Your HP: 100

>your HP: 100
>your damage: 1.000

>enemy HP: 10.000
>enemy damage: 10

why do rpgs do this

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if you put all points into VIT you'd be in the same position as the enemy

To make the player feel more powerful

>your hp: 9999
>your damage: 99999
>enemy hp: 10000000
>enemy damage: 99999

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Imagine playing RPGs

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so you die in 10 hits and the enemy dies in 10 hits
whats the problem

How do i put all my points into VIT in Xenoblade 2?

>your damage: 1.000
Bullshit, especially for jrpg where it takes half an hour to kill a boss.

who said anything about bosses

>half an hour to kill a boss

Because stonks go up

>need reflect on whole party
>summon carbuncle
>have some gem equipped that makes it do haste instead
>cast water-all on my now non-reflected party
why god

you hit 4
enemy has 8 hp

now you hit 40
enemy has 80 hp

What the fuck was the point

level up noise

>git gud
You mean grind for an hour to beat the boss 15 min quicker.

Talking about the number stretch, not level ups

but I mean that's why you do it despite it not making a single difference it's because the level up noise is great


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make them infight

I don't think you understand what is being said

if you're questioning the design decision would you rather early enemies take over an hour to kill or late enemies are irritating damage sponges

he IS in the same position as the enemy...

I don't think you've played RS

I replayed SMRPG a while ago and i disliked this so much, attacks in that game are pretty weak unless you're getting your ass handed by multiple enemies at once

That's the only reason why Culex is a hard boss, and you can completely negate that by using a null-elemental equipment

That's fucking gold.

Jesus fucking christ he is somehow worse at JRPGs than me.

Remember that image whenever someone says jrpgs are too hard and grindy

I mean, to be fair a lot of NES-era JRPGs are literally just grindan.
But that pretty much stopped being a thing during SNES.

this players have less hp to make it easier to keep track of

>level 2
>"Heavy strike: Deals 4-7 damage."

>level 90
>"Heavy strike: Deals 1,204,785 - 1,288,900 damage."
>bosses have literally billions of health
Why do MMO's all do it? Even RuneScape, a game where a fucking 7 would be a decent hit, that moved into the tens of thousands eventually.

The 'number stretch' was to give a reason for the Strength levels/boosts between the max hits. Ie you might max hit for 20 damage at level 80 strength, and levels 81-83 would still max a 20. Now it could be 200 at level 80, 203 at 81, etc. Personally I liked the old system, hitting those chokepoints felt more impactful.

The stretch to Prayer was to fix prayer flicking, at 10x the number you could no longer indefinitely keep prayers up by rapidly turning them on and off.

High damage numbers for me is synonymous with trash game.
At that point all those numbers are meaningless, inflation of values to show progress has exact opposite effect for me.

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>your damage: 1.000
>enemy HP: 10.000
that's not even close to accurate
idk what gay-ass weeb rpgs you've been playing, but if they include decimal points of damage your playing trash

>your HP: 100
>your damage: 50
>enemy HP: 300 (torso)
>enemy damage: 30

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so why not have 100 health and 10 damage for both the player and the enemy
are you retarded

Nah this is just retarded notation. There should be no comas or dots between those digits but niggers can't count their zeroes.

>level 1 - hp 100, dmg 10, enemy hp 100, enemy damage 5
>level 20 - enemy hp 10k, enemy damage 500, your hp/dmg: minmaxed 10k/1k, normally 1k/100

Could be worse.

>your health: 99999999999999
>your damage 9999999999999999999999999999
>enemy HP: 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999
>enemy damage:

it looks cooler

It doesn't though.

It's like fucking modern Disgaea where you either one shoot enemies or they one shoot you.

It's easier to understand while at the same time making things feel more powerful as you progress.

it do


>tfw even though you start doing millions of damage per shot in borderlands you feel weaker than even because enemy health scales so hard

Path of exile has such a strange system.
HP and damage progress linearly up until around level 65, then all of a sudden damage starts increasing exponentially while HP growth starts to slow down

>Just right tier
3 figures
>Okay tier
4 figures
>Pushing it tier
5 figures
>Please stop tier
6+ figures
>baby tier
1 figure
2 figures

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This shit can get so stupid if you also have reflect/berserk/charm or anything that can get PCs to attack each other or enemies to attack each other.

It means those spells can be an instant party wipe if they hit you since PCs can kill eachother several times over in one attack but are completely useless if you hit enemies with them since they deal pathetic damage compared to their HP.

2 figures with 3 figures being reserved for endgame bosses is the ultimate patrician tier, you CAN'T argue this

A lot of modern RPGs (PS1+) try to stop people from grinding with specific mechanics or just EXP escalation, or having another value you can't grind but it's vital to succeeding.

>Diablo 2
>use aura that makes enemy reflect FOURTEEN TIMES their melee damage back onto themselves
>does 1/5th of their hp

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you moron...

>Most bosses barely get into 3 digit numbers
>end boss(es) have 3K HP each
my dick

Starting in low double digits and ending in high triple digits with some minmaxed builds reaching quad digits is divine perfection

This, desu.

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Fire Emblem always does this right
>player units and enemy units obey the same stat rules and have proportional health and damage
>start game with units having 20-30 health, end game with the beefiest units having 50-70 health
>having an attack hit 3 figures due to a crit or effectiveness bonus feels satisfying
>final boss usually has health in the low 100s, with the exception of 3H which has multi-tile monster bosses with AoE attacks, stagger and positioning mechanics, extremely high health (going up to 584 health on one route's final boss on the hardest difficulty) but the potential to deal enormous damage to them in turn

God I hate playing endgame with a non-tank build

Bullet sponge games should fall off the face of the earth


says the niggerposting

In softcore it doesn't really matter as much but in HC there is no other way to play.
Also the best way to not die is kill shit fast.