
Most people who direct good videogames didn't even studied to be programmers as a main career, or if they were, like Carmack, they probably weren't shooting towards that goal.
>you can't be good at something unless you like it
>you can't make good money unless you're good
Either you never worked an hour in your life or you suck at flipping burgers
>wants to work in one of the biggest industry in the world
>HAHA what a loser!
Why do something you hate rather than something you like?
Failed 2 years ago now i do shitty security in a train depot
>shitty pay
>long hours
>constant crunch times
there are a million different fields you can get into with CS that don't have those
Most of them that go in saying they want to make games drop out anyways
probably because it's one of the shittiest industries to work in as well
I'm actually going back into school for CS, should be 2 and a half years. How can I separate myself from everyone else that does CS and get a decent job once I get out?
>graduated with cs degree
>found a smooth 8-4 entry level programmer job paying $52k a year at a bank
>just spend comfy hours listening to music making simple GUIs or updating old software, even if its literally just 1 line
>learned a buncha shit in 4 months that makes 4 years of college feel like a waste of time and money
> get home and have enough time to grab a bite or some drinks at a sitdown place, workout and play vidya for a bit before bed
Im so glad i didnt fall for the gamedev meme. I'd be getting like 2 hours of sleep and making less money. I'm pissed about how hard.i had to learn retard sorting algorithms and things like Big O notation or even fucking discrete math because ive yet to fucking use any of it.
Work for a city government thing or a hospital. Even police departments need CS people
For me doing GUI and simple stuff gets very boring fast. I need things to be challenging for it to be fun. Also the more challening stuff you know, the more job security you have, since you are irreplaceable.
That's why you make your own studio.
You are irreplaceable, but you can't make more than 60k a year. It's not so great.
>tfw stopped liking video games during college
>tfw started liking making video games
I sucked at flipping burgers thats why I became a programmer
>fresh out of school
>in debt
>make your own studio
All you need is small loan of a million dollars.
>fail because I'm a brainlet and can't code
I don't get this. Coding is the most logical thing in the world right after math.
How can you not understand it?
>shitty pay
>long hours
not everyone is american