>game caters to reddit
>it turns to shit
Why does anyone think that listening to reddit is ever a good idea?
Game caters to reddit
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Literally who wanted any of this to happen? I don't think even Reddit suggested shit like item drops from neutrals.
leftist nepotism. this is how they ruin every other company and series. they hire their own kind, make changes based on feedback from their own kind, and believe that the only preferences that matter in game design are those demanded by their own kind. reddit lives in a bubble where they are the center of the universe, in reality their opinions are not even shared by those mainstream of people.
It wasn't JUST Reddit it was that autistic esports spectator fan type plaguing the game. Every shit change was designed to make it more fun to watch with no regard to whether it respected the game's core design resulting in the Nu Dota shitfest. I miss when you could pick an early ganker and completely shut down a core from coming online at all, now it's "oooooh you traded 3 for 1 but your team was ahead shouldn't have done that bucko here's 2000 gold to the losers"
pretty much. the comeback mechanic and turning every hero into a team fighter absolutely ruined the game.
>something changes
>boomers cry
just remove outposts and add sideshop and there's no problem
have sex
>game always catered to reddit
>game was always shit
fuck off redditor.
>recipe that combine SnYnK is a drop
It can only be reddit who can come up with something this retarded.
Reddit is like a plague infesting every good competitive game and turning it into shit. Though I hesitate to call SC2 good, because it never was. Pure shit and merely a shadow of its predecessor.
I stopped on 2013.
How much this piece of crap have changed?. People says it worst than lol and easier.
Will they ever fix how this trash controls? Controlling a single character like an rts feels like shit and it only still plays that way due to tradition.
They added shrines, objects on the map that instantly heals you to full in the span of three seconds.
It's the same thing with Fortnite
Nobody but streamers and Reddit likes how building is the only viable strategy in the game, but every time there is a weapon or something that can actually counter buildings somewhat Reddit and Streamers cry and whine until the devs nerf it.
wow so the thread is full of people who dont play the game, ignoring the fact that its pretty good now
>game has been losing more players than ever
>"i-it's good guys I promise!
Most people complaining about the game WANTS it to be good but Valve's incompetent and focus on making the game a spectator game rather than a game fun to play makes people stop playing.
Turn rate is good, you fucking casual. If you'd stopped to think why it exists, rather than whine that it's just a holdover from the WC3 days, maybe you'd realize why it's still in the game and why it's integral to the way characters move.
no matter how much you cry, you clearly left the game long ago and you keep ignoring the fact that the game is in a pretty good state now.
which heroes were turned into team fighters
>comeback mechanic
>ruined the game
go back, zhang
you wanna know how I can tell that you started playing in 2019? I was playing Dota long before you was even conceived. I know more about Dota 2 than you ever will, and I know for a fact that you don't know shit about Dota 2, so fuck off.
Those have been gone a long time, buddy. Shrines are now contested locations that grant vision.
Spoken like a true NPC. You're a sheeple listening to the bullshit that Valve feed you right from the source, their ass.
ive been playing dota since 2008, kid. Dont tell me whats good and what isnt.
That Valve really should be replaced with Sony. Everyone besides their cult of Snoy sees them as the biggest shitposters on Yas Forums.
So they heal you to full AND grant vision now? That's even worse.
I started playing dota in 6.40
in 2007
I still play dota
it's a better game now than it was 4 years ago
Go back to r*dd*t, dumbass. I played from 2013 to 2016 and I still read some of the updates. 7.00 was the tipping point that brought Dota 2 downhill. Ever notice how it's been leaking players since then? As much as you niggers all like to blame smurfs and (((toxicity))), it can't erase the fact that it was Valve listening to r*dd*t that ruined this game.
auto attacking feels like shit
the way you move feels like shit
casting abilities feels like shit
Mobas suck anyways, but controlling better would help.
Valve is cancer. Dota 2 would be in a better state if Riot was running the show instead. It'd have more frequent updates, better balance, more heroes and a healthy playerbase because Riot knows how to market games.
which heroes were turned into team fighters
>comeback mechanic
>ruined the game
go back, zhang
memepush is fucking cancer but I bet you've never experienced anything like it in your crusader bracket
These threads are so fucking stupid.
>which heroes were turned into team fighters
All of them.
One does not simply understand the ways of ice frog.
oh no it not the feefees :((
in what way is bane now a team fighter
Thing is, Icefrog isn't working at Valve anymore. He got in a dispute with Gayben so he's fired now. He's been gone for four years.
No, you not liking the game anymore is not proof.
7.00 is proof. It obviously wouldn't exist if Icefrog was still working at Valve. They obviously fired him because he didn't accept Gaben's tyrannical, greedy and selfish demands.
>icefrog doesn't work at valve
>looks at new clockwerk aghs
>icefrog doesn't work at valve
every comment you have made in your entire life should be reviewed and discarded
>auto attacking feels like shit
You want attacks to be instant and have no recovery frames?
>the way you move feels like shit
This is just a nitpick. How the fuck does the way your hero moves feel like shit?
>casting abilities feels like shit
Subjective opinion. Landing a spell in Dota always felt good and satisfying, unless you miss all the time, which you probably did.
You keep saying "feels like shit", but I think you're the one who doesn't like ASSFAGGOTS.
You saying it's obvious does not make it obvious. Again, you not liking the game is not proof that he left.
>Dota 2
>any MOBA ever
Tsk tsk. People and their nostalgia for the garbage they played when they were young.
>right-winger is retarded and thinks a business that makes millions of dollars is communist
every time
Then provide proof that he's working because anyone with a brain can tell that Icefrog haven't been working on the game ever since 7.00.
If Riot were running the show the game would be barely functional and most of the new heroes would be weeb/chinese bait, cosmetics would manage to be even more obnoxious, League is shit and it only manages to keep a healthy playerbase because it's so popular, most people I know play it only because they want something they can play with their friends and LoL is the most convinient choice.
Dota 2 under Riot would still be better off than Dota 2 under Valve.
7.24 is the best state the game has been in in years.
I'll take the bait.
Around 6.80 almost every strat was viable and you could influnce what was the best way to win the game with your pick.
You picked furion? Well now you can try to play rat dota.
You picked drow? Well now your team can all go ranged to gain additional dmg
You picked pudge? Well now your enemies need to watch out where they step or they ll get hooked.
Now, there is the laning phase and as soon you hit your key item you want to 5 men all the time and every single hero just wants to press all his spells at the same time during the teamfight.
You picked drow? Well you gotta be close to get the bonus.
You picked pudge? Well you need someone to stun the enemy for you, till you get something at least.
You picked furion? Tps cost shit and Travel stacks with your tp.
Ironically only techies isn't part of this mess, for now.
It's just Tencent astroturfing.
>You picked furion? Well now you can try to play rat dota.
You can still do that
>You picked drow? Well now your team can all go ranged to gain additional dmg
It's ranged agi heroes now, but you can still do that, but it's slightly harder to execute because positioning now matters
>You picked pudge? Well now your enemies need to watch out where they step or they ll get hooked.
This is still true, but pudge always has been a dogshit hero.
>You picked drow? Well you gotta be close to get the bonus.
Positioning now matters, yes.
This makes the game more demanding and skillful.
>You picked pudge? Well you need someone to stun the enemy for you, till you get something at least.
Maybe if you're bad.
You picked furion? Tps cost shit and Travel stacks with your tp.
This just means you need to play better.
I bet you don't even understand why "split pushing" is called "split pushing" or why you do it.
>Around 6.80 almost every strat was viable and you could influnce what was the best way to win the game with your pick.
because in 2014 everyone was still awful at dota, the modern understanding had only just been invented at TI3. The reason the game is now like this is that everyone has gotten much, much more skilled at this game. An average 5k mmr stack today could easily win the first 2 TIs. Watch some of those old replay, people, even pros used to be garbage.
Icefrog is clearly being polite to Valve despite Gabe being a monstrous asshole and don't want to risk ruining Dota 2 by revealing that he haven't been working at Valve for a long time.
no, not every strat was viable
since ti3 and alliances run, metagaming has been the name of the game for the professional scene. ever since then all teams have tried to metagame and crunch to get a 1% advantage over the enemy because personal skill matters much less now than actual teamplay and cheese strats
the fact of the matter is that every single ti winner from ti3 to ti9 won because they figured out a surefire way to win at the game, the casual players try to emulate this and pubs suffer because of it
you can blame this on valve for primarily, but not only, balancing the game around the pro scene, but you should blame it on the casual scene being so obsessed with the professional that they try desperately to emulate it
so where is your evidence he does no longer work at valve
Have sex.
7.00 and all of the remaining patches including the current one. Icefrog also wouldn't have accepted league of legends heroes like Monkey King, Pangolier, Mars and Snapfire.
They are HoN heroes, not league of legends heroes
not evidence, purely anecdotal
Dota 2 is dying because all new heroes are made broken on purpose to push Valve's pay-2-win model. Monkey King, Pangolier, Dark Willow, Grimstroke, Mars, Void Spirit and Snapfire were broken on release because Valve wanted cosmetic sales for them.
I ll give you that I have
exaggerated when I said EVERYTHING was possible (still no mid techies, sadly), and I agree about your point of view about the metagaming (minus the alliance part, metagaming was always a thing, people just hate how alliance won).
So here is my point of view:
Pros find a way to have better chances to win the game (for the sake of the argument let's say they are right), every other player emulate them because of course they do. At the end of every TI our favorite frog (or gaben itself, it does not matter now) try to shake things or nerf the FOTM.
To conclude my point was that there was a patch (I don't even remember which one exactly, it was before the sniper+troll thing IIRC), where most of the strats had a good shot.
Like, maybe our draft was greedy and now we need to 3 lane, maybe the opposite is true and we can have someone who roams costantly, maybe we can punish their carry with an offensive 3 lane. We do not see this stuff anymore
but user all of these STILL WORK
I can give you 5 games each of where I've won/lost because of splitpushing, where the late game draft won, where the early game draft won, where the team with the heavy reliance on team fight won, where the team with the heavy reliance on team fight lost because they never got to team fight etc etc.
so when you tell me the game sucks because you can't do this or that I unequivocally know you're either lying or is so shit at the game these things never happened.
>first tweet is right before 7.00
Yeah, seems legit.
I think this is his Chinese account: t.qq.com