Finished this today and honestly the closest game to absolute perfection

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>forced party AI
>boring, randomly generated dungeons
>story spread thin between hours of cyclical slice of life mundanity
>a pointlessly long final boss fight

Forced party AI is definitely irritating, but from a story standpoint, it fits the themes of the game in you needing to rely on others

>boring, randomly generated dungeons

Well to be fair, it's not like p5's scripted dungeons are not any less boring.

>he didnt use the controllable ai cheat and 2x sped through the dungeon

Yeah no, the symbolism is WAY too heavy-handed and the plot is a little too anime to take seriously at points.

In terms of story, cast, soundtrack and atmosphere? Definitely IMO.
In terms of gameplay, social links and pacing? God no.

>>forced party AI
The tactics system works just fine, just like it did in dragon quest 4
>>boring, randomly generated dungeons
Better than most jrpg dungeons
>>story spread thin between hours of cyclical slice of life mundanity
I sure hope you dont think other persona games are better than
>>a pointlessly long final boss fight

Persona plots are anime as well in 4 and 5, it's just that they feel like your average shonen stuff while 3 was still edgy PS2 SMT and that's what makes it better

How can I rely on others when their AI is, well, unreliable? Not to mention it needlessly dumbs down the combat.

>Well to be fair, it's not like p5's scripted dungeons are not any less boring.
They absolutely are far less boring. P5's story dungeons feel like actual levels with puzzles and set pieces, not just gauntlet floors full of randomized loot and enemy encounters.

The social links were great, especially Akinari's entire story line. Pacing didnt bother me as much because I used 2x speed to skip the boring in betweens. The only truly bad thing about the game personally is Tarturus being so repetitive.

All of those are faulty though. The Ken/Shinji bit is super forced and the plot spins its wheels for 2/3rds of the game, the soundtrack is all over the place and the atmosphere gets fucking tiring with the DEATH DEATH MEMENTO MORI getting shoved down your throat at near all times.

Really? I always feel like they are a slog to play through. And it would be too generous to call those puzzles.

>I'm a gay retard

All those when you could have just said this

>Dude we found a robot girl and she has a Persona
>And so does this dog!
>And there's a team of edgy dicks with Personas including Hipster Jesus!

the robot girl actually has plot relevancy unlike some shitty fucking retarded teddy bear i know

Teddie's your initial guide to the TV World and is literally doing everything he does to get SOMEONE to validate his paradoxical existence. He's the other side of Yu's coin.

>Better than most jrpg dungeons
What is your frame of reference when it comes to "other JRPGs"?
Yeah, god forbid I dislike having to retry a 30+ minute fight multiple times because of some late stage party AI fuckup.

>And it would be too generous to call those puzzles.
I mean, I'm not expecting some Alundra-tier stuff out of most JRPG dungeons. The games are way too long to warrant forcing complicated puzzles onto players.

I wouldn't way Teddie doesn't have plot references, and his story is fitting to the games themes. But I will admit he's an annoying fuck most of the time and Aigis is far superior.

yeah that's a bit of bad faith on my part, he does have some plot relevancy, i just hate him because he's everything I hate regarding mascots. I didn't play P5 but I heard Morgana was even worse apparently

Akinari's was great, most of the other ones were you sucking up to them for friendship points even if it's the most retarded choice.

Sure sure.

Personafags need to be lined and sent to the concentration camps.

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Because I played 4 first, I was a little frustrated by the S-links feeling more like you were just a helpless observer as people torpedoed their own life, and the atmosphere being kind of a weird boarding-school/club, but I really loved it all the same.

Even including 4 and 5, Yuko is still best girl.

The P3 protagonist and Yukari should become nudists.

Yeah but I mean I rather sped through p3 and p4 dungeons then to hear PT says

>"Hey, The door is locked."
>"I wonder how can we open this?"
>"Oh. We had to get a key!"
>Hold R2 and walked around

Those things don't matter much in the early game but around Futaba and Haru's palaces, those shit get really annoying.

Get gud

>What is your frame of reference when it comes to "other JRPGs"?
I said most JRPGs. Which means most JRPGs out there. There are JRPGs with better dungeons obviously, but not many.
>Yeah, god forbid I dislike having to retry a 30+ minute fight multiple times because of some late stage party AI fuckup.
I never had to retry because of the AI fucking up. Use the tactics system like you're supposed to and you wont have this problem. Just a case of git gud.

What's the issue with gated level design, exactly? I'll take putting in some effort to navigate a dungeon over the cheap dopamine rush of cyclically fighting and looting through hundreds of simplistic gauntlet floors.

Shit taste Misturu4life

I loved this game when I played it a few years ago, but goddamnit it is a chore to replay with huge chunks of nothing, shit SL's (with a few exceptions) and being a very repetitive game overall. Still has a special place in my heart, but it is just a decent game for me.
P3FES is better for first playthrough, P3P is better for a replay.
>not Liz

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>In terms of story, cast, soundtrack and atmosphere?
not even the best in its series.

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Persona pre-3 should be referred as another series as they share nothing in common with the rest
neither P2's soundtrack are that good aside from a few standout tracks

Man I want to replay FES. But, what if they suddenly announce a remake HAHAHAHHAA

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This. They are completely different in everything they do.
Even personas work differently.
That's the best part. You are not an almighty savior of everyone you meet in P3, you are just some dude they know. It felt forced and dumb in both P4 and P5 because here everyone you meet gets their life completely changed for the better. P3 felt more human.
based lizchad

>You are not an almighty savior of everyone you meet in P3
Except you literally are. That's the story.
Besides, it's not like they let you into their life any less, they just babble about their deepest secrets to you and you don't react in any way.

i completely disagree. 1 and 2 should be acknowledged MORE so atlus might bring back the aspects of those games that worked. both the okada trilogy and the hashino trilogy have their strengths and weaknesses, and ideally the series should combine the strengths of both.

Well TECHNICALLY you are because the ending, but in the S. Links you aren't.
Most of them don't expose their deepest secrets to you, you don't have a lot of super close friends. Hell, even SEES is not that close to each other.

>You are not an almighty savior of everyone you meet in P3
you're literally emo jesus in p3, saving the world from nyx. ffs, your ultimate persona is jesus. if door-kun isn't a "savior" figure, then nobody is. i don't understand why p3fags lie about their game so blatantly.

God you suck. I finished the final fight the first attempt on my first playthrough. Did you not prepare for the final fight in a jrpg correctly?


another annoying thing p3fags do is pretend their game's flaws are actually deep statements.
the social links are the way they are in p3 because they're poorly-written, poorly-planned slogs. if door-kun wasn't intended to be a savior figure, the ending would have been completely different. the real reason why it doesn't feel like he's making an impact on his acquaintances' lives is just poor writing. they didn't figure out how to make social links work until 4, and it shows from how much better femc's social links are in p3p because they're closer to 4's approach.

The party AI is fine
That's every Persona game
You're supposed to care about the characters...
How bad are you?

I really don't agree. They all open up to you about extremely personal shit, some outline plans they have that are going to ruin their lives, and you go like "..."

Don't get me wrong, I don't hate the s-links, a few of them were just super frustrating to me. If a pal of mine is trying cripple himself for life, for example, I'd have something to say about it.

Persona 4 has Teddy and a teen idol / detective
Persona 5 has Morgana

Persona became so ADULTS ARE BAD in recent games that I miss when it had some based adult party members.

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I can't believe those two thread were made by the exact same guy. Crazy, right?
I'll never understand this stupid stance that retards on Yas Forums have where you aren't allowed to like both SMT and Persona

Stop falling for memes

I want Dagda to show up in a Persona game to actively sabotage all your social links because fuck having friends, mommy issues are the way to go.

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>The party AI is fine

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desu she's literally the only character I've had issue with that besides Ken / Koro sometimes using insta-kills on bosses

P3 fags are so fucking delusional

There should have at least been a way to disable the AI's use of certain skills


>how much better femc's social links are in p3p
found the fag who wants to be a little girl to get hit on

you should've just said that you wanted to have a cock slammed up your ass and we would've understood what you meant user

Fuck 4A but Dagda was pretty based

>even using Mitsuru
You brought that on yourself.

>Persona became so ADULTS ARE BAD in recent games
get your own opinion instead of parroting memes.
>I miss when it had some based adult party members.
p5s has one.

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It's not a meme when P5 is literally ADULTS BAD the game

Would like to see remake of this game. It's my favourite persona game

>p4 fags are trannies and homos
It makes sense.....

Dab on em

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Nah 4 and 5 shit all over AI Edgy Emo Persona 3.